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 Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!

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some dumb bird
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Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu 19 Apr 2012, 11:17 pm

>Respond to moirail

Quote :
RT: Rawr, get going! I cannot help you anymore Tarruk!
RT: You need to find a way out yourself! Gr... and quickly!

>Meanwhile on Prospit

A young troll awakens from her tower. Headed outside, she wanders the golden paths of the moon, Prospit. Her directions seems... anywhere really. She is not swerving, but her stride suggests she just wants to walk outside. Nothing is more grand than a city of gold... such a sight to behold. Another troll is walking along not far away.

>Greet him

As you pass, you stop to give the troll a greeting. What can you say? A city of gold is something that uplifts your mood!
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu 19 Apr 2012, 11:42 pm

>Answer friend
Quote :
TG: no... n-no... i th-think not.
TG: i-it's time f-for me t-to f-fight.

>open up a can of whoop ass



oh. okay.
You charge the lumbering beast, your gauntlets' pneumatic components preparing to make your already devastating punches that much more destructive, and you dive forward, the stupid beast striking where you ere a moment before. As you slide between it's legs each arm smashes out, sending brown carapace and dark red blood toward you. On the other side you quickly right yourself, and jump into a tree to reach the now kneeling monsters back as it tries to turn, and leap astride it's neck. From this vantage point you unleash a deadly barrage of punches that still fail to penetrate it's thick armour around the neck and head, merely stunning the beast. You jump back into the trees, your eyes reflecting a deep terror even as your mouth remains set in a determined grimace. as the horrorterror reaches for you once again you jump back before jumping forward ONTO the arm, and begin punching it in the second elbow, quickly shattering the weak join and leaving the arm useless as the end dangles useless from the destroyed stump. It stares at the wound, then back at you, and roars in anger before reaching out with it's second and third arms, pulling it's toward you while it's fourth swipes at you. Once more you retreat to the trees, circling around behind. this time you ignore it's armored head, and instead leap into the middle of it's back, quickly pulverizing each of it's shoulders in turn, leaving it defenseless with it's knees shattered and arms destroyed. Now that the beast is weak, you walk around in front of the massive monstrosity and push it onto it's back as it yowls in terror. You climb up it's stomach, over it's chest, and stand before it's head, before you grab a branch snapped off the fall, and jam it through the beasts eye.

it occurs to you your moirail is probably worried about you.

>reassure Drache

you look around for your husk top... and great. the monster landed on top of it and crushed it. well, looks like it's time to head back to the hive...
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Apr 2012, 9:40 am

((Suggested listening for this post and probably any other posts in this conversation.))

>Renew search to find someone to talk to. 

You sit on the side of a golden bridge, your legs dangling off the side. You look up into the sky, seeing that weird as shit Skaia place you heard about when the people here could still stand you. To tell the truth, that was the only reason you could stand this place; it has helped you keep tab on things happening while you are still passed out. Right now, the clouds are being blocked out by... Something... Flying... What the hell?

>Readjust your clothes in anticipation of conversation. 

God dammit, there is no conversation! How many times does it need to be said that no one wants to talk to you?!

You readjust the golden sleeves of your coat and then your scarf anyway. 

>Be greeted by...



Who in the hell is this?


-10 points of SMOOTHNESS. 

You now have -1006010 points of SMOOTHNESS. 
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeFri 20 Apr 2012, 12:11 pm

>You have been questioned

Indeed you have! You keep the same friendly smile as you answer.


It really is beautiful today in Prospit, and sunny-colored, shiny shiny golden streets, with the golden towers all around them is like something out of a story. This place truly uplifts your mood! Even better, you are wearing clothes of a golden color! What could be more exciting then wearing gold?

Anyway, this person you are talking too... He seems a little... tense? Uneasy? Maybe... slightly irritable? Who knows... let's see what he has to say!
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some dumb bird
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Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 9:31 am

Quote :
OF: //-Would you look what the tide dragged in.-\\
OF: //-I was almost concerned, Kiyalla.-\\
OF: //-All joking aside...Iaclea, calm down. It's one troll.-\\
OF: //-I'm not that happy about it either, but seariously.-\\

>Attention! You are being addressed elsewhere.

Right. Why so uniform in telling her?

>I'm a soldier. And before long, you will be too.

I'm sorry, Dacile is too busy responding to her friend's plan to hear or acknowledge this statement.

Quote :
-- obstinateFury [OF] began responding to obdurateDeadeye [OD]
OF: //-You are reely getting into this hate thing aren't you.-\\
OF: //-Watch yourself, or people might start getting the wrong ideas.-\\
OF: //-I'm trusting you to stay professional in this matter, Iaclea.-\\
OF: //-But yes.-\\
OF: //-Permission to glub up Amatus, granted.-\\
OF: //-Be forewarned. If something goes wrong, and it's your fault...there will
be consequences.-\\
OF: //-For all of us.-\\

-- obstinateFury [OF] ceased trolling obdurateDeadeye [OD] --
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 11:01 am


Quote :
VE: i reallY don'T geT whY yoU guyS arE sO angrY aT havinG tO plaY witH mE....
VE: buT i guesS you'rE stucK witH mE oR somethinG????
VE: i coulD noT plaY....buT theN yoU wouldn'T havE youR eightH playeR~
VE: sO i guesS i'M iN! (X|3
VE: whaT typE oF gamE iS thiS anywaY?
VE: ooH, doeS iT involvE romancE~~??
VE: i lovE thaT stufF! (:|3

You are refraining from responding to the rustblood with the greatest possible restraint. Going into a black-rant right now would probably be the only thing to get you kicked out. You're also trying to act like you really don't know what's going on with them hating you. To tell the truth you still don't understand it. Why are they so mad at some private quadrant nonsense anyway? They must be silly~!

>Be Interrupted

A new window opens up on your screen, and you suddenly remember that you were just flirting with another troll a few seconds ago. Well, time to continue the log!

Quote :
--apollonianSymmetry began trolling vividEloquence--
VE: sO yoU couldn'T staY awaY lonG enougH, coulD yoU~~?? (;|3
AS: .Believe us our intent was and still is quite the opposite of what you thinK.
AS: ?How in god's name did you think that we were trying to flush-flirt with yoU?

VE: becausE oF....i supposE EVERYTHINg!!!!
VE: the way y<3u tried t<3 c<3mf<3rt me....tell me everything was <3kay....y<3ur calm demean<3r and y<3ur <3h-s<3-st<3ic text~~~~
AS: ?...Um are you sure you aren't mixing up the quadrantS...?
AS: ...We're quite sure that what your deluded self is describing is much more appropriate for pale loverS...
AS: .Which we made no suggestions that we werE.

VE: n<3 n<3, y<3u're the <3ne getting it wr<3ng!
VE: pale l<3vers are best friends until the end! y<3u kn<3w, bffsies fourever?
AS: ?!!?
VE: flushed l<3vers are r<3mantic balancers, the perfect c<3mpliments t<3 each <3ther's pers<3nality!
VE: just like us~~~~ (;|3
AS: .We're feeling very very uncomfortable right now just to let you knoW.
AS: !We just clicked on the wrong username on the "online" lisT!
AS: )::( ?!Can't you understand thaT!? )::(

VE: but that just sh<3ws that it was meant t<3 be!
VE: it was a chance meeting, as if fate had tied <3ur heartstrings t<3gether!
AS: ...Alright then but listen we got a bit sidetracked by your ranT...
AS: .We wanted to say that we were sorry for stirring up any sort of sad fantasies in your sick heaD.
AS: .Clearly the apology isn't needed noW.
AS: !!Because you're practically insanE!!

VE: sad fantasy????
VE: n<3! it's the exact <3pp<3site!
VE: it's a meant-t<3-be fantasy!
VE: a prem<3niti<3n <3f <3ur unity~~~~
VE: <3f <3ur fluids mixing t<3gether t<3 bec<3me <3ne and sent t<3 the m<3ther grub!!!!
VE: <3ur bloodline will carry <3n f<3r all eternity~~!!
--apollonianSymmetry gave up on trolling vividEloquence--

>???: Be Terribly Confused and Frightened


>Amatus: Be Terribly Confused

Wow, what was that? Some trolls really are stupid! You kind of feel like you need to take a break from all of this sensuous drama and flush-flirting. You're considering going upstairs, but your lusus is out right now. He really doesn't like it when you do things without asking him. Well, "asking" isn't exactly the best word, since he can't talk. Maybe letting him know? But then again he sometimes says no. Or just growls a lot. Wow, communication with lusii sure is confusing!
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Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 11:25 am

((listening wheeeeee))



Wow, okay. You wanted to have a conversation with someone and here is a someone. Even if they are annoying. 


>Go back to the other, more important Troll. 

Quote :
OE: Oh, so terribly sorry, darling "sister". 
OE: Shorely you knew that I would be busy with more important things, though. 
OE: I'm taking time out of my quite busy schedule to play this game of yours.

Which isn't actually true. All you were going to do today was probably mess with some lowbloods. You know, devastate a neighborhood or kill some lusii. Nothing major. 
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 11:48 am

>Dead!Drache: It's not worth it

Yeah.... Talking to him is going to be like talking to a brick wall considering the way he does shit. This is just trivial past matters now. Back on track now, the game.

Quote :
RT: Grrr... I don't.... Think so, Amatus.
RT: Speaking of which.... This game, based on what you said, sounds like it requires us to work with each other correct? Growl?
RT: I suppose that means we each need servers and clients? Grrr very well.... We should decide that right away.

>Dream!Drache: Respond

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some dumb bird
some dumb bird

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Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 12:12 pm

>Dacile: Interrupt the voi-

Oh cod. You can't let Amatus get off on romance again. He'll flirt it up with probably all the trolls in this memo.

Simultaneously, knowing him.

Quote :
OF: //-No Amatus, there will be no romance in this game if I am still alive and kicking.-\\
OF: //-I swear to cod if you flirt with even ONE of us...-\\
OF: //-I will flip my shit and do an acrobatic glubbing pirouette off the handle and into your hive to beat some sense into you.-\\
OF: http://-Cod.-\\

You swear you are THIS close to flipping all of the shit.

All of it.

>Respond to your Commander

"What the glubbing hell? You reely think she's better than me? Yeah, well, whatever. Glub you, dude."

Quote :
OF: //-Oh of course, Kiyalla.-\\
OF: //-I would expect nothing less from someone as high standing as you.-\\
OF: //-We are all just prisoners in your royal underwater castle, Your Majesty.-\\
OF: //-Sorry for disturbing you, Highness.-\\
OF: //-Your humble servant thanks you for allowing her to bask in your presence.-\\

Ugh, she's your friend, you guess, but it pisses you off when she acts all high and mighty.

You mean, it's okay when you are both FLARPing together, because during the session, you both are all high and mighty. But outside of that? It just makes her seem like a bitch. You don't like feeling like you're not as good as her, because you know you are.

You don't get any sassier than this though, because even sarcasm is pushing it a bit with her. Can never be too careful around that witch.

>FLARPing together?

Oh, yeah! You two are the terror of the seas together, none other than the Darkwater Duo. Your team name is known throughout this side of Alternia, who knows, maybe even all across the planet!

You guys are pretty much a big deal.

Your FLARPing alias is [The] Vindictive Soldier and you rake in rewards with your 'sister' Kiyalla on a daily basis.


Yeah whatever. It looks like Dacile is about done with you, weird voice.

>Do not disobey a higher Officer.

"Just shut up. You're so annoying, gog."
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012, 9:28 pm

>Iaclea: Respond with mix of glee and rage

You maniacally grin as you think of all the ways you could sickeningly torment Amatus, and -DID SHE THINK YOU WERE BLACK FOR HIM?

Fucking. Hell.

Too late to backpedal. Oh well. At least you'll get to torture Amatus.

In a purely platonic manner, of course. Just let him know what a horrid ridiculous flirt he is...

Why the hell did you want to do this again?

>Iaclea: Forget about that. You've got more important stuff to do.

Quote :
OD: *kay s* d* we have the client and server s*ftware available
OD: S* we can get the damn sh*w *n the r*ad
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed 25 Apr 2012, 4:43 pm

>Epsilon: Casually introduce yourself.

no, I wIll noT, you IdIoTIc voIce, I have oTher ThIngs To do

>Make a comment on the memo that you made.

you still find this voice very annoying.

Quote :
AA: well IT looks lIke everyone Is here
AA: and guess whaT guys. amaTus wIll joIn us, even If anyone objecTs, so hurry up and decIde who wIll paIr up wIth who.
AA: also I do ThInk The clIenT and server sofTware Is all on one dIsc maybe

You get the feeling, this will be an interesting game.
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some dumb bird
some dumb bird

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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed 25 Apr 2012, 5:24 pm

>Dacile: If he really means that much to you....

W-what?! No! He's just a very important player in the game, is all. And...he's your friend. He'd be just as disappointed as you would be if he didn't get to play this game with you....

You decide to bring it to Epsilon's attention that Xemxem is not quite here yet. And therefore, this is not everyone.

Quote :
OF: //-Epsilon, I do believe you're forgetting someone.-\\
OF: //-Xemkal is not present, nor does he know what is going on.-\\
OF: //-I've tried contacting him privately about this matter, but I'll try again shortly.-\\
OF: //-We can't play without him.-\\

>Troll this 'Xemkal' fellow


Quote :
-- obstinateFury [OF] began trolling deathlyBluecoat [DB] --
OF: //-Xemxem, you're the only one left.-\\
OF: //-Everyone is waiting on you...-\\
OF: //-But no worries! I guess you're off doing some criminal hunting or something else important like that.-\\
OF: //-I won't let them play without you, and even if they try to, I won't.-\\
OF: //-...Because you're my friend and you're important to our progress.-\\
OF: //-I guess I'll talk to you whenever you get back...?-\\
OF: //-Yeah. I suppose I'll wait for you later, then.-\\

-- obstinateFury [OF] ceased trolling deathlyBluecoat [DB] --

Yeah...a lot of the time he's not around. But when he is, you like to talk to him, he seems to understand a lot of your problems. He's too polite though, sometimes, for your taste! But he's a good friend, nonetheless.

You proceed to stop even thinking about smiling immediately and tap your fingers on your desk in boredom, tired of kickboxing for once and tired of this song your iGrub is playing.

No you're not tired physically, just tired, you think as you change the rock song blasting out of your speakers to something a little less angry for once.

A little, mind all onlookers from another universe.
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Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed 02 May 2012, 2:45 pm

>arrive back at hive

well... not quite yet. it's a long walk...

>hurry up


>NOW arrive back at hive

Yes. Now you have arrived back at your hive. This fills you with a sense of accomplishment for some reason, and you feel the need to do a victory dance. You procede to have the cutest victory dance of all time, before a loud noise startles you and you jump into a tree.

>let go of tree

letting go of the hanging branch, you gracelessly thump to the ground, leaving a small impact crater. You quickly rush inside, fervently checking behind you for monsters. When you are inside you slam the door closed and double bolt it. just in case.

>collect computer

oh! right! you need to let Drache know you're okay! she's probably so worried by now! you remember that the last time you did this to her you didn't manage to message her before she was almost to the forest, you were so scared she would go in and get lost or wander into the swamp... you do miss her being able to rush over when she's worried, though. you can't stand that jade blood for what he did to her... you hate him as much as you hate anything.
which isn't so much loathing as... general mild irritation. you aren't very good at this whole "hatred" thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeWed 02 May 2012, 7:51 pm

>Drache: Respond to the group

You do so

Quote :
RT: Grrr... so we shall be choosing partners or rather servers and clients now?
RT: That to me seems like the logical thing to do, rawr....

>It seems your moirail has not sent a report

That can't be good! You remember the days when she didn't respond and you would have to go searching for her. There was even a time you almost fell into a swamp. Stupid forests. Darn trees always confusing you. It's not like you can run over to her now though, you can only hope she will be fine on her own.

>Check on her, dragon

Quote :
RT: Tarruk? Are you ok? Growl?
RT: I can't come to help you...rawr....
RT: ..... Tarruk....grrr.....
RT: Oh grawr please don't be dead......
RT: Grawr you Amatus.... burn in dragon fire for what you did...
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PostSubject: Re: Fatesealed IC. It's time to revive this zombie!   Fatesealed IC.  It's time to revive this zombie! - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 11:13 pm

>Viriel: Quit being lame

Lame? You're not lame you're awesome.

Quote :
NS: 「So I guess this means we're all going to play this?」
NS: 「Well okay then.」
NS: 「I guess I'll participate as well.」

>Look out the window

You look out the window. Well damn this is so freaking fun. You see... dirt. Just a little hill of dirt outside. Why did you even do this?

>Waste more time with pointless activities

You just proceed to waste more time. You kick some paper on the ground, break a few pencils, and other things like that because damn why not?
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