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 Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)

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Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) Empty
PostSubject: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 5:03 pm

Two men were conversing in a rather shabby office, one sitting behind a desk with uneven legs and the other standing in front of said desk, arms crossed, a bemused smile brightening up his sharp features.

"I'm sorry, what's that you just said?" the man behind the desk asked.

"You heard me."

"Ambrose, you know I… uh… I…" His voice trailed off with each step the man in front of him took towards him until he stopped right in front of the desk and leaned forward, placing his palms flat on the flat surface. He was leering in a distinctly predatory way, and his teeth looked a tad pointier than they should have. "…Ardois?"

A rather scrawny adolescent with a shock of bright crimson hair, deep blue eyes, and a splash of freckles across his slightly crooked nose poked his head into the office. "Yessir?"

Ambrose turned and gave him a look that made him shrink away slightly.

"Who's that?" he squeaked.

"A colleague of mine. Don't mind him. I need you to do something for me."

"Uh huh?"

The man sitting at the desk sighed and leaned back to rest his feet on the desk. He closed his eyes a moment, then looked from Ambrose to Ardois and back again. He bit his lip. "I can't. He's my son. I--"

He never got the chance to finish what he was about to say; Ambrose had just lunged at him, knocking his chair to the ground. Ardois started to come into the room, then immediately backed out when he heard the sound of tearing flesh. This was bad, really bad. Really, really bad. He started to run, but the words that followed him from the room made him stop right in his tracks:

"Remember what you are, boy."


Oh look, more cryptic things yay! Fortunately for you guys, none of your characters will be meeting my friend Ambrose for a while. Trust me, that's a good thing. This is another one of my roleplays where I give you nothing but a setting, except this time I actually have a plot and the only hint of it you have is one act of violence and cannibalism. You guys like that kind of stuff, right? 'cause if not, you're prolly not going to like this at all. Hoo hoo.

Anyway. Setting. Not a small town this time, but a city. Not all that huge, but not small either. Crime rate's not all that high, but of course there are some seedier districts where you're more likely to get mugged than assisted if your car happens to break down there. It's autumn, so crisp air, starting to get a little chilly, the leaves from the two parks turning up everywhere, etc. To the north/northwest, there's a pretty thick forest. Eastward is a big ol' lake which flows into a river that pours into this huge-ass waterfall that drops into a ravine deep enough to almost always be full to the brim of mist. It's called the Maw because it looks kind of like a giant mouth. Teenagers like to have bonfires around it, as there are a lot of urban legends about it and the things that supposedly lie at the bottom. South of the city is the main highway people use to get in and out, and most of the streets that branch off from it eventually wind down into little gravel roads that lead the way to the various farms dotting the countryside. There are a few abandoned buildings in the city outskirts and the forest, and rumor has it that there's a ghost town at the bottom of the ravine, but everyone says that that got destroyed by flooding years ago.

Um. And the city is called… uh… Calgary. Not the one in Canada. It's in West Virginia. Okay.

The plot will start when I want it to. M'kay. If I haven't given you enough information, let me know and I'll dump some more on ya'.



Use your brain. Follow the normal rules of any roleplay ever. No spamming, godmodding, metagaming, being generally terrible, etc.

Don't post more than twice each in between my posts. I don't care if your characters aren't anywhere near mine; I don't want to come home to two or three new pages every day. Normally I'm okay with this stuff, but these days I am finding it increasingly difficult to process more than a certain amount of information.

Pretty much, don't overload the OP. Kay? Kay.

You know how I am about grammar and all that jazz. Especially with my OCD ratcheted up tenfold by my meds. I will actually cut you if you don't make an effort to utilize good grammar and spelling. Like. I will come out of your monitor with a knife and cut you with it. Don't think I won't.

Oh yeah, this is gonna get dark. And gory. And possibly raunchy. But that doesn't mean it's okay to have your character be a serial killer/rapist. That's my job.

Respect me and your fellow roleplayers.

If your character dies, they die. But I mean like, I usually don't kill people, so don't worry about it too much.

Characters. Right. I may or may not be reaaaally picky about who I accept. But I usually tell you what doesn't fly with me, so you can always fix things up and try again.

If you want two characters of the same gender, then you must have one of the opposite gender first.

This is my plot. If you want to offer ideas, okay, PM them to me and maybe I'll integrate them but don't make major side plots/plot twists that will have a significant effect on my designs unless you have my express permission to do so. And if you do have plot twists involving your character's backstory and all, don't be too ridiculous.

Speaking of which: don't be too ridiculous. Don't be an attention whore. Be realistic. You all know how I am, and if you don't then you will soon find out.

If I tell you something, pay heed to it. If I tell you to do something, fucking do it. Or stabby stab stab stab.

Um yeah. I dunno. These are a lot of rules so I guess I'm done.


Character Sheet

Name: (First and last, normal, blah blah blah.)
Gender: (Yeah I think you know how this works.)
Age: (Um. Teenagers or young adults but if you want an older or younger character, talk to me about it.)
Appearance: (Details. You know.)
Personality: (My favorite part.)
Bio: (Okay, I'm sick and tired of sob stories so please at least try not to be overly tragic here.)
Important Details: (Stuff that we all should keep in mind about your character. Even if it's been said before in your sheet, if it's important than you should put it here because important.)
Writing Sample: (In character, using this character. Show me how well you can write because I want to know if I'll be able to stand your style or not. Sometimes I just can't even read posts by people because I hate how awkwardly they string their words together. I'm a conceited bastard, I know.)
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Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 5:03 pm

Character List


Name: Enoch Weaver
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Enoch is that guy who all of the other guys in school want to be; he's 6'2'' with a fucking deliciously sexy body-- all lean muscle and stuff-- and short, vaguely spiky dark hair. It's somewhere between black and brown, closer to brown, really, and is ridiculously soft. Like. Ridiculously soft. You don't even know how soft it is.

He's known for being that one guy who never looks ruffled or anything, but as of late he's been looking a little disheveled. He can rock the stubbly look and all, but the whole forgetting to shave every few days thing coupled with the dark circles under his (usually) bloodshot, eyes make it rather clear that he's having a hard time these days. Because it's way too early in the school year for him to have been up all night studying.

His clothes were always really well-fitting-- hugging his body in all the right places and all-- but once again, he looks like he's having a hard time. He usually wears preppy stuff-- shirts and ties, khakis, nice black pants, nice shoes, and sweater vests because swag-- and he still does, it's just that he doesn't look as neat in them as he should. His ties are always tied all clumsily, his pants are all crumpled-looking, his shirts tend to be full of wrinkles with the collars not quite right, and everything just looks a little baggy on him, suggesting that he's lost a lot of weight since he bought his clothes.

He still has his air of coolness and all, it's just starting to crumble around the edges. He's starting to fall apart at the seams. It's a little sad considering who he used to be, especially because of how downright depressed he looks when he thinks no one's watching.

Personality: Enoch is a sweet guy. Well. I mean. Not really. He's nice to some people. Those people being his friends. He's got a reputation to uphold, after all, and he can't just go around being nice to everyone. That's not cool. Treating the nerds and ugly kids like they're humans brings you down to their level. He's got to make them wish he would talk to them, but then never do it because that's how popularity works.

Seems like all this kid is concerned about are grades, pretty girls, social status, and-- seeing as he was a star quarterback on the football team last year-- sports. Pretty much your standard popular rich kid. But honestly, he's a lot different this year. He's way quieter and less focused in class (not that it's far enough into the year yet for anyone to be focused) and he seems like he's really tired all of the time. Like. Really tired. He's already been pushed to the edge of his friend group thanks to the rumors that he's been doing drugs and he doesn't seem at all concerned with regaining said friend group.

He seems really resentful towards his older sister, Holly, these days.

Bio: Born to a wealthy business man and his beautiful wife, Enoch has always had the life that most people envy. On the outside, that is. His mom has always been unemployed, but that doesn't mean she's a housewife. Hell, she's really not even a mother to him and Holly; she handed them right over to the hired nursemaid, Maria, as soon as possible. He and Holly were pretty much raised by that women and spent most of their childhoods trying to get their parents' attention and approval. They got every material thing they wanted, sure, but they didn't get the familial love that they craved, just the stern but friendly caring of the nursemaid.

Holly was a pageant girl, having been beautiful ever since infancy, and Enoch was the sports boy, dumped into soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and tennis clinics as soon as he was old enough. Holly always got more attention than he did, being the firstborn, and he was always trying to outdo her in an attempt to get both parents to pay attention to him instead of hers. Once they started school, they were pretty even academically even until around seventh grade, when Enoch started having some difficulties. His parents hired tutors and all, but Holly still got perfect grades while his A's were mixed with a few B's.

Seeing as Holly was not only as athletic as he was, but also smarter, more popular, more musically and artistically talented, and overall just better at everything, she got all the attention and he just got head shakes of disapproval and the occasional pat on the back. He grew up in her shadow, and he's still trying to get out of it. Over the past summer, he had a bit of a mental breakdown and ended up hospitalizing himself for undisclosed reasons, and ever since being released from the hospital he's been a lot different. Obviously there are a lot of rumors floating around. All bad. And he refuses to offer any sort of confirmation or lack thereof.

Important Details: Rich kid. Super popular. Everyone's jealous of him. Something noticeably bad is going on with him. Rumors. Blah blah blah blah.

Name: Lennox Glasgow
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearance: This girl is a motherfucking hipster. I mean like. Her usual outfits consist of neon-colored or plaid skinny jeans and vintage t-shirts that she's made low-cut by hacking off just enough of their tops to expose a good amount of cleavage. And she's got some pretty nice tits, so she gets some looks. Especially when it's a button-down flannel shirt she's wearing over said shirts, because when she's wearing one of her innumerable, huge ugly sweaters, there's a lot less skin showing, although a few of her sweaters are large enough to hang off of one shoulder and show at least a generous portion of one of her bra straps if not a tiny bit more. Her shoes are all a little beat up and not all that girly. Usually they're plaid chucks or flats with weird patterns on them. Or rain boots. She loves her bright yellow rain boots.

Jewelry-wise, she has a lot of weird bracelets. Hemp with triangle charms, bicycle chains, soda pop tabs, cuffs in the shape of things like feathers and birds, one that looks like measuring tape, and octopus thing, etc. They're all actually really cool. She's also got necklaces with pendants in the shapes of things like mustaches, telephones, game controllers, glasses frames, and stuff like that. People always wonder where she gets that stuff. Like with all of her clothes and shoes, the answer is thrift stores. Always thrift stores. No wonder it all looks so fashionably worn.

She's generally never not wearing a pair of retro-looking headphones around her neck, and depending on what underground band she's listening to that day, said headphones are either plugged into a walkman or an iPod. She'd use a CD player, but those sadly do not fit in her pockets.

Anyway, that's just her clothes. On her own, Lennox is really enough to turn some heads. Like I said, she has nice tits, and even though her figure is a little boyish, she's still got a nice body. At 5'5'' and 112 pounds, she's a bit underweight, but she's not excessively thin or anything. And she's pretty. Not beautiful or anything, just pretty. She's got palish skin flecked with freckles on her cheeks and nose and short, red-brown hair that has a tendency to stick up all over the place no matter what she does. She'd look like a guy if she didn't have such a girly face. As with any good hipster, she wears useless, thick-framed black glasses with no lenses because those sharp green eyes have 20/20 vision, thank you very much. She's usually wearing this vague look of disapproval, because that's how hipsters work.

She's got a pretty soft voice with a very faint Scottish accent that she only makes no effort to hide because lacking in an accent is so mainstream.

Personality: Like I said, hipster. But surprisingly nice hipster. All of her pretentious hipster mannerisms are actually sarcastic, because unlike the majority of her subculture, she doesn't take any of this shit seriously. Yeah, a lot of people don't know she's being sarcastic when she draws in a deep breath, sighs, and says, "You wouldn't understand," but she is, and she finds herself hilarious, so she doesn't give a fuck if people hate her.

Okay, so maybe she gives a bit of a fuck, but she doesn't let it on all that much. She just blogs about it like a good hipster. Or talks about it to her actual friends, who all understand her sarcasm and find it just as funny as she does. Which is why they get along.

It does seem like everything she does isn't serious at all (if you know she's being sarcastic; otherwise it seems like she's weirdly serious about everything and overdramatic), and that's true for the most part, but she is capable of seriousness when it's necessary. She just has to take you seriously first, and that can take a bit of convincing depending on who you are and what the situation is.

Um yeah and pretty much all the rest of her personality traits will be revealed IC because I can't even things anymore at the moment.

Bio: Lennox was born in Scotland and lived there until she was seven, hence the accent. Then her mom cheated on her dad with more than one guys, they got a divorce, and daddy moved the whole family to America like he'd always wanted to but had been prevented from doing so by his now ex-wife. He started up a free medical clinic in Calgary. It wasn't really a huge source of income, but he and Lennox did just fine, and he was happy with his job. She was happy with not having parents breathing down her back all the time. It was a win-win situation. Her dad got the job he's always wanted, and she got the freedom to do stupid shit on the internet from an early age.

She never had much of a difficulty in school; she's pretty brilliant and her accent made people like her because accent. But then she decided she was going to be a sarcastic hipster and people started to like her a lot less. Not that she cared.

Um yeah. Kinda boring bio. Whatever. My brain decided to take a leave of absence.

Important Details: Hipster, but not seriously. Really smart. Really good at art. And stuff.
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Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 5:08 pm

Very nice. I'll join, if I can defeat the writing sample.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 5:20 pm

Do not hate Texas, Writin' Samples (Almost typed Maples...) are better than Personality... *Hiissss*

Looks like Darkie and Sakky got busy and made Lennox!
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 9:03 pm

Before I bother to make a character sheet, I think I should ask if I will even be allowed on this RP? I know we had a rather bloody spat viollyn, but I do profusely apologize for my being an insensitive lout at the time. I'm not a half-bad RPer, and I must say your writing style intrigues me. Not exactly open-ended, but neither is it in any way clear. And your decriptors seem to have a fascinating blend of noire in them. Mother may I join?
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 9:21 pm

If your sheet is good. I won't deny a good roleplayer over unrelated things. Plus you used the word spat. I rather enjoy that.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 10:31 pm

Name: Nico DeAngelo
Gender: Not Female
Age: 20
Appearance: Nicos appearence is best described as... variant. Not that he has a whole lot of different styles at the same time, but he has so many different styles that its hard to know quite what he will be wearing tomorrow.

His more common clothing styles include his tough-guy outfit, consisting of black jeans, well-polished combat boots, fingerless black leather gloves, silver chains, deaths head ring, and either a black hoodie with a really deep hood or a worn black leather biker jacket with no identifying insignia.

Also his academic/business look, composed simply of a dark blue three piece suit and well-polished black combat boots.

And rounding out his general ensembles would be his way-too-casual look. Careful when he is wearing this one, for reasons later explained. This outfit is made of well-polished combat boots, blue jeans that look like they were attacked by a pack of wild dogs, a muscle shirt with various rips, burns and stains, and over all of it a surplus army jacket that has to be at least 3 sizes too big for him, similarly covered in rips burns and stains, but with the addition of having a seemingly unlimited number of apparently bottomless pockets that he could probably pull crap out of for hours and not reach the end.

For those of you who were paying attention, you noted that he loves those combat boots. This is because he is very hard on footwear, and needs them so he doesnt make the local Payless Shoestore rich. Physically he is hard to describe, as his clothes tend to obscure his exact dimensions. Plus he prefers to be non-descript, explained later. People hardly ever notice him anymore, as he has been at that high school forever.

When standing fully upright, which is almost never, he is 6'3", and weighs in at 240 lbs. He has a rather athletic build, not musclebound but a body that is best described as 'long'. Just long legs, long arms. He has a runner/swimmers build, if you know what that is. He has dark brown hair that he keeps very low, buzz-cut sometimes even. He has sea green eyes that miss very little, and has a way of walking about that is just slighly hunched, head down, generally just avoiding touching anything or anyone that he doesnt strictly have too. Very uninteresting, all in all. And he tries hard to not be conspicuous.

Personality: Nico is humble to a fault, always blaming himself and letting himself be blamed. The kind of guy who just lets things happen to him, never stands up for himself. He is very bright, always on the honor roll, and performs well at the few sporting teams he joins. He is solitary by nature, preferring the company of his books to the company of his few friends in the nerd/spec. ed. department. Also very organized, he walked into high school knowing it better than half the second years from studying the floor plan so much. Loves trivia, quoting and comedy. He is a practicing roman catholic.

He also has a very dark side that only a very few know about, and those that do know are never ever going to mention it, out of fear. He has memorized any number of occult, he knows how to kill with everything from bare hands to a car, and has a small BDSM dungeon that hasnt seen a female yet, he has always had to tie himself up. He enjoys pain, his own not others, and when he has invited those few into this dark place of his, he has invariably gotten them to perform these terrible rituals on him, most of which involve tying him up and either burning or beating him somehow. Very, VERY intense he gets, so utterly focused. And as long as he is in that place, he is always in complete control. Almost the reverse of his normal self, he will pound mercilessly on the manniquins for hours, and has had to replace the wooden pole twice.

Other than that, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Bio: Nico grew up in a fairly standard house, mom&dad, an older brother long gone. He was always very trusting and open, but over the years his alleged 'peers' took advantage of him too many times and he slowly became what he is. On the outside, the beaten-down boy who acknoledges that he is a doormat for exceptional people, and on the inside, he is actually alot closer to his dark side. He was raised to never harm others, and to never harm others property.

So, he had absolutley no outlet for all the rage and anger and hate that was fermenting in the depths of his mind. When he moved out, he immdiately sealed off the basement from the casual observer with simple camoflauge and converted it into his refuge, where all his horrible fantasies could come to life. He calls it Lolths Web, after the Spider Queen of Forgotten Realms fame. Like her, when he is there he is all about suffering, chaos, disorder, and pain.

Other than that, nothing much too tell. He has always loved the outdoors, and is a very avid hiker, capable of ripping up the miles when he wants too. He also loves to spy, and is therefore always watching everything. Its actually a rather creepy stare that he can give when he is focused on someone. And because he has become so good at being quiet and still, people hardly ever notice him even when he is right next too them. Useful for a Voyeur, wouldnt you say?

Important Details: This man is a watcher. Never assume you arent being overheard, even when he seems very focused on his schoolwork or book. He also jogs every morning, has a huge bank of knowledge on every concievable subject (except pop culture) from his incessant reading, and is a very good actor/singer/dancer, but only when he thinks there is no one watching him. Its actually a real treat to watch him clean up after the school plays as stagehand and perfectly recreate the scenes that involve whatever prop or set piece he is cleaning at the time.

Writing Sample: OK, finally getting around to this, probably too late but what the hell. Write as Nico DeAngelo, a character who upon rereading is alarmingly close to his creator.

Nico had been up half the night working on that blasted report. Essay writing never had been his strong suit, ironic given his propensity to break out into prose. He had the largest vocabulary of any young adult he knew, and yet couldnt just whip up a 4 page report on Illuminati Symbolism Really Advocates Every License, or ISRAEL for short. Oh how he did love educated puns such as the acronym of that title.

Well, let it never be said that he couldnt make his own fun. Now he was just sitting on the bus in his casual outfit, not really seeing the scenery his eyes were looking at outside the window, not really focusing on the classic rock pounding in his ears, he was much more concerned with an issue that was pressing on his mind. It may not have seemed like much to others, but too him it could mean everything.

If Blizzard Entertainment was seriously going to shut down the entire BattleNet for upgrades, that could only mean that there were going to be entire layout changes. If he didnt know where everything was anymore, his actions per minute score could drop below championship levels! And if they changed the hotkeys for mass unit control.... dear David Kim in Nintendo, it could be the end of his online gaming streak!!!!

What would he do without battlenet? He actually stooped to asking some of his friends at lunch what they thought of the crises, and they all had good ideas. One was going to make himself a nest of game guides and wait it out, another was going to try and compensate with a MarioKart 9 marathon, and the last was too whacked out on his new meds to be bothered to answer. Oh well, he would figure it out.

In the meantime, he had studies to excel at. His law class went very well, with the teacher telling him to shut the hell up and let other kids answer before he even asked the question. He was smart, bite him. He had gotten a reputation over his 7 years at this high school to always answer the teachers questions. To be honest, he had really started feeling the teachers dislike of still having him around. He had said 9 years ago that he was not going to leave until he had aced every course the school had to offer, and so he would. It was his last year anyway, they should be happy, not creeped out.

When he got home, he spent a great deal of time on the greatest site on the internet, rpproject.rpg-board.net . That place was full of all the movers and shakers, and had the best administrator he had ever known on any site. What a great place, lots of friendly and intelligent people, particularly the OP for that awesome new RP, Locked Doors.

Last edited by Zorthax on Thu 24 Nov 2011, 4:40 am; edited 2 times in total
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Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 10:43 pm

I have an idea for a character, but studying has me busy. Might be later tomorrow when I post it? I'm thinking a disturbed recluse, possible abuse of some sort when he was younger. No actual mental illness, just bitter as hell at the world.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSat 19 Nov 2011, 11:54 pm

Oh God I wish I could join this, but I don't think I could even things because of school and such, even with my break. My mind has just been all over the place and writing so much stuff up especially with the other RPs I'm in would be hardddd.

In short I will be watching this. With extreme interest.

My eyes are on this thread.

I will be watching.

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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 12:03 am

*looks around* *paranoid* *begins stockpiling arms*
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 12:07 am

Dude... let go of my bear arms. It is my right as an American to have them!
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 1:17 am

How do you know I'm not the president?
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 12:04 pm

Because I know where you live, and you sir, do not live in the US. Close, but not close enough.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 1:28 pm

No shoosh the writing sample has to be with this character. No exceptions. I will punch you with my dad's mustache. I'd explain why if I had enough of a brain left functioning from all my meds, but I don't so yeah. Just do it.

And I'm confused. Is he still in school or summit? Because twenty. You need to explain that.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 7:54 pm

viollyn wrote:
No shoosh the writing sample has to be with this character. No exceptions. I will punch you with my dad's mustache. I'd explain why if I had enough of a brain left functioning from all my meds, but I don't so yeah. Just do it.

In the past she has used the Writing sample as more of an detailed epilogue to the character's Bio. Though she was not exactly clear on that...
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 8:16 pm

Yeah that. And I sad 'In character, using this character.' That should have been enough.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeSun 20 Nov 2011, 10:07 pm

*shrug* I didn't read that, but then again, I knew what I was supposed to do. I refuse to insult anyone's intelligence, but maybe he just assumed.

Z... ALWAYS read bro. Always.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 11:02 am

I did read that, and I explained why it wasnt what it was supposed to be. I'm not lazy, I'm just in university and have more important things to do.

And how do you know where I live? Just out of curiousity? Is it from watching me eat cereal?
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 1:41 pm

No shh you do what I say without question.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 2:11 pm

Psycho Wizard wrote:
Do not hate Texas, Writin' Samples (Almost typed Maples...) are better than Personality... *Hiissss*

Looks like Darkie and Sakky got busy and made Lennox!
I laughed.

A lot. Trololo.

May join this, sounds real interesting. If I can stop procrastinating those four essays I have due tomorrow d:
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 4:26 pm

*hangs head* yes mother.... *walks away to write proper writing sample*
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 7:25 pm

>>> Z... Link? <<<

Forumotion is a bunch of weirdos that like Google maps. No I do not know where you live, but I know where your internet service provider lives.

Not done but what the hell. ^.^

Name: Shawn Masterson
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: A short kid, standing at around 5' 8". Has long, straightened, black hair and green-brown eyes. He wears contacts, standard vision ones you know. He has tan skin, that is scarred and cut from... things. No crazy scars in the shape of a snake or anything, but some burns in the shape of a lighter head, cuts around his hands, wrist, and up his arms, from razer blades, barbed and razer wire, glass shards, knifes of various kinds, etc. Some self inflicted, others not. He is not exactly ripped, but he certainly is no weakling. He chews his fingernails, though few people would notice that. Now onto his threads.
Lets start from the bottom with his shoes. Easy, black skater shoes, fairly worn out so the manufacturer is almost indestinguishable. Black and White striped socks, though you can't see them under his baggy carpenter jeans. The grey denim pants have cuts and stuff on them, rips, tears, and some burn spots. He has these attached to his waist with a belt, one of those cloth ones, which is dark green with purple stripes. He bought it long, so it hangs out a bit. He wears a heavy, zippered, hooded jacket, it is this weird purple color, almost the same as the belt, and has a spray-painted on symbol on it. It is his symbol, or so he says. Under his jacket he wears a white shirt, that was mistakenly thrown in with a red shirt, and turned a pink. The shirt is fairly new, and still fits, though it is torn near the sleeve from a nasty piece of fence.
Ah finally we have reached Other. The part of the description where I tell you all about his piercings, tattoos, and other body mutilation he has. First off, he has a couple earings in his right ear, about five connected to the cartilage. He also has a piercing in his left nose thing, and a piercing that is almost closed up in his lip. On to Tattoos, right? Well, he has only one, which is his symbol on the back of his neck, Tattoos are expensive, so it is once again black, just black.
Personality: (My (least) favorite part.) God I hate this... Is there any chance that I can just use the Writing Sample for this... Please? Pretty please? I love u forever?
Bio: Pretty much one of those, "Been there, Done that" lives. He was born in Salem, Oregon, yeah pretty far from West Virginia, and his life was pretty humdrum there. He hung with the wrong crowd, got into some trouble. Parents moved, him away from that trouble/crowd/state. They set up shop in Denver, and he found trouble again. The rents put up with it for a while, then they moved again. And again. And finally once more, to Cleveland, Ohio. "But that's not Calgury!" you say? Well. I am not done yet. This time, he nearly stayed out of trouble, tried his hardest, and still got into trouble. Different trouble, worse than before, and it affected far more people than just him and the people he hung out with. No, his parents did not choose to move. They had to, after the house was burned down. That was the last straw for his parents and their marriage. He had never thought of that, but oh well. His mother blamed his dad for everything, naturally, and his dad blamed him for everything. He went with his mom. Dad went to live with his parents down in Florida. Mom went to live with her parents in Calgary. And though he started to get in trouble when he was only 13, he had managed to move himself all the way from Oregon, to West Virginia in a matter of three years. Impressive, really. He couldn't care less, honestly.
Important Details: He is pretty smart, but no rocket scientist. Nothing ever seems to affect him, but he bottles it up until it just explodes, violently. Because his house burned down around him, he has a slight fear of catching on fire, understandable right? And finally, he is just a tiny bit fanguy on some stuff. You'll know when I do. *shrug*
Writing Sample: This is the entry in his video journal on the day he moved to Calgary, which strangely coincided with the first day of school with him being a junior. Four paragraphs enough?

The stream began with a flicker of the screen, static for a second then a young man sitting in a leather office chair. The off-white walls seemed to be natural and not a trick of the light or camera. A poster of Japanese symbols were over his left shoulder, and as he stared at the screen momentarily, his hair moved into his eyes. He pulled it out and began his Video Journal.
"Testing... Ok, so it is 6:14 AM. I am tired as hell, having just moved from Ohio." The young man says. "The date is of course, August 18th, and it will be the first full day I have lived in Calgary. Bleh. I hate how that sounds. Anyway-" A voice is faintly heard from beyond the door which is behind the teen. He gets up, not bothering to pause the video. Though it could only just be made out earlier, it is now revealed that the teen is infact not wearing a shirt. Not surpising for August. Around his neck hung the necklace he hardly ever removed. His symbol discernable from the weaved together copper wire, that made up the actual necklace part.
"Shawn! Hurry up! You cannot be late for the first day of school!" The teen, now revealed to be Shawn, just rolls his eyes and yawns. He yells something back, which is not completely heard by the cheap microphone. Probably a good thing as more yelling takes place. He pulls his head back into his room and shuffles through some heavy dresser drawers.
Shawn grabs a shirt and starts to put it on before reaching onto the keyboard and pressing pause.
There is a flicker on the screen and the same young man as before sits down, setting a bowl of ramen noodles down as well. "It is now 4 something PM. I-" He sucks on his teeth, sighing after words. "-Had an interesting day. Lets start from the top, I was late. Yes, only a minute, but nonetheless I was late. What was bad though was walking into your Triginometry class late, everyone in the class had their eyes on me. When you try to remain as invisible as possible, that can be a bad thing." Shawn picked up some more noodles with his fork and slurped them into his mouth. "Ok. So what was I-. Oh yeah, Trig. It wasn't bad other than that. I sat next to some kids, I guess they were juniors like me. They asked a couple questions, then I asked one. It was answered with a bit of discussion until they all agreed, so I guess they were friends or something, or maybe they just knew each other very well." He raises his hand to his chin, where he rubs it, then reaches over the keyboard again. Pausing once more.
Flicker and he appears again, a time stamp on the upper right hand corner reveals it was only three minutes after the end of the last one. Shawn is looking down in his lap, kind of like he is struggling. There is a click and a hiss. And he pulls out a Mountain Dew, swallowing down a few mouthfuls before looking back at the screen, or webcam. "Oddly enough, I had atleast on of those kids in all of my classes, so either the Junior class is fairly small, or they are around my level of intelligence. Well. Ok, I exagerated, it wasn't that bad. But that drive was long, and I am tired. So... Good night." He drinks the rest of the Dew and crushes the can, throwing it into a trash can next to his chair with a resounding clank. He clicked his mouse a few times, until his favorite music came on, but it was barely audible on the video. He waves at the camera, a final click was made and the stream ended.

Last edited by Psycho Wizard on Fri 25 Nov 2011, 10:57 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeMon 21 Nov 2011, 10:24 pm


Will write up character sheet when I have the time. Cannibalism is awesome.

Speaking of which, Cannibalism and The Art of Dying should get a redux. I know it only lived for a page or so, but d*mnit if it didn't have great potential in my opinion.
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeThu 24 Nov 2011, 4:43 am

*walks back full of optimism* Looky looky mommy, I made a writing sample!! *looks up expenctantly*
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PostSubject: Re: Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.)   Locked Doors (For lack of a better title.) I_icon_minitimeThu 24 Nov 2011, 4:20 pm

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