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 Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought

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PostSubject: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSun 29 Apr 2012, 2:06 am

Alright. So, I've been trying to resist writing this, and even as I speak I'm growing irritated to be doing it, but I've heard numerous people describe it as a good idea, so here it goes:

We're on an Alternia, but it's a different Alternia from the one we may know. Here, there never was nor will be a game known as SGRUB, nor will any sessions of a game like it take place. Certainly, there are games though.

But they certainly aren't as fun.

Its a little over 99 sweeps after the Fall of the Lessers, a retalitation to the Sufferer movement gaining ground. After a large war between Hemoloyalists and the freedom fighters ended with the noble gentry of the Seadwellers gaining the understanding that the other castes could not be trusted to have any power whatsoever. As such, each caste was separated into 10 distinct regions, where they would toil to support the two remaining castes' lifestyle, as well as not function independently, with each caste only performing a handful of tasks.
However, in order to etch into the memory of all those who had rebelled, while keeping a spark of hope to fuel their work, the Seadwellers created the Rapacity Games, a tournament of mortal combat, with a male and female troll from each caste, with the surviving player bringing the spoils of victory to their caste region, or Commune.

Alright, so basically, you'll be playing as the 20 players from each of the 10 Communes (Districts), in the Alternian Hunger Games, or the Rapacity Games. The Communes are as follows:

Commune 1: Highbloods, Manufactures Luxury Merchandise. Coastal, or near coastal urban area, very well off.

Commune 2: Noble Bluebloods, Weapons manufacturing, but despite their precariously risky advantage on the Seadwellers, they remain absurdly loyal to th Commune system, due to belief in the propaganda and tradition, as well as the perks of being the completely obedient Commune.

Commune 3: Bluebloods, Manufactures advanced machinery/technology. Mountainous somewhat inland rocky landscapes, often urban, but with stretches of craggy land between factories and such. Somewhat well off.

Commune 4: Tealbloods, basic crafting of tools and technology (The more bare essentials stuff than the second Commune). Deciduous woodland area with villages.

Commune 5: Jade and Nigh-Jadebloods, Powerplants, including solar power, where even non-jadebloods have to endure the harsh sun without protection. Desert at worse, hot savannah at best.

Commune 6: Olivebloods, Lumbermills (Also has game hunting industry). Heavily forested (Duh), nowhere near oceans. Often attacked by wild animals.

Commune 7: Limebloods (CANON BY WORD OF HUSSIE), Government/Military testing, citizens work in grunt jobs, aren't given any information, often killed for the sake of keeping projects confidential. Urban, as far as we can know.

Commune 8: Yellowbloods, Chemical plants, general hazardous material/waste treatment. Colder rainy climate, but urban to the point that's nigh irrelevant.

Commune 9: Brownbloods, Mass farms for livestock and plant based food. Large open hill-y plains area, warmer climate.

Commune 10: Rust (Darkred) Blooded Trolls, Mining for natural resources, relatively barren craggy area.

1. General No Godmodding, Insta-anything, Mary Sues, Meta-ing, etc. Really shouldn't need to say this on RP forum.
2. Please, don't argue with me if I make a request. I'm running this thing, so I intend to keep a tight grip on the reins.
3. We're capping it at 20 characters for tributes. No arguments here. Ever. I might create one or two tributes, but I don't plan to monopolize a Commune. You may have at MAX 3 chars, but I prefer 2 or less. I may open game control chars for people, but that isn't likely.
4. Limebloods are relatively enigmatic for a reason. If you get accepted as a Limeblood, PM me for questions regarding more info. I might help, I might not, but I don't want to tip my whole hand to everyone.
5. Canon events didn't happen, for the most part. The Sufferer was a troll, there were followers, they gave surge of revival at one point, and fell. That was 99 sweeps ago. (Almost 216 years.)
6. Generally, if you're in a Commune, you get no perks above your fellow trolls, so don't try to make that a char idea unless you think you can convince me.
7. Not everyone needs to necessarily thrive in their Commune, as Katniss did in District 12. I'd actually prefer some of you be rather misfortuned even by Commune standards.
8. No trolls in a Commune should know trolls from other Communes, unless they have connections. Only the people leading Communes have connections. You likely won't be one of those.
9. Romance can occur, but keep in mind this is the Alternian version of the Hunger Games, so it isn't too likely. I can promise that there won't be buckets among the supplies in the arena.
10. Characters are from 6 to 8 sweeps. This is about 13-18, approximately. Keep that in mind.
11. Psychic powers are inhibited in the competition, but the restricted braces worn by psychics can be removed with keys found in the competition.
12. If you read this, under the Added Notes section, add No Mockingjay Lusii to show you're reading these.
13. PM me major plot twists.
14. Communes 1-3 are the "Careers", with Commune 3 being a bit less supported, but 2 and 1 having nigh similar edges.
16. By all means, suggest changes to me. I'm open to them.
17. I might add in volunteer seadweller tributes, but that is unlikely.
19. By all means, if you're spriting, making images of your char, whatever, go nuts. But any large excess of images should be spoilered in a sheet.

Added Notes
Here's a template for the Rapacity Game outfit, generally just a full black bodysuit a la Condescension, with motifs in shades of the Commune color.
Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=802&filename=rapacitygamestemplate
Here's a table of what spots are open:
Male Female
Reserve Melusa
Tramal Open
Open Uvnees
Reserve Reserve
Open Open
Reserve Open
Averie Open
Open Lumire
Open Reserve

Char Sheet:

Name: (6-6 pattern, please nothing ridiculous)
Gender: (Don't need to explain this)
Age: (Between 6-8 sweeps)
Commune: (1-10, include blood color also. Make sure it's actually within the range of each of the Communes)
Appearance: (Description or Sprite. I might supply Tributewear stuff for a sprite.)
Bio: (Your name is BLANK BLANK, and you BLANK... etc.)
Skills: (Weapon use, talents, any edge they may have. Specibus cards with stock weapons, as well as a few hidden advanced weapons, will be in the arena)
Added Notes: (Any other info I should know, any PM's I should watch for, etc.)


Quote :
Name: Melusa Recino

Gender: Female

Age: 7

Commune: Commune 1

Appearance: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=690&filename=melusarapacitygames

Bio: Your name is MELUSA RECINO, a relatively proud citizen of COMMUNE 1. You're generally okay with how the whole Commune/Rapacity Games thing has played out, especially because it give you an excuse to do work on a passion of yours, KICKING PEOPLES' ASSES TO THE POINT OF RENDERING THEM INTO GROUND CATTLEBEAST MEAT. Another of your passions would be MUSIC, but you generally can't do much to express that. You do at least have a VIOLIN, though you couldn't find a BOW. However, you do have a relatively bow-like ONE EDGE BLADE, but using it on your violin would be STUPID. At the very least, you can pluck the strings and sing, the latter of which you refrain from unless alone.
You're generally an irritable person, known for being SOMEWHAT OF A BITCH. While you're in the highest non-Seadweller caste, you aren't exactly a hemoloyalist. Of course, you have little reason or desire to complain. You've been training in the Rapacity Game Combat Training program for a few sweeps, and are generally proficient with a variety of weapons. While you're certainly ready to compete in the Rapacity Games, you would never volunteer like most morons in your Commune do.
While a variety of your Commune partake in SUBJUGGLATOR activities, you yourself are generally disgusted by the chucklevoodoo shenanigans, and do your best to stay out of them. The main thing, actually, was the honking.

Skills: General combat training, mainly good with blades/swords. Uses Bladekind in Commune 1.

Added Notes: I don't need anything here. I'm me.
Ømnitheism wrote:
Name: Uvnees Runtas
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Commune: Commune 3 (This might be a bit of a stretch, but if it's okay with you. Otherwise it can be modified to be darker)
Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=696&filename=uvneesRapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=151&filename=uvneestribute
Bio: Your name is UVNEES and you very much enjoy the COLD. You'd say that you THRIVE in the cold. Who needs FIRES. You like to think yourself a MASTER of SURVIVING COLD CLIMATES, but you can't really say the same for WARMER AREAS. The heat is the BANE of your EXISTENCE. You live on one of the COLDER MOUNTAINS with your SNOW LEOPARD LUSUS. He doesn't really DO MUCH. In your spare time you work in the FACTORIES. You swear you're going to KILL whoever DESIGNED THOSE THINGS. They are HOT AS HELL to work in and you have to take a nice BATH IN ICE afterwards. You really like DRESSES, though the fact you work in the FACTORIES prevents you from WEARING THEM OFTEN. You usually wear them on your DAYS OFF. That is if you aren't MAKING THEM. You enjoy STITCHING and SEWING designs on them. You have whole CLOSETS full of them. Other activities you enjoy include SNOWBALL FIGHTS, making SNOW ANGELS, building SNOW FORTS, and carving ICE SCULPTURES. It is true you feel kind of ALONE on the top of the mountain. You don't see OTHERS often and are generally RESERVED when you do. People say you have a COLD HEART and are APATHETIC towards the feelings of others. You've NARRY stressed the thought of find a MATESPRIT, MOIRAIL, KISMESIS, or AUSPISTICE. You simply DON'T CARE MUCH FOR IT. Though there are times when you are LONELY.
Skills: Chakrams and resistance to the cold.
Added Notes: (Not so much weakened but bluh) when it's really hot. No Mockingjay Lusii
Claudia Strider Pyrope wrote:
Name: Averie Tarrop
Gender: Male
Age: [Almost] 7 Sweeps
Commune: Commune 8, Yellowbloods [His blood might be a bit of a stretch, tell me if I need to change it.]
Appearance: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Iaza14273310857700

Bio: Your name is AVERIE TARROP and you are very much like a BIRD, or rather, FEATHERBEAST. FEATHERS and TREETOP PATTERNS cover your walls and hang from your ceiling. Homemade models of AVIAN CREATURES and various WINGBEASTS are suspended ‘in flight’ hang from your recuperacoon. Despite your ‘dad’ being a HUGE OWL lusus, you seem more like an AIRHEADED PARROT. You are not the SMARTEST, nor are you the STRONGEST of trolls. But you DO have QUICK REFLEXES and you are quite CORAGEOUS, which will probably end up killing you one day. Others think your CREATIVITY is ABNORMAL, as you are always trying to find a way to FLY like your FATHER and the WINGBEASTS you IDOLIZE.

You work in a CHEMICAL PROCESSING PLANT in your COMMUNE and many think your ENERGY and EXCITEMENT are results of INHALING TOO MANY FUMES. You are NOT AFRAID of much of anything, as you like to live in a world where no one would WANT to HURT YOU and everyone is one BIG HAPPY FAMILY. Because of this mindset you will approach ANY TROLL in a friendly and kind manner, outgoing and caring even for the higherbloods who would PROBABLY abuse and mistreat you if you got within range of them.

Skills: Creative and good with his hands; his knowledge of chemicals may or may not assist him, as he would need to be focused to remember half of what he knows; he is very lightweight and small for a male troll his age, lithe and sleek, if not slightly underfed and avoided by other trolls; is better at defense then attack, but will get in close to nip or scratch his opponents as he is not particularly skilled with a weapon.
Added Notes: Nothing to add here at the moment. No Mockingjay Lusii.
MataRahi wrote:
Name: Lumire Garera
Gender: Female
Age: 6 sweeps
Commune: Commune 9, with an exceptionally orange-ish brown blood color.
Appearance: Lean, of average height. Has long, straight hair that is shorter in the back (about shoulder length) than it is on the sides. Her spiky bangs form a widow’s peak. Often wears a fidgety or suspicious expression. Her very thin horns extend upwards and curve gently inwards before fishhooking away from eachother and back down, ending in dullish points. Her symbol resembles a quarter rest. On the left.
Bio: Your name is LUMIRE GARERA and you are, quite possibly, less violent than the average troll. When you were younger, you were quite different – throwing tantrums and wrecking everything in sight that has not already been wrecked. Perhaps you worked out all of your anger then, before your lusus DIED of YOU KILLING IT (you can never quite bring yourself to label the event as ‘murder’). Ever since then, you have taken a greater interest in MUSIC OF ALL SORTS and THE ART OF NOT KILLING THINGS. In fact, you make it a point to use your HEALING SKILLS to assist any wild beast that may chance upon your hive. It’s sort of IRONIC that you were selected to be a tribute in the RAPACITY GAMES. You feel that you’ve deserved it.
Along with HEALING, you are quite adept at BOTANY due to your time in the FIELDS, and grow as many GARDENS as your hive has room for. What space that is not being inhabited by PLANTS is being inhabited by YOU, and that is not very much space at all. You pass your days by SINGING, HUMMING, WHISTLING, TAPPING FINGERS AND OTHER EXTREMITIES, and even the occasional BEATBOXING, all part of your effort to discover your ancestor’s VAST TUNE.
Skills: Pre-Rapacity Games, wielded the ESTEEMED WAR TESSEN, in 2xfankind specibus. Is skilled in BOTANY and HEALING. Possesses a psychic ability of TELE AUDIOSIS, which would allow her (if ever collarless) to spawn into existence a limited variety of sounds, depending on distance, duration, and frequency. Think mockingbird ventriloquism.
Added Notes: Physically weak, with poor stamina. If she survives she will do it by avoiding conflicts when possible, and using her thinkpan when not. May potentially be open for alliances. No Mockingjay Lusii.


Name: Tramal Sijzis (sih-zhus)
Gender: Male
Age: 7 sweeps
Commune: Commune 2, with a sort of dark blue-ish blood color.
Appearance: Looks to be slightly older than he actually is, on account of his height and build. His pupils are almost always slightly dilated, giving him an excited, bloodthirsty look. His hair is spiky and untamed, and grows down the back of his neck to just below the shoulderline. His fang-like teeth are abnormally long and mesh together, giving him a bestial appearance; he is clearly missing several. His large, round horns extend out and to the back for a short distance before looping back in and towards the front to bore into his skull, just above his eyebrows, forming permanent rings of caked navy around their entry points. His symbol resembles a circle with eight lines jutting from the circumference, the longer, opposite two of which end to perpendicular in opposite directions to eachother. On the right.
Bio: Your name is TRAMAL SIJZIS and you are RATHER FOND OF INSTIGATING PAIN, INJURY, and the occasional DEATH. There are much better WEAPON designers and crafters in your COMMUNE, but you don’t really care as you’d much rather be the one using said WEAPONS. You devote your free time to studying writings on troll anatomy, and how to best go about mucking it up with SHARP BLADES and HOT COALS. Sometimes you even work in the field, using FLARPING as an excuse to rip various ENTRAILS from the bellies of your AQUAINTANCES. This is probably why you are so bad at ROMANCE, and have gone through about five KISMESI, eleven AUSPISTICES, and even one MOIRAIL, all of whom are currently resting in fine chunks in the chamber below your hive. It doesn’t bother you that much; quadrant-fillers make damn good SUBJECTS.
When you are not torturing things, you are fighting them so you can torture them later. You enjoy this very much, but could be a bit SMARTER about it. One day you hope to effectively wield your massive CHAIN SICKLE, but until then you’re stuck with FLAILING IT AROUND AND HURTING YOURSELF. Fortunately for you, you’re used to PAIN, as your DAMN HORNS insist on GROWING THROUGH YOUR SKULL and will one day undoubtedly reach your brain and kill you if SOMETHING ELSE does not first. When and if this happens, you are determined to take out as many trolls as possible in a FIT OF GLORIOUS INSANITY. It is for this reason, along with your LOVE OF WEAPONRY (Especially those that you CAN’T WIELD PROPERLY) and your LUST FOR CAUSING PAIN that you have volunteered to become a tribute in this years’ RAPACITY GAMES.
Skills: Pre-Rapacity Games, fought with a TEMPERED IRON CHAIN, in chainkind specibus. Physically quite STRONG and ENDURANT. Possesses fair KNOWLEDGE OF PRESSURE POINTS AND WAYS TO INCAPACITATE AN ENEMY.
Added Notes: Pretty much cannon fodder for the initial bloodbath. Reckless and impulsive due to the near-constant pain from his horns inhibiting his decision-making. Would only form alliances if the alternative is certain death. No Mockingjay Lusii.

Last edited by YinYangBell on Wed 09 May 2012, 9:45 am; edited 9 times in total
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSun 29 Apr 2012, 9:42 am

Holy crap. Yinny what have you done.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSun 29 Apr 2012, 10:34 am

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some dumb bird
some dumb bird

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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSun 29 Apr 2012, 8:14 pm

YES making a sheet now.

Using my little yellowblood I never mention to anyone ever to try and figure some stuff out about him. >:3

RJ wants me to tell you that he is reserving a female Jadeblood from Commune 5 btw.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSun 29 Apr 2012, 9:13 pm

Got it.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Apr 2012, 11:56 am

As you already know, Sir, I would like to reserve a spot for a female Rustblood, and as I have taken a challenge, is there a spot open for a male of another caste? I am not sure which color as of yet
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Apr 2012, 3:47 pm

fuck you legs i wanted a female jadeblood

male tealblood instead pleaase???

hate trolls and hunger games (because of stupid reasons) but what the hell??
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Apr 2012, 4:23 pm

Female tealblood, because there needs to be your standard cannon fodder.

Male limeblood, because boldly going where no fantroll has intentionally gone before.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Apr 2012, 4:25 pm

Non-Rapacity version of the Troll I'm using.


Now I need to figure stuff out about her in a world where she wouldn't have joined Novaki's band... I think she'll keep the 'do and the snapped horn. Primarily because it suits her.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeMon 30 Apr 2012, 6:01 pm

Alright. I'll get on tracking reserves.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeTue 01 May 2012, 9:46 pm

May I reserve a female orangeblood and male noble blueblood, please?~

Also, is a non-sprite drawing acceptable? I sort of suck at spriting.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeWed 02 May 2012, 8:59 pm

That's fine Mata. By orange I assume you mean brown, like Tavros?
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeWed 02 May 2012, 9:25 pm

Right, right. My mistake x3
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 8:46 pm

OH GOD, I could totally make Uvnees be a thing.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 8:51 pm

Ømnitheism wrote:
OH GOD, I could totally make Uvnees be a thing.
By all means, we could use the players!
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 8:52 pm

lets make this shit happen.
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 9:04 pm

Name: Uvnees Runtas
Gender: Female
Age: 8
Commune: Commune 3 (This might be a bit of a stretch, but if it's okay with you. Otherwise it can be modified to be darker)
Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=696&filename=uvneesRapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Scaled.php?server=151&filename=uvneestribute
Bio: Your name is UVNEES and you very much enjoy the COLD. You'd say that you THRIVE in the cold. Who needs FIRES. You like to think yourself a MASTER of SURVIVING COLD CLIMATES, but you can't really say the same for WARMER AREAS. The heat is the BANE of your EXISTENCE. You live on one of the COLDER MOUNTAINS with your SNOW LEOPARD LUSUS. He doesn't really DO MUCH. In your spare time you work in the FACTORIES. You swear you're going to KILL whoever DESIGNED THOSE THINGS. They are HOT AS HELL to work in and you have to take a nice BATH IN ICE afterwards. You really like DRESSES, though the fact you work in the FACTORIES prevents you from WEARING THEM OFTEN. You usually wear them on your DAYS OFF. That is if you aren't MAKING THEM. You enjoy STITCHING and SEWING designs on them. You have whole CLOSETS full of them. Other activities you enjoy include SNOWBALL FIGHTS, making SNOW ANGELS, building SNOW FORTS, and carving ICE SCULPTURES. It is true you feel kind of ALONE on the top of the mountain. You don't see OTHERS often and are generally RESERVED when you do. People say you have a COLD HEART and are APATHETIC towards the feelings of others. You've NARRY stressed the thought of find a MATESPRIT, MOIRAIL, KISMESIS, or AUSPISTICE. You simply DON'T CARE MUCH FOR IT. Though there are times when you are LONELY.
Skills: Chakrams and resistance to the cold.
Added Notes: (Not so much weakened but bluh) when it's really hot. No Mockingjay Lusii
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 9:30 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeThu 03 May 2012, 9:59 pm

Wicked nasty. As a note, all the hair dye and makeup will go at some point in the game.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeFri 04 May 2012, 12:30 am

Of course.

All you other reservers, please try to make your sheets.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeFri 04 May 2012, 5:14 pm

My sheet is basically done; I just need to get a better drawing of Darija done first.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeFri 04 May 2012, 9:57 pm

Name: Lumire Garera
Gender: Female
Age: 6 sweeps
Commune: Commune 9, with an exceptionally orange-ish brown blood color.
Appearance: Lean, of average height. Has long, straight hair that is shorter in the back (about shoulder length) than it is on the sides. Her spiky bangs form a widow’s peak. Often wears a fidgety or suspicious expression. Her very thin horns extend upwards and curve gently inwards before fishhooking away from eachother and back down, ending in dullish points. Her symbol resembles a quarter rest. On the left.
Bio: Your name is LUMIRE GARERA and you are, quite possibly, less violent than the average troll. When you were younger, you were quite different – throwing tantrums and wrecking everything in sight that has not already been wrecked. Perhaps you worked out all of your anger then, before your lusus DIED of YOU KILLING IT (you can never quite bring yourself to label the event as ‘murder’). Ever since then, you have taken a greater interest in MUSIC OF ALL SORTS and THE ART OF NOT KILLING THINGS. In fact, you make it a point to use your HEALING SKILLS to assist any wild beast that may chance upon your hive. It’s sort of IRONIC that you were selected to be a tribute in the RAPACITY GAMES. You feel that you’ve deserved it.
Along with HEALING, you are quite adept at BOTANY due to your time in the FIELDS, and grow as many GARDENS as your hive has room for. What space that is not being inhabited by PLANTS is being inhabited by YOU, and that is not very much space at all. You pass your days by SINGING, HUMMING, WHISTLING, TAPPING FINGERS AND OTHER EXTREMITIES, and even the occasional BEATBOXING, all part of your effort to discover your ancestor’s VAST TUNE.
Skills: Pre-Rapacity Games, wielded the ESTEEMED WAR TESSEN, in 2xfankind specibus. Is skilled in BOTANY and HEALING. Possesses a psychic ability of TELE AUDIOSIS, which would allow her (if ever collarless) to spawn into existence a limited variety of sounds, depending on distance, duration, and frequency. Think mockingbird ventriloquism.
Added Notes: Physically weak, with poor stamina. If she survives she will do it by avoiding conflicts when possible, and using her thinkpan when not. May potentially be open for alliances. No Mockingjay Lusii.


Name: Tramal Sijzis (sih-zhus)
Gender: Male
Age: 7 sweeps
Commune: Commune 2, with a sort of dark blue-ish blood color.
Appearance: Looks to be slightly older than he actually is, on account of his height and build. His pupils are almost always slightly dilated, giving him an excited, bloodthirsty look. His hair is spiky and untamed, and grows down the back of his neck to just below the shoulderline. His fang-like teeth are abnormally long and mesh together, giving him a bestial appearance; he is clearly missing several. His large, round horns extend out and to the back for a short distance before looping back in and towards the front to bore into his skull, just above his eyebrows, forming permanent rings of caked navy around their entry points. His symbol resembles a circle with eight lines jutting from the circumference, the longer, opposite two of which end to perpendicular in opposite directions to eachother. On the right.
Bio: Your name is TRAMAL SIJZIS and you are RATHER FOND OF INSTIGATING PAIN, INJURY, and the occasional DEATH. There are much better WEAPON designers and crafters in your COMMUNE, but you don’t really care as you’d much rather be the one using said WEAPONS. You devote your free time to studying writings on troll anatomy, and how to best go about mucking it up with SHARP BLADES and HOT COALS. Sometimes you even work in the field, using FLARPING as an excuse to rip various ENTRAILS from the bellies of your AQUAINTANCES. This is probably why you are so bad at ROMANCE, and have gone through about five KISMESI, eleven AUSPISTICES, and even one MOIRAIL, all of whom are currently resting in fine chunks in the chamber below your hive. It doesn’t bother you that much; quadrant-fillers make damn good SUBJECTS.
When you are not torturing things, you are fighting them so you can torture them later. You enjoy this very much, but could be a bit SMARTER about it. One day you hope to effectively wield your massive CHAIN SICKLE, but until then you’re stuck with FLAILING IT AROUND AND HURTING YOURSELF. Fortunately for you, you’re used to PAIN, as your DAMN HORNS insist on GROWING THROUGH YOUR SKULL and will one day undoubtedly reach your brain and kill you if SOMETHING ELSE does not first. When and if this happens, you are determined to take out as many trolls as possible in a FIT OF GLORIOUS INSANITY. It is for this reason, along with your LOVE OF WEAPONRY (Especially those that you CAN’T WIELD PROPERLY) and your LUST FOR CAUSING PAIN that you have volunteered to become a tribute in this years’ RAPACITY GAMES.
Skills: Pre-Rapacity Games, fought with a TEMPERED IRON CHAIN, in chainkind specibus. Physically quite STRONG and ENDURANT. Possesses fair KNOWLEDGE OF PRESSURE POINTS AND WAYS TO INCAPACITATE AN ENEMY.
Added Notes: Pretty much cannon fodder for the initial bloodbath. Reckless and impulsive due to the near-constant pain from his horns inhibiting his decision-making. Would only form alliances if the alternative is certain death. No Mockingjay Lusii.


Sorry it took me so long. Any adjustments need to be made?
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some dumb bird
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSat 05 May 2012, 12:46 pm

Name: Averie Tarrop
Gender: Male
Age: [Almost] 7 Sweeps
Commune: Commune 8, Yellowbloods [His blood might be a bit of a stretch, tell me if I need to change it.]
Appearance: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Iaza14273310857700

Bio: Your name is AVERIE TARROP and you are very much like a BIRD, or rather, FEATHERBEAST. FEATHERS and TREETOP PATTERNS cover your walls and hang from your ceiling. Homemade models of AVIAN CREATURES and various WINGBEASTS are suspended ‘in flight’ hang from your recuperacoon. Despite your ‘dad’ being a HUGE OWL lusus, you seem more like an AIRHEADED PARROT. You are not the SMARTEST, nor are you the STRONGEST of trolls. But you DO have QUICK REFLEXES and you are quite CORAGEOUS, which will probably end up killing you one day. Others think your CREATIVITY is ABNORMAL, as you are always trying to find a way to FLY like your FATHER and the WINGBEASTS you IDOLIZE.

You work in a CHEMICAL PROCESSING PLANT in your COMMUNE and many think your ENERGY and EXCITEMENT are results of INHALING TOO MANY FUMES. You are NOT AFRAID of much of anything, as you like to live in a world where no one would WANT to HURT YOU and everyone is one BIG HAPPY FAMILY. Because of this mindset you will approach ANY TROLL in a friendly and kind manner, outgoing and caring even for the higherbloods who would PROBABLY abuse and mistreat you if you got within range of them.

Skills: Creative and good with his hands; his knowledge of chemicals may or may not assist him, as he would need to be focused to remember half of what he knows; he is very lightweight and small for a male troll his age, lithe and sleek, if not slightly underfed and avoided by other trolls; is better at defense then attack, but will get in close to nip or scratch his opponents as he is not particularly skilled with a weapon.
Added Notes: Nothing to add here at the moment. No Mockingjay Lusii.

I may edit his sheet at some point?? I have never used this guy, though I've had him laying around...should prove to be a good learning experience. :3
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PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSat 05 May 2012, 7:28 pm

Accepted all those.
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Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought   Rapacity Games (Alternian Hunger Games) ~ Good god what hell hath I wrought I_icon_minitimeSat 05 May 2012, 8:39 pm

I was thinking of giving Averie a psychic ability, but I have not been able to think of one.

Any ideas that aren't too OP?
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