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 Roleplex: Not even once

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Patrician of Ankh-Morpork

Posts : 1564
Join date : 2011-09-29
Age : 33
Location : Bird school, which is for birds.

Roleplex: Not even once Empty
PostSubject: Roleplex: Not even once   Roleplex: Not even once I_icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2012, 6:04 pm

So I think everyone knows about Roleplex by now, so I'm not going to worry too much about giving it the Streisand effect.

Let me make some things abundantly clear.


Groxlord and his friends are not somehow enemies of the forum. One of us had a bad relationship with him. That is all.
The people (and things) that this forum was made to get away from are either still confined to the Sporum or gone. They are not somehow embodied in Roleplex. We are out of the public eye, and there is no conspiracy against us.

Their forum is not an attempt to supplant us. The people here have, for the most part, already left the Sporum. One forum or the other will not totally monopolize everyone's attention, and thus the two forums are not mutually exclusive.

They may be easy targets, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to pick on them.


Their forum's first day opened with a flame war. I assign no blame as to who started flaming first, except to say that we did not make a good first impression. Today, I saw people suggest races to see who can get banned first and suggestions for a DDOS.

Roleplex: Not even once Head-desk-1

Seriously, people. Let's try to handle this in a rational fashion. If you want to go on that forum and be supportive, fine. If you want to ignore it, fine. If you want to be disruptive, you do so without my blessing or anyone else's. All you will do is make yourself and all the rest of us look like assholes. As a group, we need new blood. We do not need to return to the general attention by being immature.

I like to think that this is generally a fairly mature group. Please don't prove me wrong.
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