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 This fucking conversation

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This fucking conversation Empty
PostSubject: This fucking conversation   This fucking conversation I_icon_minitimeTue 05 Mar 2013, 7:32 pm

needed to be shared. It's between me and a guy I've been talking to on another site. He wasn't ready for me.

I start the conversation, the >> Joural and >> Cyanwulf are who is being responded to. I know I could mark them with names, but this is faster and I'm lazy.

Quote :

I had a handful of friends that tried to convince me to write a clopfic with their OCs,(okay, one of them said it as a joke, and I started threatening the others with it) and I considered doing it for a while before not. Does that count?
Quote :
>> Joural


I should threaten Razed with including him in Pegalust when he's mean to me
Quote :
>> Cynewulf

You should threaten everyone with that. It works in every situation. "CUT ME OFF IN TRAFFIC? I'M WRITING YOU INTO PONY PORN!"
Quote :
>> Joural

You are the best person today.

I like you

Yes, yes I am going to milk this until it's dry. You don't even understand how many times I'm going to think and say this
Quote :
>> Cynewulf

I am the best person every day.

It never runs dry. When it seems like it has, just give it a couple licks and it'll self-lubricate.
Quote :
>> Joural

... well


That description, I

... I need to go write something excuse me bye
Quote :
>> Cynewulf

Write something, huh? Is that what they're calling it these days?
Quote :
>> Joural

*eyebrow waggle*

Why yes

that is what they are calling it

Writing in a Gdoc
Quote :
>> Cynewulf

I am assuming that writing is a euphemism, and Gdoc means Sock.

everything makes sense now.
Quote :
>> Joural You just continue


I think we should be friends Joural

Yes you are excellent

Quote :
>> Cynewulf

I am the all

when my bad jokes commence

they eat their own tails until they become naught but slithering, eating rings.

Which I then put my penis in.

What do you think? Should I invite him over here? If only to watch him explode at the infinitely spawning sex jokes?
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