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Posts : 1417 Join date : 2011-10-21 Age : 30 Location : land of trees and ice(Canada)
Subject: Re: silly comics Fri 03 May 2013, 7:18 am
haha yes I remember that comic
and the fluttershy one doesn't have context, it just kind of is(also, it's by a porn artist, and I randomly found it on deviant art. I was slightly disturbed to realize that 98% of what he made was marked mature. 0.o)
not technically a comic, but EH
Also, I know, MLD, anyone with taste wants to light me on fire right now, but trust me, this is good. It's RD presents, which is basically just Rainbow reading stories and making fun of them, with silly voices. "she had her mask on backwards, but it was okay cause you could tell she was late getting ready in the morning and had to rush out the door too fast to put it on right. Anyway, she pulled it off to turn it around and it was freaking Rainbow Dash!"
EDIT: what do you mean I need to post a real comic? Rainbow dash being silly isn't close enough? Fine, have El Goonish Shive!