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 Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!

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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeTue 22 May 2012, 10:38 pm

Get ready for a read, but bear with me here, it gets to talking about rubber bands in a bit and I know you won’t want to miss that.

Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! 6ifBB

Time, space, reality, probability, and that fifth unnamable quality governing the mutual existence and continuous expansion of all fellow equations (for lack of more comprehensive words, as ‘universe’ and ‘multiverse’ simply did not describe the pure, unavoidable, inconceivable enclosure of all) were naught but axes on a five-dimensional graph. One who might gaze upon the shaped equation of the existence they recognize would later recall that the form resembled a queer sort of omnipotent donut, twisted into odd sectors unperceivable by the three-dimensional being, and beyond this indescribable other than the peculiar headache it gave one the more they would attempt comprehension of the shape. Indeed, graphs such as these encompass, predict, and record all that is and ever will be in their infinitely continuous forms, inclusive of eachother.

There are some, in realms of existence beyond that of infinite everything, that enjoy giving such graphs a playful prod, but that is almost a different story entirely.

Accept it as simple prelude that this poke, once performed, ushered in an unfamiliar and peculiar state of things, though due to the nature of infinite precognition it had always been as such.

Our story is set precisely at coordinates (+∞,+∞,∞²,-[∞³],∞/0) in the graph of the new universe, though there is much more to those numbers than expressible with only one variable to represent infinity, and a lot less to those numbers that is actually relevant in any way, shape, or form to said story.

Let us familiarize the newly-prodded and doubtlessly confused being with its new universal environment. I have compiled a list for such a purpose, highlighting the various major differences that distinct the past that has only just recently never existed from your present.


1. Organisms do not come in those silly ‘species’ anymore. Instead, a vast number of groups called ‘seeds’ record similarities in appearance, ability, and trait of individual organisms.
2. Birth and general creation of life is not governed by some vile act of two or one or more disgustingly smitten creatures, but rather by the improbability that creation of life will occur at any given moment or place. Think of it as the membrane of the aforementioned donut graph, and now imagine every two points representing life forming a line perpendicular to themselves in the ‘Probability’ axis. The result is a natural law of spontaneous birth that no one really understands, or wants to, as those concerned with the prospect are often too busy performing aforementioned revolting acts. However, it is quite acceptable in most cultures for couples to obtain and raise infant organisms, and in this way parent-child bonds are formed.
3. Gravity, rather than attracting objects towards more massive objects, repels objects from vacuums. The larger the object, the weaker the push.
4. Due to this, the general layout of ‘space’ is not made up of spheres, travelling lazily in elliptical orbits around larger spheres, but rather a sort of honeycombed network of solid matter. Imagine it as a negative universe, where instead of planets and suns surrounded by emptiness there were great spheres of emptiness surrounded by solidity – only the spheres are larger, much, much, much larger, so as a very small number of these ‘negative planets’ do not connect with any other. It is rumored that the most massive materials contradict gravity entirely and float in spheres at the dead center of these vacuum spheres, though no successful expeditions to obtain such rarities have been recorded.
5. There are no suns or moons, but in many spheres, phosphorescent insects of inconceivable quantity roam in a single, gigantic horde, (known as the Phosphor) blazing a trail of brilliant light in a set circular path around the interior of the sphere. Each full cycle of the insects’ journey takes about 31 hours, during six of which the swarm is too close to be viewed directly for those in the insects’ path – it is during this time, as well as three hours before and three after, that is considered the time for sleep, as venturing outside welcomes blindness. These insects are revered and protected, and their food source is unknown, though many biologists speculate it has something to do with their peculiar movement pattern, the result of which makes the ‘day’ equivalent dark but with a reassuring blue-green glow in the sky that provides enough kaizo light to see by, and the ‘night’ equivalent a harsh white background against which nothing can be made distinct. For cities that do not lie in the Phosphor’s path, their ‘day’-‘night’ cycle involves the position of the phosphorous band as it travels around them in circles in the ‘sky.’
6. Temperature does not exist, but a quite similar quality referred to by the same name is in effect and operates using variables that follow particle vibration to the letter. You won’t notice much difference or any at all, but I thought it was interesting.
7. Modern technology utilizes the use of natural elements as both fuel and building material, but the cities of wood, stone, and cloth are no less impressive than they are today. Many societies have refined various substances into rope, cloth, and rubber, but use of metals and ore-smelting are particularly rare and exotic practices, though not shunned.
8. There are no rubber bands. Intelligent civilization has given that particular technological development a tragic miss.

Other than that, much is the same. There are still rocks and trees and water flowing in bubbling brooks down mountains topped with still more rocks and trees. Cities place themselves by water bodies for ease of transportation, and biomes such as taiga, tundra, rainforest, desert, and all the like do still exist for various reasons. Volcanoes, hurricanes, underground caverns, all of these natural anomalies still occur. The only differences one might find landscape-wise are the occasional presences of un-Earthly elements, mixtures, and substances, but these do not seem strange to the beings that roam such eldritch plains as they are quite used to the stuff and have never known Earth or humanity.

Now this is all vaguely interesting, but a plotline does exist – in fact, several do. Modern times are quite perilous, and here is why:


1. There is a certain civilization, calling themselves the D’eya, that has long ago rejected the evils of science and public-access information. A quite illegal company, by the name of the White Railroad, and composed of the most daring and swift-footed individuals is up for hire to transfer information to, from, and around various D’eiac cities. The D’eiac police forces are always looking for fresh new leads to shut down the traffickers, but can never seem to catch them.

2. In a neighboring empire, divided from D’eya by the mountainous Glade range and the Pasqwox Ocean, an up-and-rising politician has just put all her eggs in one basket: she’s funded an expedition to the central void, that’s right, the very middle of the vacuum sphere shared by both Halyip and D’eya. This expedition is to be the very largest by far and promises the most success – men and women with the appropriate skillsets for such a glorious travel are being sought out, engineers are working on the voidship known as the Integrity, and the entire province is abuzz with the adventurous spirit. However, D’eya has always been less than appreciative of the idea, refusing to assist the project, and their disapproval has swollen into anger once they learnt that the Halyippa have been using the White Railroad to communicate with D’eiac sympathizers in attempts to sway the citizens in favor of the Integrity’s voyage. D’eya threatens military action if the expedition commences.

3. The unnaturally destructive voidpirate Awkin, birth name Ch’ulin Nch’ahlin, is still on the loose after his devastating raid on Hhomon Proper. All major skyports are advising their employed captains to keep a wary eye on the Phosphor, as Awkin’s infamous vessel Hyperius is known to approach with the bright light behind him to evade detection by his victims.

4. Travelling caravans have reported unusual activity in the Rundi Valley area – strange chants and screams echo forth from the caves that riddle the cliffside, and queer faces peer forth from the darkest of foliage to observe with hollow eyes the passersby. It is rumored that a cult has taken up residence here, with the sickest of intentions, and various unexplained kidnappings from nearby villages seems to support this theory.

5. A scientist by the name of Giana Velloix is collecting researchers to assist her in her work. The only clues she’s given to these experiments are as follows: “I can double your current pay, triple if you keep quiet about the whole thing.” Her targets are primarily biologists and geneticists, though she had contacted several prominent engineers as well. Few have had the courage to accept such an offer, as Velloix is infamous for her controversial research in the areas of genetic engineering and cell splicing, which even landed her several weeks in jail – after which she had disappeared for years, until now.

6. The multitude of Refornian republics have converged into one country of United Refor, and its current political instability makes it a prime target for militaristic nations – as the Refor, none too peaceful themselves, have built up large stocks of resources over the years, and though in several months they will doubtlessly be stronger than ever, the young country is in a period of weakness that the D’eya in particular are looking to take advantage of. Newsleaflets all over the sphere, and even throughout adjacent spheres, are brimming with talk of war.

7. A recent archaeological dig has unearthed a strange, deserted temple deep underground. Not much is known about this effort, as the only surviving member of the expedition was quickly placed into an insane asylum in Hhomon on his return – and he is the only one who knows of its location, as the project was shut down immediately afterward.

So there you have it. Is there more lying beneath the surface of such happenings, perhaps? Are they all interconnected in some strange way? What part will your character play in them, if any at all?

Next follows a list of various Seeds, along with their descriptions and common characteristics.

SEEDS (Bear in mind no two organisms are of the same species, so these serve more as guidelines than finite descriptions, and every listed trait is meant as a general property of the species; individuals will be different. One character may be of a certain seed and yet have properties of another, etc, as reproduction is quite the mystery in this universe.)

The most humanoid seed by far, the average Earthborn is omnivorous and bipedal, possessing a sturdy build, fair hair, and lengthy limbs. They possess various numbers of fingers, toes, and hearts, and are hardy, strong creatures. Earthborn commonly live in vast, wonderful stone cities when they aren’t mining for rare minerals and gemstones in the unexplored depths of the earth or falling trees in dark woods. They are fierce warriors and range from bitter and reclusive to kind, amiable creatures. Earthborn skills include pottery and sculpting, mineral identification and geology, metalworks, stoneworks, glassworks, woodworks, smithing, mining, architecture, tools and weapons crafting, fermentation and consumption of alcohol, combat, and contests of might.

Pyrian (PIE-ree-un, adj. PIE-rik)
Birthed of fire, Pyrians are of slightly amorphous shape but (most) generally take on the form of a mer-figure, with skin of organic lava (other forms include bipeds, wolves, spiders, and tentaculous monsters). In color, they vary greatly, but are usually a shade of red or orange, and feed passively off of miniscule amounts of bacteria found in their native lava pools as well as generally everywhere else. They were only able to reach the surface through a volcanic upheaval some centuries ago, and more may still dwell in forgotten cities of fire that lurk in the impenetrable depths. Pyrians are horribly, horribly friendly and social, and possessing fantastic eyes for beauty. They may alter both their solidity and their temperature (new temperature, not old, remember?) without changing their fiery appearance – indeed, one may touch the beautiful fires that alight from a Pyrian’s body and feel only slight heat. Pyrian are frightened of water, ice, snow, cold, rain, and weather in general. Their skills include metalworks (as they are quite effective forges), glassworks, smithing, mining (in hopes of unearthing more of their kin), archaeology, painting, weaving and sewing, regeneration (of minor wounds), swimming (in lava), dancing, charming, and arson.

Nitruvite (NIH-troo-vite, plural nih-TROO-vee-yi, adj. nih-TROO-vee-ik)
Nitruvii are pale, lean, shadow-dwelling bipeds. Their large, white, bulging eyes see poorly, and they rely on their small ears for navigation. Height-wise, Nitruvii are generally quite tall, with soft white skin and visible bone structure, but their sizes may vary from individual to individual, ranging from three feet to eleven. Many are double or triple jointed, and some even move by scrambling across the ground in reptilian fashion. Nitruvii are reclusive and speak with low, soothing voices, though more often than not they simply do not speak at all. They favor the dark, and live either underground or in shaded grottos, and some can secrete a gel that allows them to stick to surfaces. The average Nitruvite feeds off of fungi and lichen, and is peaceful and skittish. Nitruvii skills include mineral identification and geology, mining, archiving, bathing, singing (though rarely in company of others), carving, quick movement, climbing, engineering, and diplomacy.

Cryon (KRY-on, adj. KRY-ik)
Cryons are huge, brutish, warlike, and above all, cold. Icicle-like teeth protrude from gigantic maws, and eyes, if present, are beady and many. Cryons have various amounts of limbs, which end in five ape-like digits. Some have distinct heads and necks, whilst others more closely resemble a shapeless mass. The larger Cryons are, the less intelligent they become – records tell of the rare petite, humanoid Cryons who benefitted society with their scholarly work, as well as mountain-sized mammoth creatures that lay in wait on glaciers to attack passing caravans. Cryon ‘hair’ is a snow-like substance that generally grows from their head down their back and along their arms, though some are completely covered in it and others display none of the stuff at all. Cryon skills include hording treasure, hygiene (for their skin is of quite pretty organic crystal, and if one has fingernails they are long and beautiful as well as lethal), contests of might, strength, getting themselves lost, surviving in the wilderness after getting lost, parkour (ape-like), intimidation, regeneration (of minor wounds), and quick movement (for they must commonly evade poachers that seek their crystalline skin).

Ae’dile (AY-die-ul, plural ay-DIE-lay, adj. ay-DILL-ee-ak)
Noble creatures, Ae’dilae have hunched yet graceful bodies, thin heads with piercing eyes, and often boast some manner of feathery coatings on their thin, bony arms, and possess spindly digits that are perfect for ripping and tearing flesh. Occasionally, an Ae’dile with full back-mounted wings may be spotted. Their legs are coated with membranous scales, yielding to various numbers of claws on the feet, and it is not uncommon to spot an Ae’dile with a large, feathery crest upon his or her head. They move with grace and commonly dwell in wonderful airborne cities (the most notable being beautiful Lal Leyna) which are usually ruled by monarchs. Ae’dilae are carnivorous and generally hunt large sky-dwelling creatures for food. Their skills include painting, weaving and sewing, architecture, politics, diplomacy, fashion, literature and poetry, captaining and manning voidships, cloth work, cooking, hunting, music, flight, and parkour.

Refornian (ruh-FORE-nee-un, plural REE-fore)
Fierce and aggressive beings of the desert, Refor stand at around five to six feet and have very tough, leathery skins, ranging in color from tan to brown to black. They possess a very large skeletal system for their size, and their massive bones can often be seen pressing against their skin, particularly on their backs. Refor have noseless faces and varying amounts of eyes and fingers, though their toes commonly have two seperate clawlike digits. They prey on insects, have thick, black blood, and utilize animals for transportation. Some Refor are nomadic, whilst others build great mud-block cities in the dunes, and these tribes are constantly at war with eachother – or rather, were, until their recent unification into a single country. Refornian skills include sewing and weaving, clothworks, desert and wilderness survival, tool and weapon crafting, navigation, contests of might, military tactics, politics, architecture, and animal taming and tending.

D’eya (DAY-uh, adj. DAY-ic)
The D’eya are characterized by their thick, armor-like, scaly, monochromatic exoskeletons, yet their actual anatomy varies from individual to individual. Some stand on two legs, others on four, some have multiple arms, others have blades for hands. Their eyes are often hidden beneath spiky carapaces, and their hair, sprouting from the unprotected backs of their heads, is of varying colors yet surprisingly smooth. D’eya are intelligent and respectable creatures, omnivorous, but perhaps a bit too militaristic. On the whole, D’eya have little taste for the arts (excepting their buildings, carvings, and monuments they construct, which are breathtaking in their gritty detail and ingenious architecture), and wear the plainest of clothing, but can be very fierce warriors. D’eiac skills include military tactics, strength, contests of might, politics, architecture, stoneworks, carving, endurance, tracking, and hunting.

Iris are peculiar creatures, their appearance resembling strange and unfamiliar flora. Their skin ranges from rough, bark-like coating to pale, smooth membrane of various color. An Iris’ fingers and toes are long, multi-jointed affairs, and it is not uncommon for them to bear multiple joints in other areas of their bodies as well – arms, legs, necks. Iris carve their homes from trees, possess long, coarse hair, move with dance-like fluidity, and always seem to emit sweet fragrances suggesting flowers or fresh grasses of the meadow. They may have multiple limbs, or even be rooted to the ground, and their faces are smooth, with thin lips, large and brightly-colored eyes, and a general, eerie pleasantness that is perhaps why the Iris are considered to be stereotypically one of the most attractive seeds (though it may also be on account of the fact that they do not wear clothes, possessing no uncivilized parts to hide). However, if they are graceful and tranquil, they can also be quite fierce – for their height and slender movements make them powerful adversaries in battle, wielding staves, spears, and bows fashioned from Stonewood trees and bound together with vines. Iris revere nature and harbor varying degrees of dislike for other, more technologically advanced seeds, and are generally vegetarian. Their skills include herblore, medicine and healing, singing, painting, literature and poetry, combat, woodworks, weapon and tool crafting, wilderness and forest survival, tracking, hunting, quick movement, charming, regeneration (of minor wounds) animal taming and tending, and dancing.

Golm (GOME)
Large, strong, yet surprisingly wise beings, the Golm are constructed of stone- or metal-like organic material. They come in various sizes and shapes, some resembling bipedal and moss-covered stone warriors that wield gigantic swords, others metallic scorpions that lie in wait, rusting, in the desert sands, and even some of leviathan dimensions that dwell underwater. They take sustenance from soil and sand, and are capable of emitting vaporous clouds of black, searing-hot gas from their mouths in order to scare off enemies. The battle cry of a Golm is a frightful thing indeed, and can be heard for miles, yet Golm are generally peaceful. They do not like to organize, and most of them simply roam the wilderness at random. Golm skills include stoneworks, metalworks, glassworks, smithing, combat, long-distance running, breaking things, philosophy, and intimidation.

Gr’Rahssian (guh-RAYSH-un, plural guh-RAYSH)
Primitive and wolf-like entities, the carnivorous Gr’Rahss hunt in packs. Though some are more humanoid, the majority of Gr’Rahss are covered in gray, black, white, or brown fur, have canine mouths, and move quickly on four legs. They have long, flat tails and various amounts of long claws on all limbs. Some of the more civilized variants do not grow hair on their lower parts, and even have human-like legs and lower bodies – possibly even human faces and body structure as well. Gr’Rahss are commonly nomadic and aggressive, and they tend to follow an alpha male or female. Their skills include combat, strength, endurance, hunting, tracking, military tactics, assassination, quick movement, swimming, long-distance running, and sneaking and evasion.

Velian (VELL-yun, plural VEE-lye)
Commonly known as the River Sages, most Veli are seminomadic. Their skin is pearly and smooth, and they enjoy decorating it with brightly-colored paint and tattoos. Veli are usually bald, have spider-like limbs with fluid tentacles that serve as fingers and toes. They have surprising range of motion, and are skilled acrobatics and contortionists. Veli are skilled craftsmen, fashioning intricate totems, instruments and ritualistic staves. They are generally quite religious, and take great stock in omens and dreams. They are omnivorous, and make their camps by the seaside or on the banks of large rivers. Velian skills include precognition, diplomacy, acrobatics, painting, carving, literature and poetry, speech and wordplay, tool and instrument crafting, fishing, endurance, weaving and sewing, clothworks, herblore, medicine and healing, music, creation and consumption of various hallucinogenic and narcotic substances, swimming, and singing.

Halyippan (HAL-yih-pun, plural HAL-yup)
The Halyip, short creatures ranging from three to five feet, are remarkably strong for their size and are capable of scrambling quickly up rocky crags or perilous slopes. They have hoof-like feet which are covered in tiny, backward facing hooks that give them perfect traction, and possess multiple opposable thumbs on each hand. Halyippans generally live in the mountains, where they build cities of ridiculous proportions and architecture – buildings are place upon eachother, and streets are vertical, yet the residents are used to it and can quickly navigate the wondrous avenues and towering walls. Halyip, quite intelligent and practical creatures, have a natural curiosity, and are fascinated by the world around them, seeking to explore and modify it. They are responsible for some of the greatest scientific contributions to modern society. Halyippan skills include parkour, exploration, navigation, acrobatics, climbing, engineering, invention, chemistry, archaeology, mineral identification and geology, architecture, metalworks, and wilderness survival.

Fchulkt-chokt (FSHULK-chawk, adj. FSHULK-un)
The insectoid Fchulkt-chokt often choose to hide their faces. They possess fierce-looking, tough exoskeletons of various but often dark colors. They have varying numbers of limbs and digits, and possess spider-like jaws and eyes. Some even have natural organic sacs on their back, for storing food, tools, or even young. Fchulkt-chokt are not particularly talkative, but are highly ingenious in their designs for vehicles and weaponry. This is not to say that they enjoy combat, though some do; they simply like instigating it. Generally loners, Fchulkt-chokt are gifted thieves and are quick to be mistrusted at any average gathering of beings. They have a variety of peculiar customs, including those of strange ritualistic singing and killing their mates. Fchulkt-chokt skills include weapon and tool crafting, smithing, engineering, metalworks, clothworks, woodworks, glassworks, navigation, climbing, endurance, regeneration, sneaking and evasion, flight, singing, assassination, intimidation, and thievery.

Loomai (LOO-my, plural loo-MY-un)
Water-dwelling creatures, Loomai are very fish-like in build. They are commonly bipedal but may possess fish-like tails, as well as varying amounts of arms. Their hands and toes are usually either webbed or entirely fin-like, and their large, commonly heterochromatic eyes bulge, though not unattractively. Some possess solid eyelids, others have clear ones, some have none, and some have layers of both. Loomai are commonly quite happy creatures, smiling with pearl-white teeth and smooth lips, and their bubbly laughter is regarded by many as the most enjoyable and infectious a sound that ever existed. Loomai, with smooth-scaled or amphibious skin, possess fin-like ears, small noses, and gills on their necks (but many can breathe air as well). Their skin itself is naturally adorned with fantastic and colorful patterns and designs, and acts as semi-permeable membrane to equalize pressure when deep underwater. Loomai are famous for their sing-song voices that sooth the soul, as well as for their fantastic underwater cities that give the appearances of domes, and their remarkable craftsmanship – for they often make use of such metals as gold, silver, and precious stones. Loomai skills include singing, dancing, painting, architecture, metalworks (Loomai smiths seek out hot underwater vents for use as forges), stoneworks, smithing, swimming, quick movement, tool and weapon crafting, sewing and weaving, hunting (for fish), hygiene (for they are vain creatures), and charming.

Serynian (sair-IN-ee-yun, plural sair-IN-yuh)
Fleeting, ghost-like, those creatures classified as Serynia are done so because of their transparent skin, blood, and all organ systems within. Most are grey or white of coloration, though they come in varieties of colors, just as they come in many shapes (though most commonly humanoid) – bipedal, quadrupedal, two arms or four, large or small. Some have elongated fingers, or occasionally wings, which most commonly resemble great, back-mounted structures closely resembling those of moths or butterflies, though some have feathered, angelic wings. Some Serynia sprout antennae from their forehead, the position and orientation of which indicate the Serynian’s mood. They are fantastic weavers, and it is common practice for the family of a deceased Serynian to harvest its skin for use as clothing – a sign of respect for the departed loved one, and the beautiful clothing fashioned as a result is highly sought after. Though the skin of Serynia is transparent, it is not phantasmal, and many a curious friend has been shocked to prod a compliant Serynian to meet with unmistakably solid substance. Serynia have fair, smooth hair and skin, move with fluid motions, speak with tranquil and melancholy voices, and like to touch things whilst communicating. Their skills include dancing, hypnosis (often an unintentional result of the dancing), sewing and weaving, navigation, regeneration, flight, sneaking and evasion, charming, politics, herblore, and diplomacy.

Wunj (WOONJ, plural woon-JYE, adj. woon-JYE-IK)
Wunj-Ai are generally reclusive and hermet-like, dwelling either underground in suspended cities spanning across massive chasms or in the treetops of dark woods, far above the forest floor. They are short and quick creatures, and range from quite fat and stout to thin and lanky. Proud, they are, of their beards, and possess unusual numbers of nail-less fingers and toes. Their beady eyes seem to sparkle constantly with new ideas, as well as thoughts of riches and treasure. Quite adaptive creatures, a tree-dwelling Wunj will be sure to steal from passing caravans, whilst those who prowl the labyrinthine streets of such povertous cities as Korrylna Proper obtain their food and coin from oblivious passersby, and deep-dwellers lay cruel traps on the surface that send travelers plunging into the dark depths of their tunnels to be ransacked. Wunj-Ai usually elect a council of monarchs, to rule from vast halls paved with riches. Wunj-Ai skills include metalworks, stoneworks, glassworks, smithing, mining, mineral identification and geology, archaeology, engineering, invention, sneaking and evasion, quick movement, climbing, treasure hording, hygiene (must keep that beard clean!), fermentation and consumption of alcohol, politics, thievery, and architecture.

Zaarilite (ZARR-ill-ite, adj. zarr-ILL-ik)
The giant Zaarilites resemble cyclopes, reaching fifteen feet in height with massive muscles and a single gigantic eye upon their brow. Their teeth range from large, stubby slabs to slender fangs of uncountable number. They are generally aggressive and travel alone or in small packs. Some possess discolored skin and large, troll-like horns or fangs that protrude from square jaws; others have massive claws on their hands or feet. Brutish, savage, and dumb, Zaarilites rely upon the meat and milk provided by their herds of sheep-goat creatures. They shun travelers and will attack without much provocation. Zaarilites scavenge whatever tools they can from various ruins, sometimes even uniting into packs to turn cities into ruins manually, an uncommon occurrence but enough to warrant alarm from most nations. Zaarilite skills include stoneworks, strength, combat, quick movement, animal taming and tending, tool crafting, intimidation, and wilderness survival.

Ten’Uulian (tuh-NOOL-ee-yun, adj. tuh-NOOL-yak)
Most notable of the Ten’Uulian are their grotesque array of tentacles, which protrude from fingers, toes, elbows, knees, torsos, and various other bodily orifices. It is rumored that inside each Ten’Uulian lies a mass of the slimy strands, ready to be called upon, for most Ten’Uulian tentacles are retractable – they are known for being capable of opening their mouths and shooting forth a muscular tongue of up to sixteen feet. Anatomically, Ten’Uulian are humanoid, though tentacles ring their wastes and most prefer these for locomotion rather than their legs. Their skin ranges from smooth and slimy to crusted with barnacle-like growths, and is commonly a dark blue or green. They are either bald or possess Medusa-like tentacles as hair, in various styles and quantities, and have been known to possess multiple eyes or mouths at various locations on their bodies. Ten’Uulian eyes are reptilian and strike the viewer with a higher, sly intelligence – their mouths are deep ribbed gullets, lined with sharp, needle-like teeth. Ten’Uulians are gifted with most weaponry and can regenerate minor wounds, as well as being skilled cooks due to a particularly sensitive taste. Personality-wise, Ten’Uulians are quite social and friendly but can quickly give way to aggression. Their skills include swimming, quick movement, strength, combat, regeneration, cooking, speech and wordplay, literature and poetry, intimidation, wilderness survival, and painting.

Fezdrick (FEZ-drik, adj. FEZ-drike)
Ranging from four to seven feet, Fezdrick are known for their unusual (and in some cases, ridiculous) numbers of limbs. Their skin is mottled and bony, and their fair hair commonly grows to large piles on the floor. Fezdrick adorn themselves with fancy clothing and maintain scholarly habits, often visiting libraries if they don’t work there themselves. Their hands and feet possess claw-like structures of cartilage, and they generally have no mouth, nor any other facial features besides eyes, which are deep and complex affairs of color. As such, Fezdrick communicate by the written word or not at all, and are not particularly social creatures, though they are often quite friendly and gentle. They value knowledge highly and school themselves in as many subjects they can, though in time are inclined to specialize. It is the Fezdrick who are oftentimes responsible for recording history, decorating city walls with their fantastic murals or filling vast libraries with books. Fezdrick skills include literature and poetry, sewing and weaving, fashion, philosophy, archaeology, mineral identification and geology, herblore, medicine and healing, speech and wordplay, diplomacy, politics, painting, carving, and archiving.

By far the least common and most mysterious of the seeds, Voidwalkers dwell in parts unknown – the few that have arrived upon solid ground did so riding meteorites, giant stones, of debatable origin. They are fierce warriors when angered and much, much lighter than they appear to be, to the point where they are capable of minor levitation (as well as being quite agile). They are tall creatures, and sinewy, seemingly ebony skeletons of various deceased creatures – for they can be bipedal, quadrupedal, arachnid, fish-like, and have any number of arms, fingers, and toes. Truly, their bone structure varies greatly from individual to individual; and their eyes can only be described as horrible, glowing disks, through which one may glimpse oblivion. Voidwalkers do not often speak, and shun civilization, preferring to wander the wilderness – in search of what, they do not reveal. One who encounters a Voidwalker considers themselves lucky, for such an experience is rare indeed. It is rumored that the beings are the skeletal ghosts of deceased ancestors, but this is most likely superstition. Voidwalker skills include flight, acrobatics, parkour, quick movement, sneaking and evasion, intimidation, combat, strength, assassination, and thievery.

It’s a big universe! If you would like to submit your own seed, do so, but be sure to be very descriptive (include general appearance, general behavior, general skillsets, and even origin if you’d like to).


Seed: Give gender if applicable.
Appearance: How do your looks deviate from those defined by your seed? How would others of your seed regard you? Those of different seeds?
Personality: How do you generally behave in the company of others? On your own? Any prejudices, quirks, habits?
Common dress: Describe, in brief, what kind of clothing (if any) you generally wear.
Occupation: Give your nationality, if any, and what you do for a living. Are you a rogue wandering the vast deserts of Kana-Nashk’lov, scrounging what you can from the ruined cities? Perhaps you’re the captain of an illustrious voidship, adored by your passengers. Or a runner of the White Railway, or a crewman onboard the dreaded Hyperius, or an acclaimed D’eiac scientist, or the slickest damn private investigator in all of Far Halyip, or the manager of an orphanage that must go out into the world and retrieve infants newly birthed unto this strange world, or perhaps a creature that dwells in the deepest pits of the ocean, praying on fish and the aquatic seeds that disturb your slumber. Don’t be afraid to get creative, or add to this world yourself!
Skills: Sort of goes with occupation and personality, but what skillsets do you possess? Are you adept at identifying minerals, taming creatures, solving puzzles? Can you repair voidships? Fly them? Can you kill a man with a knife before he even sees it leave your hand?
Notable possessions: Don’t list everything you own, but if you’ve got any weapons, collections, treasure hordes, magic artifacts, vehicles, pets, STDs… now would be the time.
Residence: Do you live in a water-house amidst the vast and beautiful spires of fair Nyra? What about the depths of the unexplored Chorion caverns? A tree in the royal Forests of Wan Hanna, or a humble stone dwelling within the dangerous ghettos of Korrylna Proper? Give a brief description of your home/habitat/biome/city/whatever of residence. This is where you will start out! And again, remember that I will most likely not mind if you create entire new realms.
Notable contacts: Are you married? Do you see your arms dealer or drug supplier often? Got any friends, vice presidents, secretaries, children, Pyrians held captive in your smithery forge? Give the names, seeds, and whatever other info you please of any spouse/close friend/other individual who you will control and interact with regularly.
Bio: Optional; give a brief backstory/history if you like.
Anything else?:


1. Powerplaying’s bad, mkay?
2. Be creative! You don’t have to make long posts, but descriptiveness is recommended.
3. Be realistic – this is an alternate universe, but it is in many ways similar to our own, aside from technology and that sort of thing. Immerse yourself!
4. Violence can be graphic – romance can not.
5. Feel free to carry on your own personal storylines, but major decisions (i.e. the launching of the Integrity, the deaths of important NPCs, etc.) should be thrown by me for approval.
6. Take your time making both your characters and your posts – don’t feel rushed, and have fun!
7. Maximum of three character sheets – though you may control more characters than that. See the ‘notable contacts’ area of the sheet.
7. I may besiege your characters with random events, especially if the RP is moving slowly. Be prepared for anything (though I will most likely warn you first, unless your character is in a group)!
8. Have a question, concern, suggestion? Post it. :3
10. No you don’t have to read the entire OP, especially not from here on out! – but give it a scroll-by, will you?


Confused about some aspect of this roleplay? Post your question and I will answer, pasting both inquisition and response in this section for others to peruse.

Do firearms exist?

Primitive pistols and rifles, prone to misfire, do exist, but are not very common. Cannons fashioned from Stonetree trunks are generally used in sieges, and pirates may carry barrels of gunpowder on their vessels to pack brutish grenades with.

What are these voidships, and how do they work?

Basically they’re airships. Low-flying craft, such as the small, winged ornithopters, are referred to as skyships, whilst higher-flying vehicles are called voidships as they travel through airless or near-airless space. Most voidships resemble zeppelins of leviathan size, and possess sealed hulls of Stonetree wood, though when they travel in lower altitudes one may take a walk on the ship-like deck of the vehicle, as the contraption is quite stable. To reach the actual vacuum that exists in the central void of each sphere, the Integrity has taken extra steps: importing metal canisters from far regions into which they pressurize air, insulating the hull heavily (they plan to seal it to the point where the crew will be forced to blast their way out with black powder, a stock of which shall be kept on board), and mining for stocks of ultra-dense minerals that negate gravity, causing the ship to rise.

Are there cars?

Caravans drawn by horse-like creatures are commonplace, but steam engines do exist, though they are quite rare. Some scientists get about on automated hydraulic transports powered by such engines, though in appearance they resemble wooden wagons laden with rubber tubes and metal pipes.

Is magic a thing?

Unexplained properties of characters and objects are welcome, so long as they are not overpowered and serve some sort of purpose.

So wait. How do day and night work again?

The Phosphor-band-slash-sun provides enough light to see by when it is highest in the ‘sky,’ and though it is still quite dark, this is considered ‘midday.’ As the Phosphor gets closer to our area, its incredible brightness can be blinding if one stands in its midst – though the path of the insects can easily be avoided if a traveler is familiar with it, it is still unadvisable to be out of doors at this time. This is when citizens draw their shutters and go to sleep. Essentially, the ‘night’ time is very bright, and the ‘day’ time is semi-dark. Random fact, there are some blind, ‘nocturnal’ creatures out there that take advantage of the blinding brightness to hunt.

Do different seeds speak different languages?

No, there is one language, though some seeds may or may not speak differently or with various accents. Everyone’s different.

What’s the plot?

Involve yourself in some of the ‘current events’ listed above, or discuss new plots with me. I plan to tie it all together with one big goal eventually.

How long should posts be?

A paragraph or two minimum, unless you are communicating with another RPer's character, in which case your post may simply be one sentence of dialogue. There is no maximum post limit.

Is there a postal service?

Postal caravans carry letters and packages throughout the sphere - if you want a letter delivered more quickly, however, you can pay the more expensive fee of a Pony Express-esque service of gruna-riding deliverymen.

...the f*ck is Vse?

Scroll down to NPCs. o3o

Why is there gender if seeds aren't made from sex?

Gender is solely useful for differentiating personalities and appearance.

NOTABLE CITIES AND LOCATIONS (For your reference, not our memorization. Feel free to submit your own – remember, this is but one sphere-region of an incredibly vast universe!)

Far Halyip
This city, located at the edge of the Halyippan Empire, on the lowest peak of the Glades and across Pasqwox Ocean from Hhomon Proper, is populated majorly by the Halyip. It is a planned city, primarily constructed of whitewashed stone, and both its streets and buildings are tiered – to navigate from one end of the city to another, one must navigate a variety of alleyways and transgress several ladders and wooden staircases. It is most famous for the four spires, one placed in each quadrant of the city as defined by two intersecting main streets, that rise far above the other (quite tall) buildings and blaze with fiery beacons during the height of the Phosphor.

Hhomon Proper (HOE-mun)
The D’eiac capitol of Hhomon, nicknamed the ‘Gray City,’ lies on the edge of Pasqwox, in the Plains of Aderran, and is the largest city within thousands of miles. It is quite widespread and home to dozens of major corporations, most famously the giant known as VioPek Skyships, as well as several million citizens. It is populated heavily by the D’eya as well as Fezdrick, and is still recovering from recent pirate attacks.

Nyra (NIGH-ruh)
The beautiful underwater Nyra, lying at the bottom of the ocean Pasqwox, is a very popular tourist destination. For such outsiders to enter, one takes a day-long ferry voyage to the center of the vast ocean, where can be found floating on the surface of the water the entrance platform to vast tubules of reinforced glass, through which one descends by means of an ingenious hydraulic elevator. On the ride down, the pearly domes and graceful spires of the pleasure-city Nyra are visible through the crystal-clear waters, and the sea floor is lit up by phosphorescent beacons for miles around – it is quite a sight. Upon arrival, tourists walk through domes and tunnels of glass, greeting eachother cheerfully as they observe the Loomai and Ten’Uulians tend to their vast fields of crops and frolic through the transparent barriers (attempting to get the creatures to wave back), their glass habitat filled by air which is pumped down to various points in the city through massive rubber tubes. Most important public-access buildings, such as hotels, casinos, and restaurants, possess (in addition to doorways from the glass labyrinth of streets) large pools in the centers of their richly-carpeted floors through which native Loomai may swim in from the outside to join in the merry-making, as the facilities cater to needs of both land- and sea-dwelling beings. Many a spectator, observing the tranquility and calm of the canals that riddle a restaurant or nightclub floor, has been caught gawking at the sudden and graceful emergence of the creatures, the beauty of whom is one reason why the city is so popular. Its economy thrives on tourism and revenue from businesses like the casinos, and spends most of said revenue ensuring that the glass domes and tunnels do not ever break.

Rundi (run-DEE)
Located opposite the Glade range from Pasqwox, and somewhat near Far Halyip, Rundi lies at the entrance to a large valley. It is populated mainly by Earthborn and Nitruvii, as well as Halyip, though it is a quite diverse city. It is known for its lumber and mineral exports, the former obtained from the eerie forests of Rundi Valley and the latter mined from various locations throughout the Glades.

H’Darref (hah-DARR-if)
The newly-dubbed capitol of Refor, located in the vast desert Kana-Nask’lov, is the nation’s center of trade. Though covering a vast area, its beige sandstone huts with carpeted awnings do not reach very high into the sky, and are absolutely dominated by the Royal Palace of imported whitewashed stone and gold furnishings, home to dictator Grach’nen Nict’rr. H’Darref is populated by the native Refor as well as minorities of Fchulkt-chokt, Wunj-Ai, and Gr’Rahss, and is not friendly to outsiders.

Korrylna Proper (KORE-ill-nuh)
Located in the Glade range, and far removed from the common trade routes between Hhomon, Nyra, and Far Halyip, Korrylna was once a great city but suffered when its mines were depleted of copper and tin deposits. Since then, Korrylna Proper is an infamous ramshackle of cobblestone ghetto, where street merchants guard wares in winding alleyways while thieves lurk in the shadows. It is populated heavily by Wunj-Ai, Fchulkt-chokt and Earthborn, as well as the occasional nervous Serynian.

Lal Leyna (LAWL LAY-nuh)
A modern wonder, the ‘Void City’ Lal Leyna floats high in the sky above Wan Hanna. It is accessible for the flightless only via ornithopters and voidships, which leave and enter Lal Leyna on a regular basis. The bright buildings, temples, and streets of Lal Leyna have an almost spectral quality to them, and their architecture is quite organic. Arches stretch across roads and faces of native Ae’dilae peer with curiosity from large windows. The city survives as a trade center for various nations, and boasts the largest art galleries (and most skilled cooks) in a thousand mile radius.

Ryth’gera (rith-JEER-uh)
Located at least two spheres away, and directly across the wastes of Tetra Doris, little is known of Ryth’gera except that it is an industrial wonder – the ‘Metal City.’ From here originate many manufactured goods, and trading caravans carrying natural resources to the city are forced to circumnavigate the bleak wilderness that bisects the route, pushed on by the thoughts of the gleaming towers and rich streets that await them at journey’s end.

The Glades
The massive, wooded mountain range hugs Pasqwox ocean and continues in one direction to meet the Plains of Aderran and in another to intersect, continue into, and subside inside the desert Kana-Nashk’lov. Its peaks are frequented by Halyippan explorers, as well as many reclusive Cryons, Gr’Rahss tribes, and Zaarilites, and mining quarries are common near the mountains’ bases.

Plains of Aderran (AH-duh-run)
Vast and flat, the grassy plains must be crossed by trade caravans traveling to and from Wan Hanna. It is home to packs of Gr’Rahss and Zaarilites, as well as various wild beasts.

Kana-Nashk’lov (KAHN-uh NAWSH-kluv)
Home to the Refor, Kana-Nask’lov is the largest known desert. Hot and dry, in its sands lies many a ruined city, buried over time, and archaeologists frequently beg for permission from the Refornians to excavate ancient cities of legend from the ever-shifting dunes.

Chorion (KORE-ee-yun)
The caverns of Chorion lie underneath the Glade range, and are home to many Netruvii, Wunj-Ai, and Pyrians. The main city of the same name is suspended over an enormous chasm, and the walls of its gigantic cave of residence are lined with crystals of gigantic size and immeasurable value – the pride of the native Wunj-Ai. Some of Chorion’s tunnels are used by miners from Rundi and other mountain and plains villages, whilst others are rumored to be flooded and provide access to Pasqwox. Expeditions have arranged made to locate such tunnels, especially after the discovery of a deceased and decayed Ten’Uulian corpse at the bottom of a mine, but success is not forthcoming.

Wan Hanna (WAHN HAW-nuh)
The dark and dense jungle of Wan Hanna lies across the plains from Pasqwox and the Glades, though it is bisected by the Loyadric River, which runs through to Kana-Nask’lov. Wan Hanna is home to great yet unnamed cities of Iris, who are averse to visitors yet frequently sought out by them, as well as less obvious villages of Wunj-Ai. Travelers not under the trading protection of the Iris are advised to be wary when passing through the dark wood of Wan Hanna.

A narrow but long band of land sandwiched between the jungles
of Wan Hanna and the forests of the Glades. Its bogs are dangerous to
travel in at night, but it is rich in diverse flora and fauna. Many
biologists come to the area to study the ecosystem, and they're still
finding new subjects. However, it is not exactly a dream residential
area, and many of the houses are simply cabins on stilts or tree houses,
connected by bridges.

Pasqwox Ocean (PASS-wox)
Pasqwox lies in between the plains and the mountains, and in its depth lies many cities of Loomai and Ten’Uulians (most notably Nyra). Monsters of leviathan proportions have been reported by the odd fisherman, though these creatures are never discovered by expeditions of purely scientific intent. On the banks of Pasqwox dwell colonies of Veli, and Gr’Rahss as well as Zaarilites drink from its freshwater liquid. The Loyadric River curls around the Plains of Aderran to join with Pasqwox.

Tetra Doris (TET-ruh DORE-iss)
Unspeakable, unsurvivable, and utterly horrible, the cold tundra of Tetra Doris lies on the far side of the Loyadric River from Aderran. Its surface is of igneous rock, and various former volcanoes lie as black mounds on the horizon, in contrast with the snow-covered ground. No tree grows, no animal survives in this empty waste, blanketed by thick fog, though it is a peculiarly common destination for Voidwalkers – perhaps something mysterious and valuable lies in the massive, deathly expanses?

WILD CREATURES (Needn’t be called by name IC; you may refer to an animal that attacks your character’s caravan as a ‘wolf-life reptile’ or the pet of your Loomai as a ‘cat-like fish.’ This list compiles but a small portion of the wildlife that are in existence – many other insects, mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, and other creatures, both tame and wild, common and uncommon, inhabit our new universe!)

Hona (HONE-uh)
Powerful, muscular, horse-like creatures of varying coloration, Hona are often used for manual labor and pulling caravans. Their soft lowing and melancholy eyes give them a somewhat sad look, heightened by their slow and methodic movements.

Gruna (GRUHN-uh)
Similar to the Hona only smaller and more energetic. They are often raced for sport or used for more strenuous workloads.

Hrrathga (RATH-guh)
Wolfish reptiles, the fierce Hrrathga stalk their prey by camouflaging themselves against the ground before springing forth. They hunt alone and as such may be overpowered by an alert traveler, who listens for their soft hissing when the Phosphor is high in the sky.

Shah (SHAW)
Small, furry, rodent-like pests that are a menace to farmers and pantries alike.

W’io (wuh-EYE-oh)
Whale-like beings that drift lazily from cloud to cloud, from which their white coloration often renders them indistinguishable. W’io are mostly silent, graceful creatures, though are hunted by Ae’dilae for their hides, bones, meat, and stomach bile, and are capable of smashing even the sturdiest voidships to bits in a hunt gone wrong.

Awklings (AWK-leens)
Violent, noisy birds of prey that feed on carrion and live specimen alike. It is for these that the infamous voidpirate took his pseudonym, and for good reason. In flocks, these creatures can be dangerous, and they are a nuisance to most Ae’dilian cities.
Selegaunts (SELL-ay-gawnts)
Massive mammals that traverse both desert and plain – they have tough hides and are sometimes tamed for use in war.

Kitrin (KEET-rinn)
Fish-like creatures with soft webbed hands and a long tail that are often kept by Loomai as pets, for both their dazzling coloration and their friendly, social nature.

G’donwa (guh-DONE-wuh)
Giant eels ridden and tended to by Loomai and Ten’Uulians, they are of great use for cleansing harmful bacteria as well as for plowing underwater fields of ocean-grown crops.

Olia (OLE-ee-yuh)
The large, amphibious apes are found around Pasqwox and in several locations within Wan Hanna. They are considered quite the sporty challenge for thrill-seeking sea- and land-dwelling hunters alike, and are valued for their hides and ivory tusks.

Phosphor (FOSS-fur)
Already mentioned somewhere in the text wall above; insects that are responsible for the glow that serves as a sun.

Unknown creatures
Dwelling deep within the bowels of the earth in expansive caverns of lava and unfamiliar stone, or perhaps slumbering in some unknown fissure leading to vast underwater caverns beneath Pasqwox, or floating up high in unheard-of layers of the void where no sane pilot dares fly, there are multitudes of undiscovered creatures, huge and tiny, fierce and tame, some of which exhibit strange properties never before discovered in modern creatures – research has been done in electric affinity, molecular alteration, spontaneous generation, acidic propulsion, fire aspect, air distortion, earth-churning structures, and far more weird and unusual theoretical properties of the eldritch unknown.

NOTABLE CHARACTERS (NPCs for your reference, not your memorization. ^^)

Ped'Oren Wultennaf (pid-OH-run WOOL-tin-ahv)
The D’eiac president, he resides in Hhomon Proper. He is an extremely gifted public speaker, as well as a tactician, and is conservative – even a tad prejudiced - in his opinions of science, technology, and progress.

Oridiala M’awena (oh-rid-ee-AH-luh um-AH-win-ah)
A Serynian politician who has her eyes on presidency of Halyip, as the previous one has recently been assassinated; she is liberal and idealistic, and the major funder of the Integrity’s voyage.

Hok Helbur (HAWK HIL-burr)
The leader and organizer of the White Railroad in D’eya. He is not known for this outside the group, but is wanted for various other felonies and remains hidden in his laboratory deep within the sewers of Hhomon Proper, from which his agents travel forth.

G’yeryick Anerius Prraton (guh-YARE-ick uh-NEER-ee-us pruh-RAY-tun)
Halyippan head scientist of the Integrity project. Though quite intelligent and with a logical mind, he is prone to taking risks which he reveres as slight and acceptable, even as his subordinates deem them shocking. Prraton’s methods do not always fall on the right side of the law, as his cooperation with the White Railroad exemplify.

Ch’ulin Nch’ahlin (chuh-OOL-in inch-AH-lin)
Alias Awkin, the infamous pirate, Nch’ahlin commands a crew of cutthroats aboard the Hyperius and preys on only the largest and most challenging voidships that sail the skies. His gruff call of battle is as feared as his legendary sword, the Kingskewer, and he is known for his unmatched skill in combat, ridiculous aerial maneuvers, and efficient yet brutal torture methods.

Gnepus Karin (NAY-pus kuh-REEN)
A renowned traveling merchant slash fortune teller, the Fezdrick oddity Gnepus Karin can be seen wandering about in his lonely caravan, decorated with purple paint, in any obscure corner of the sphere. He talks with peculiar accent, assails customers with riddles, and sells everything from forks to cannonballs to pet worms.

Giana Velloix (jee-AH-nuh vill-OY)
The eccentric Earthborn technobiologist/geneticist is mocked, and secretly feared, about the scientific community for her work with cell splicing and organic modification, which landed her in jail for a time, after which she has disappeared to resurface only recently. Outwardly, Velloix is a charming and intelligent young woman, though if her current research was exposed to the public, she would doubtlessly be sent straight back in irons...

T’Rahma Bloodseer (TURR-um-ah)
Not much is known about the fierce Gr’Rahss, who leads a pack that roams the Plains of Aderran near Rundi Valley. Bloodseer has been responsible for the destruction of dozens trade caravans, and is feared by all who take that route.

Ufinia Wyzonia (oof-IN-ee-uh why-ZONE-yuh)
Heir to the throne of Pasqwox kingdon, princess Wyzonia is adored by all throne-loyal Loomai (some tribes reject the monarchic government) for both her beauty and her prowess in combat. From a young age, she has shown a fierce spirit as well as headstrong tendencies and skill with the trident-sword, and when her father dies she will inherit his crown.

Grach’nen Nict’rr (GRAWK-nin NICK-tar)
The newly elected dictator of Unified Refor. He has shown to be militaristic and talks frequently of the ‘good of the Refor people,’ a reason he uses to justify threats towards neighboring nations. He commands the great power of the Refornian military, made up of thousands of infantry as well as ingenious siege weapons, stolen from elsewhere and reverse-engineered long ago. Nict’rr also holds great sway over certain tribes of Gr’Rahss and Zaarilites, creating a potential fighting force which frightens any sane politician or citizen.

Siki Tirtuki (SICK-ee teer-TUCK-ee)
A rare type of Cryon, the infamous four-armed journalist stands at a mere five feet. He is infamous for providing the newsleaflets of D’eya with satirically stinging columns, and looks for corruption and drama even where none is present. On the outside, he is a thoughtful, intelligent, and brave agent of the press, noble and determined to prove that Cryons are a civilized and respectable seed. Inside, Tirtuki (though ashamed of himself constantly) is a spoiled brat who harbors many a grudge against those who cross him, and will pull all strings necessary to ruin his enemies – even if he ruins himself in the process. It’s a wonder the guy still has a job; the public must love watching others be ripped to shreds in biased interviews.

Wan Fera and Wan Circa (wahn FAIR-uh wan SURK-uh)
The twin monarchs of the Iris forest reside deep within the bowels of Wan Hanna, their location the most closely-guarded of Iris secrets, and only forest-dwellers are privy to it. They are technically of the Iris seed, yet stand as monumentally massive trees, with trunks stronger than those of stonetrees and leaves of all colors. The strange fruit they bear is said to heal if smelt and kill if eaten, and it is said that their voices may be heard in the twilight hours when the Phosphor draws near. Wan Fera, the larger, is representative of courage, honor, and the glories of victorious hunting and warfare. His name is a patron to all Iris warriors, whether they live in his forests or not, whether they know of his true existence or not. Wan Circa, the smaller, is a symbol of gentleness and respect, of kindness and acceptance. She is a matron figure to what few Iris politicians exist. Together, the duo are revered by many (even those of other seeds) and the number of paintings, poems, and other artforms dedicated to the inspiration of their spirits is uncountable.

Luous Viritali (LOO-us veer-ih-TAL-ee)
The Iris poet-bandit is as eloquent as he is feared, and commonly preys upon traveling caravans that amble along routes too close to Wan Hanna. He is known for his unusual language and warped sense of poetic justice.

Pru Posh’tuliog (PROO posh-TOO-lee-ogg)
Wise and cunning, the rarely-encountered Wunj is rumored to reside in the deepest, darkest tunnels of Chorion, offering wisdom to those who seek him out – if they can outwit his skilled attempts at both escape and thievery.

Beilijjia Lytmos (bay-LIH-jee-yuh LITT-muss)
A formerly respected Nitruvite archaeologist and engineer – she was recently judged insane after she returned as the one surviving member of a recent expedition, and was committed to Foren Asylum in Hhomon Proper. Lytmos’ babblings included talks of sleeping horrors, blood that stared her in the eye, and things that should not move but did.

Vse (FSEH)
Not much is known of the mythological figure, other than that every once in a while certain artifacts and transcripts are unearthed from decaying shrines in caverns of great depth. Such texts speak of an ancient cult’s search for the one true god, the birther of the world as it is known, in order to free it from its confines and restore a ‘bloodkin order’ to the universe. Vse is described as ‘a superworldly being, the skin of which is earth, the blood of which is water, the breath of which is air, our nurturing father, our unforgiving bloodmother, with wrath of fire and eye of void.’ In various carvings, Vse is depicted as a bipedal figure, though its legs are ridiculously long and out of proportion, composing two-thirds of the figure’s entirety. Its body is depicted as a curious mesh of strange symbols which some claim to be those of smaller beings, and Vse’s four arms, almost as long as its legs, terminate in strange bristles. Its head is an indecipherable array of what could be bones or odd tendrils, though in some carvings is shown as a simple elliptical shape. Whether or not Vse actually exists is unknown and quite controversial – if it does, it has not been discovered, even by the sects of the cult that exist in the current era, for the small groups pop up everywhere – though the excavated artifacts that praise and describe Vse are inexplicably consistent. Confounded archaeologists and historians alike have yet to trace the cult’s origins back far enough to reveal any organized system of communication, refusing to believe the disturbing possibility that all of the sects had been operating independently and without knowledge of eachother.

CAST OF CHARACTERS (Accepted sheets)

...Scroll down three posts.

Last edited by MataRahi on Thu 26 Jul 2012, 2:21 pm; edited 24 times in total
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 1:50 am

So... How the hell did you not break the post limits?

But excellent job, I am both intrigued and astounded by the... sheer... i don't even know.

But I know what I want. And all the problems shall be solved with fire.

Yeah... but first I need to shake this awesomeness hangover... and probably get my cat off the curtains... and she fell.
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 2:05 am

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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 4:58 pm

CAST OF CHARACTERS (Accepted sheets)

Ømnivalence wrote:
Name: Arcem
Seed: Golm
Appearance: How do you begin to describe it... Well. it's a super humongous immeasurable in size, so big your face would explode, well not really that big, but big. To begin in a realm of size you would understand, one of the four feet are about the half the size of a football field, that's just one of them. The "Shell" is slightly bigger than the huge castle that sits on back. In general shape, it looks like that of a turtle. Four huge flat feet and then the big shell on back, which isn't really so much a shell. The castle itself is built in the style of a pretty traditional style, with stone bricks, though it's covered heavily in moss in places. Its fronts gates loom in a frightening way and trees even grow in certain places on his back where dirt has gathered.
The castle forms a very simple design. With circles and x's. It starts with a very tall tower in the middle, then has 4 towers that branch off perpendicularly, with two opposite and then two more perpendicular to that. These towers are also huge, but not as huge. These four towers then have 4 more towers that branch of them. All of the towers are connected by wall-like extrusions that actually have various bedrooms in them. The 16 smallest towers are connected with the smallest hallways to the big tower. The big hallway that connects the middle 4 towers to the biggest tower act as bisectors to the smallest hallways on the smallest towers. In the end it looks like he has 21 towers that extrude like spikes out his back. Each tower generally has a different function, one of the four middle towers has a large library in it. The Largest and middle tower has a grand entrance and grand hall in it. There is also supposed to be a room at the top that houses a manifestation of the being that would allow you to converse clearly with it, otherwise there'd be lots of screaming and yelling.
The castle itself is largely unexplored. No one has really had the chance to look though due to the fact it's on the back of a behemoth that's always moving. Who knows, maybe there are mysteries to be discovered. It's said that antibodies of sorts patrol the halls though. Might want to watch out for those.

Personality: He doesn't really see people much, but when he does *Insert joke here*, well he doesn't generally like anyone that's not Golm. At least he won't let them in the castle on his back. He'll talk to them and get along with them, but his castle is Golm only and if he catches you creeping in his castle (And he'll know) he won't be very pleased.

Common dress: Well he doesn't really wear clothes, but there are all sorts of banners that hang from the castle, they're pretty ripped though and bizarrely change in colors at random intervals over the course of days/weeks/months/years, it varies. Whether or not they banners are cloth or actually part of the Golm are highly up to suspicion.

Occupation: Well um. He's a giant fucking citadel/fortress/castle. Is that a profession? he just sort of walks around the desert. Lots of rumors go around about his existence, though most people believe they're just rumors. Occasionally someone will claim to have sighted him (And they might have done) and suddenly everyone's talking about it and trying to find him, but usually the craze dies for a while, until some new sighting comes up and the process repeats.

Skills: He can be a castle and do castley things.

Notable possessions: Who even knows. That castle is so full of stuff, there could be anything it it. Most of the furniture is bolted down, but who knows what else is in there. One thing, however, that should be known is that the halls aren't always empty, in fact they usually aren't. There are... weird things... in the halls, that act is a kind of anti-body, keeping unwanted visitors out, and perhaps even peculiarly, things in.

Residence: The desert, like the whole damn thing. He just like, walks around. Sure he could leave, but he prefers it in the desert. Not too many pesky people trying to climb him and such.

Notable contacts: He is not married, he does not know anyone, he is simply a giant walking castle. He does know one person though, who frequents his library, (insert Legs character here). That's about it though.

Bio: He crawled out of the desert sand, grew really big and holy fuck, now he's a giant fucking citadel with legs. :O


ArchDemon wrote:
Name: Magistribus Codex
Seed: Golm (Male...?)
Appearance: Codex, as he prefers to be called, is definitely on the larger end of the size scale. He stands in at seventy foot, easily, and, despite the solid look to his large, granite gray-colored body, his torso up to his neck-doors are hollow. Oh yeah, and he has only a little bit of moss growth along his body, as he attempts to keep himself as clean as possible. There is an entrance to this hollow area on his broad shoulders, both of which have flexible walkways to allow movement and for smaller beings to walk on, if they so chose. The inside of his body seems to have been turned into a fairly advanced library, with almost every surface being an encased bookcase to keep books from sliding around while he moves. Naturally, Codex's entire library is not housed here; he has thousands more tomes upon the back of one of his friends, in his dwelling he visits rarely, or in libraries all over. On the outside, Codex is rather, well, intimidating. He has one set of three telescopic eyes on the right side of his head that allow him to record measurements and other such helpful things (including reading the small books he keeps). The other side has only one eye, which has been apparently disabled over the long ages, and is a milky-white color. His body is fairly humanoid, with the neck, chin, torso, two arms, two legs, all that being fairly close in design to a freaking massive, metal-organic human. There are some quirks, of course; his shoulders have walkways that have doors on his neck into his library (previously mentioned), he lacks actual ankles and has only three toes on each huge foot (two in the front, one in the back on each), and his fingers are... Surprisingly thin and nimble while still being proportionate. Codex is viewed typically as just another oddball Golm by most, but he doesn't mind.
Personality: Codex prefers being alone, or at least in a quiet place with others, reading a book, studying architecture, or even building something that most would write off as pointless. He prefers to remain quiet, but even his long life hasn't managed to give him the wisdom to stop getting talkative and excited over a book or a project. He is a good-natured fellow, and does enjoy making friends; he believes all knowledge is worthwhile, and, as such, also believes it as worthwhile to talk with a king as it is to talk to a beggar.
Common dress: Codex wears only a belt with many hooks, upon which he has tools and small gadgets, such as his combat staff.
Occupation: His actual occupation is, technically, librarian, although he is honestly just a pursuer of knowledge in all forms. He wanders around, walking often silently, listening for anything that might peak his interest, such as tales of new lifeforms, a new city, old legends, or maybe something as mundane as a new leader rising up from a rebellion. He also writes books sometimes, but it is very rarely that he does; such books he considers very dear and keeps them on him at all times, safely hidden away in secret areas within himself.
Skills: Codex has an almost encyclopedic memory, remembering just about everything he has ever seen or heard. He is also handy with tools and his hands, having built his own combat staff; a large metal rod that crackles with energy, should he ever be forced to fight. Of course, his lack of need for it means he isn't very skilled at using it.
Notable possessions: Well, let's see. Have I mentioned his collection of books? Right, yeah, already done that... Well, he also owns a large metal staff tipped with a glowing blue metal that emits a strange electrical force that can be controlled with the wielder's mind (read: you need to keep your hands on it), which is primarily used as a nonlethal self-defense (with low power) or as a tool for welding (high power but controlled). Hmm... He also owns several tools for building oddball things, such as small flying ships that run off the light of the Phosphors or an item that can change shape from a ball to a cube to a pyramid (he usually doesn't keep these items, passing them off to others or museums after recording them in his own encyclopedia).
Residence: Codex has long ago forgotten where he originated, but his "home", which he visits only once in a long while, is in Wan Hanna, a giant, hollow tree containing the rest of his collection that he doesn't carry or have his friend take. He is welcome in most large cities, primarily because he was a founder of many of their libraries, and also because he frequents them to either drop off books or pick up a few during his travels. Oh right, and he is generally not hostile.
Notable contacts: Codex has gotten around, so it's not like he's totally unknown in the world, but the most notable contact of his is Arcem, the fucking massive turtle citadel. Oh and *insert Luna's character here if she's still willing to do the tentacle librarian*.
Bio: Most of his early life is lost to time, but it's generally assumed he's been doing his whole collecting knowledge for as long as he has been around. Somewhere along the way, the Magistribus met the Citadel Turtle, and, well, who knows how they got to be friends. He has never been known to be violent, but he is still somewhat known among the older ones who still remember and the young ones who still care as the founder and builder of plenty of libraries across the sphere and filling them with books, both ones he had written himself and ones already written.
Anything Else?: Not... Really? I guess we could say that he's a fairly neutral force in the world. No one really minds him at the time of writing this sheet.

ArchDemon wrote:
Name: Ruona
Seed: Iris Female
Appearance: Now, keep in mind that I am going to use American measurements (okay they aren't exactly American but really we are the only major country that uses customary) throughout this sheet whenever measurements are needed. So if you need to transfer those over to another type of measuring, you now have a point of reference to do that. Oh right I need to actually describe this chick... Okay, let's see. She stands in at roughly 5'7", and possesses the pale, smooth green skin that the least plantlike Iris have. Her long (goes down to mid-back when not put up) dark green hair is usually just left to hang loose, although she'll sometimes braid it, and... Well, her dark green, rather thin, eyebrows arch over her violet-irised eyes. In a word, Ruona is "pretty", even by the standards of most other seeds. She usually is found wearing her red-orange hairband and her skirt/half-dress, which, while odd for an Iris, is just how she rolls.
Personality: Ruona is very self-confident when it comes to her combat skills, although in nearly everything else (except maybe dancing), she is not nearly as confident and often screws things up. Like directions. She speaks without thinking, and many people find her personality, in such stark contrast to her face, to be abrasive.
Common dress: Oh whoops forgot this section existed... Its really just her skirt (that has a slit down the side to allow greater ease of movement and also shows off dem legs, and also primarily red-orange) with a decorative design along the fringes.
Occupation: Ruona mostly lives as a sellsword, although she has seen her fair share of strange jobs (slave, dancer, queen of some random little furry beings, etc) due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. She likes jobs that let her put her only really good skill to use, and she will boast her abilities in that field to anyone still capable of listening.
Skills: Ruona is a fair dancer and singer (depending on the song), has that minor regeneration possessed by some/most Iris, and, her best skill, her skill with a blade (more specifically, her katana). She's pretty much shit at everything else; her long- and short-term memory are almost always horrible, she can't tell the difference between an edible fruit and a deadly scorpion, and so on and so forth. But yeah, really; don't cross her in combat. Unless you can crush her instantaneously. That would help a lot.
Notable possessions: I guess her clothes are pretty notable since most Iris don't wear clothes... But it's really just that and her katana and it's sheath which she keeps strapped to her waist like a sort of belt. It's pretty fucking badass.
Residence: Ruona doesn't really have a home, but she is originally from Wan Hanna and has "relatives" of a sort that still live there.
Notable contacts: Ruona, as of this time, doesn't personally have any notable contacts; she usually forgets about their existence unless they are close, personal friends (and I'm not counting her "family" mainly because I think I might show them off in the actual RP). However, she is known as one of the better mercenaries around, and her name is mentioned by caravaners and others who might be interested in her services from time to time.
Bio: Ruona was adopted by her Iris "mother" and "father", along with a few other children of varying Seeds. The children grew up together, usually as rivals or friends, although alliances shifted constantly and quickly; one day, Ruona and her Pyrian "brother" could be working together to set up a trap for their Nitruviite "sister", and then it could be sprung on Ruona instead as the Nitruviite promised a stolen cookie to the Pyrian. It was an interesting childhood, and, despite all the broken trust and backstabbing, Ruona and her siblings are all fairly close. After she grew up and somehow managed to get her hands on a katana, Ruona honed that one skill and decided to run around as a sellsword for the thrill of it. She is still doing that, of course.
Anything Else?: Ruona has no sense of direction, suffers from memory loss on occasion, is most certainly not book-smart, and is definitely boastful.

pYRO wrote:
Name: Stella Lux
Seed: Loomai (♀)
Appearance: With the tail of a Pyrian and pale blue skin that glows faintly in the dark, Stella has always stood out from the crowd, and the rest of her kin. Her torso is ornamented with a orange swirl pattern that radiates from the center of her chest, ending at her waist where her tail begins. Her tail is covered in purple (with a handful of teal) scales, ending in two teal and purple fins. Her hair is extremely long and jade green, and often covers her right eye and constantly tangles around her webbed fingers. She has the brilliant white teeth, gills, and fin-like ears typical of all Loomayans.
Personality: She is usually a very happy and hyper individual, as is standard of Loomai behavior. She is also extremely friendly, another Pyric trait she possesses. She avoids being left alone, for when she is, she becomes depressed and extremely pessimistic. Every morning she can be seen swimming into her favorite breakfast shop for f'noor (a type of biscuit made from a sea grass called pyasu) and goneau (small fish with a slightly sweet flavor, often served for breakfast) on her way to her own shop.
Common dress: A sky blue top resembling a bikini, and a gold cuff on her upper right arm.
Occupation: Stella is the owner of a beauty salon, offering all kinds of beautification methods, from body painting to jewelry, frequented most commonly by Veli. To supplement her shop, she often has to go out and collect gems, shells, and vibrantly colored plants that she will use in the shop. She also often contributes to the art movement in Nyra, often contributing art and glass pieces to art shops and painting murals on well-known buildings.
Skills: She is skilled in many different areas, like singing and metalworking, but excels in painting and jewelry making, as well as the Pyric art of glassblowing.
Notable Possessions: At all times, Stella has a moderate collection of gems, shells, and coral, along with multiple varieties of plant life, harvested from the small garden behind her house. She has also adopted a striped sky blue Kitrin, name Thyri.
Residence: She resides in a charming cottage made of coral in underwater Nyra.
Notable Contacts: Stella is often visited by Gnepus Karin in order to trade gems, and other items, for paints and other items unavailable to her in Nyra.
Bio: She doesn't remember much from since she was spawned, but what she does remember is filled with loneliness, darkness, and cold.
Anything else?: picture ^^

MataRahi wrote:
Name: Thethin Isengrove (THEE-thin EE-sin-grofe)
Seed: Serynian (Male)
Appearance: Thethin is lean, standing at about 6’2”, and possesses a pointy head with no discernible nose or ears. His eyes are a dark purple and he is bald, possessing two small, needle-thin, flexible antennae that sprout from his forehead to about two feet in front when fully extended, though they rarely are. Thethin’s hands have three humanoid digits and one opposable thumb each, and his clawed feet bear a heel and two pointed toes. Thethin is of lean but slightly muscular build, is not exceptionally strong or quick but can hold his own in a fight, and his skin tone is a very light gray (transparent, of course, as is Serynian wont).
Personality: Thethin is often reserved, preferring to talk to either himself or his secretary, which generally amount to the same effect. He is not social yet can be found at the local tap on weekends, and is not afraid to confront authority if it is necessary. Thethin is intelligent – but dangerously so, as his recent experiences have instilled less-than-sane goals into his logical mind. Though he is involved in practices hypocritic to his occupation, Thethin, a slight bigot, views the exercises as necessary evils that he must indulge in to keep his sanity – and he does not view the law as synonymous with the greater good, merely a common method of achieving it. Among close acquaintances, Thethin is more likely to open up, yet he does not drop his guard easily (even under the influence of the drink). Among enemies, Thethin may be rash and accusative, jumping to conclusions in order to collect data – for information is what he enjoys most in life.
Common dress: In his official job, Thethin dresses in a pair of cotton trouses, belted at the waist with a length of cord, with a fine dress shirt, both stark black. Over these he wears a lengthy duster of the same ebony hue, and the color theme is consistent in Thethin’s black shoes and large-brimmed fedora.
Occupation: Officially, Thethin is a police detective in the employment of the city of Rundi. Unofficially, Thethin is the head of a sect of Vsiggian cult worshippers that resides in the backalleys of Rundi where no sane traveler or citizen alike would prowl. His colleagues in the police station know nothing of his alternate occupation, else they would arrest him on the spot for the sorts of activities the cult rituals partake of, and Thethin’s devoted followers are equally unaware of his status as a respected and renowned detective.
Skills: Solving puzzles, critical thinking, observation, speech/deception, face-reading/lie-detecting, memorization, navigation, knife-handling/knife-throwing, quick movement.
Notable possessions: A collection of the finest cigars, imported from far-away Ryth’gera. Two braces of pure silver knives, for which Thethin payed a fortune and cleans regularly. A small library of notes on various figures of the Rundi criminal underworld. A small fetish figurine, carved from stonetree wood, in the likeness of Vse sitting upon a throne of vines – which Ththin keeps hidden away. Transparent and ornate priestly robes fashioned, in the traditional method, from the skins of Thethin’s ancestors, which Thethin wears when he is conducting his cultist rituals.
Residence: Thethin lives in a small but well-kept suite apartment in the urban district of Rundi. A maroon carpet lies on the cold stone floor, and one may observe from the winder (after retracting the wooden panel that serves as a shutter) a most detestable view of the industrial night-life. In the adjoining room is Thethin’s cot, as well as several cabinets he files his many notes on the criminal underworld in. Thethin also regularly attends a dingy shack deep within the labyrinthine sewer, which he has fixed up into a church of sorts. This is where he holds cult meetings and stores his robes, as well as the Vsiggian likeness.
Notable contacts: Thethin’s partner, a diminutive and angry D’eyan by the name of H’yegna Alwennaf, resides next door – or rather, he did, until the woman disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Thethin also employs a secretary – a dull, softspoken Fezdrick that sits in a chair by the door pretending to be busy with his pens and parchments.
Bio: Nursed a hatred of the law in his youth, participating in gang violence, theft, rape, and other nefarious acts. His views began to change when the gang leader, a particularly nasty Golm by the name of Oddmir, and who stood at a mere seven feet for his seed, insisted upon the death of Thethin’s younger sister. Thethin was unable to put a stop to the hit and ran away to Hhomon, where he was accepted into the police academy and later returned to Rundi for vengeance on Oddmir, who at that time had become a major crime lord of the city. Though employed at that time as a rookie, Thethin was able to track down Oddmir and issued vigilante justice, convincing the defeated Golm to take his own life rather than attempt to capture him for a fair trial. Thethin led a successful career until the day a raid brought him into possession of the Vsiggian fetish, which warped his mind to inspire the love of Vse worship.
Anything else?: Addicted to the hallucinogenic spores of the Gufflon fungus, which he procures from a trusted street vendor every week or so. Such drugs are associated with Vse worship and are oft used in ceremony.

MataRahi wrote:
Name: Ili Kizel’ric (EE-lee kuh-ZELL-rick)
Seed: Ae’dile (Female)
Appearance: Ili is barely a teenager, by Human standards, and when fully erect stands at a mere 4’9”. Her bird-like feet possess two joints, doubling back midway from the knee to the heel in canine fashion. They have four claws each, two in the front and two in the back, making them perfect for gripping branches. Ili’s arms and hands, however, possess the standard amount of joints and digits, though they are a bit lanky. Her face is humanoid but with an avian touch – her cheekbones are elongated, her eyes squint slightly with full round pupils, and her tongue is lengthy and barbed, useful for stabbing insects with. Ili’s black hair is short and straight, and her eyes are a deep blue-green.
Personality: When alone, Ili is thoughtful and retrospective. When in the company of others, she is cheerful and outgoing, easily excitable, and talkative. Ili’s greatest pleasures in life are the words of appreciation from her superiors, the satisfaction after a successful job, and most of all, the feeling of being in the air, for Ili loves to fly more than anything else. She is loathe to ignore the call of adventure, but lacks a fair share of common sense.
Common dress: Ili’s shirt is a close-fitting affair, white in color, and whenever she is officially on duty she wears a brown leather jacket bearing the VioPek insignia. However, Ili escapes this cumbersome jacket whenever she is able. She ties back her hair with a length of cord, and wears brown, baggy cloth pants, which she secures around her ankles with tight fibers. She does not wear shoes, hat, or gloves, even for the uniform.
Occupation: Ili works as a messenger/hand/cabingirl onboard the Horizon, an esteemed voidship of VioPek travel services for high-paying passengers. She helps with repairing parts of the ship that others cannot reach, as well as carrying orders from deck to deck, cleaning, and taking odd jobs. When the ship is docked, Ili simply adjourns with the rest of the crew to a few nights in whatever town they are currently located.
Skills: Acrobatics, parkour, quick movement, sneaking and evasion, hand-eye coordination, climbing, and navigation. Ili also knows the Horizon like the back of her hand, and thus has a fairly extensive insight as to the mechanics of voidships.
Notable possessions: Aside from her uniform and bunk on the Horizon, Ili has little to her name. The only items she values are her shell collection and a small amulet with the visage of a strange entity melted into the cold brass, and this she keeps at the bottom of her clothing drawer, as its mysteries are a comfort to her in harsh times (THERE IS ABOUT A 3% CHANCE THAT IT’S NOT VSE).
Residence: Ili’s cabin aboard the Horizon is her only real permanent dwelling. It consists of a shabby cot with clean cotton sheets, a nightstand with a candlelamp beside this, and a dresser in the corner. Overall, it is quite tiny, yet homely and comfortable.
Notable contacts: The Horizon is captained by Whemmus Graysod, a respectable yet authoritative and unforgiving Veli, and his first mate is the far-more-likeable Phee Derrijan, a Halyippan with a spontaneous sense of humor. Ili’s best friend, a shy yet insightful Nitruvite by the name of Esaer Yth’gon, works belowdecks as an assistant to the sub-laborers.
Bio: Ili was found by the former captain of the Horizon, who adopted her, and acted as a mother figure until her death in an accident on the engineering deck. Ever since, Ili has been regarded by most of the crew as their collective responsibility to raise, especially by Phee.
Anything else?: Ili is well-liked aboard the Horizon for her cheerfulness and acrobatic ability, despite her age.

Fåil_Whåle wrote:
Name: Caoas
Seed: Ae'dile (M)
Appearance: Caoas is the equivalent of twenty-eight years old. He's 5'10" tall with an athletic build. His plumage takes its cue from the peacock and, and feathers are scattered sparsely about his body; in bright light, they are so oddly iridescent that come "night," he practically radiates an ever-shifting array of blues, greens, and purples. He's got that sort of crest thing that peacocks have, and he doesn't have a proper mouth/nose. He's just got a beak that goes where both of those would go on a human. His other particular feature is the tail. He's got one. When he puts it up, it adds a couple inches to his height.
Personality: Caoas is rather like Han Solo stuck in a blender with a bird and a wandering samurai. He fancies himself a bit of a badass, which he generally is.
Common dress: In non-combat situations, he wears an elaborately-woven knee-length vest of deep red with black patterns woven in, over an ivory-colored long-sleeve shirt and a pair of well-fitted black pants. He typically doesn't wear shoes unless fighting, but when situation calls, he has a pair of glorified leather sandals with the individual toes articulated.
Occupation: Have sword, will travel.
Skills: Caoas can sword. The end. Anything about a sword, he can tell you. Sometimes he also guns, but not often. He can smith and fix things pretty well, and he can fly an ornithopter pretty well.
Notable possessions: Notable possessions include a pair of flintlock pistols, a makhaira, a set of lamellar armor, and a 3ft round punch shield. The pistols are nothing special, but the makhaira was an heirloom made by a Pyrian smith. The shield can retract into a one-foot buckler when necessary; his mentor gave it to him when he finished training. Rumor has it that it's faced with the leather of some undiscovered creature that lived at the heart of a void-well and that the boss is built of a Phosphor-bug's carapace. The armor is constructed from lacquered reptile scales laced together. Then there's the forge, but that's hardly a possession. He also has a WIP project that looks like an odd steel bar with six iron strands sticking out of it and a small ornithopter that's basically the flying equivalent of a Yugo.
Residence: He lives in/with a roving Golm who serves as his shop, home, and companion.
Notable contacts: His as-yet-unnamed Golm compatriot, a mentor who may be back somewhere
Bio: I'll work this out as I go.
Anything else?:Click.

Fåil_Whåle wrote:
Name: Izo
Seed: Golm
As Golm tend to go, he's really not that big. He's "only" forty feet
tall and sort of maybe human-shaped, save for not having a head, face,
or two arms. Okay, so, the only vaguely humanoid part is his torso. He
just sort of has a shiny dish on a pivot in between his shoulders. Most
of him is stone, but the dish is shiny and metallic, and it gets really
hot when it is exposed to the Phosphor for long periods, such as at
"night." He has a single arm on the left side, which is long enough to
wrap around and reach his right side. To make up for the weight
imbalance, his torso is built with a right lean in it; the floors on the
inside are still level, but all the floors besides the first are
shifted rightwards. His torso is situated on a rectangular base with a
short (10ft long or so) leg on each of the four corners. His torso can
rotate all the way around continuously. He's got two proper floors and a
sort of attic; the bottom is largely taken up by a forge, and the rest
isn't really differentiated besides having a couple of rooms. His
digestive system is located along the spinal area.
He's mainly there to play both Chewbacca and Millennium Falcon to
Caoas' Han Solo. He's mostly the straight man, but he's also the
all-purpose sidekick.
Common dress: …what? Do they even make those in this size?
Occupation: Roving home base
He's knowledgeable primarily about the use of forges and furnaces and
geology, as an intuitive feature of, well, being a Golm with a forge
Notable possessions: Caoas' ornithopter
spends most of its time attached to his back, latched on like a backpack
by its insectoid landing gear. There's some random stuff inside, but
the forge is the main thing. It takes his own internal heat and the
energy gathered from his "Phosphor panel" to create a fuel-less,
clean-running forge that's hotter than what most smiths can get using
conventional methods. The stored heat can also be re-ejected through the
phosphor panel as a heat ray when not being used for the forge. There
is also a spiked mace sitting in a hollow at the base of his torso
Residence: He is a residence.
Notable contacts: Caoas, mostly.
Bio: Again, this will evolve as it goes.
Anything else?:

Last edited by MataRahi on Mon 23 Jul 2012, 5:01 pm; edited 12 times in total
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 8:15 pm


mata i love this
i love this i love this i loVE THIS I LOEV THISSDSG

ogh myga gaaoood
you dont understand
just how much
i love this

your brain is great
let me hug it

Ae'dilae and Gr’Rahss and Fchulkt-chokt ahhhh luff luff luff

ahhh i would probably take part in the seventh event or the fifth or the second but mostly the seventh
archaeology ahhhh<3


and i really want to join oh my god i have suggestions n shit and i just want to talk about this forever ahhhh
and i already have an idea for a charactre in miiiind and uuuugh this is perfect this rp just shgjasjg

i really fucking hope that i'll be able to get a character sheet done
because character sheets always seem to evade me

TL;DR- this is so great i love it i really want to join
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 9:25 pm

Oh my, I'm quite flattered. And yes, do feel free to make suggestions, I would love to discuss additions to the world with everyone!
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 23 May 2012, 11:38 pm

Name: Arcem

Seed: Golm

Appearance: How do you begin to describe it... Well. it's a super humongous immeasurable in size, so big your face would explode, well not really that big, but big. To begin in a realm of size you would understand, one of the four feet are about the half the size of a football field, that's just one of them. The "Shell" is slightly bigger than the huge castle that sits on back. In general shape, it looks like that of a turtle. Four huge flat feet and then the big shell on back, which isn't really so much a shell. The castle itself is built in the style of a pretty traditional style, with stone bricks, though it's covered heavily in moss in places. Its fronts gates loom in a frightening way and trees even grow in certain places on his back where dirt has gathered.
The castle forms a very simple design. With circles and x's. It starts with a very tall tower in the middle, then has 4 towers that branch off perpendicularly, with two opposite and then two more perpendicular to that. These towers are also huge, but not as huge. These four towers then have 4 more towers that branch of them. All of the towers are connected by wall-like extrusions that actually have various bedrooms in them. The 16 smallest towers are connected with the smallest hallways to the big tower. The big hallway that connects the middle 4 towers to the biggest tower act as bisectors to the smallest hallways on the smallest towers. In the end it looks like he has 21 towers that extrude like spikes out his back. Each tower generally has a different function, one of the four middle towers has a large library in it. The Largest and middle tower has a grand entrance and grand hall in it. There is also supposed to be a room at the top that houses a manifestation of the being that would allow you to converse clearly with it, otherwise there'd be lots of screaming and yelling.
The castle itself is largely unexplored. No one has really had the chance to look though due to the fact it's on the back of a behemoth that's always moving. Who knows, maybe there are mysteries to be discovered. It's said that antibodies of sorts patrol the halls though. Might want to watch out for those.

Personality: He doesn't really see people much, but when he does *Insert joke here*, well he doesn't generally like anyone that's not Golm. At least he won't let them in the castle on his back. He'll talk to them and get along with them, but his castle is Golm only and if he catches you creeping in his castle (And he'll know) he won't be very pleased.

Common dress: Well he doesn't really wear clothes, but there are all sorts of banners that hang from the castle, they're pretty ripped though and bizarrely change in colors at random intervals over the course of days/weeks/months/years, it varies. Whether or not they banners are cloth or actually part of the Golm are highly up to suspicion.

Occupation: Well um. He's a giant fucking citadel/fortress/castle. Is that a profession? he just sort of walks around the desert. Lots of rumors go around about his existence, though most people believe they're just rumors. Occasionally someone will claim to have sighted him (And they might have done) and suddenly everyone's talking about it and trying to find him, but usually the craze dies for a while, until some new sighting comes up and the process repeats.

Skills: He can be a castle and do castley things.

Notable possessions: Who even knows. That castle is so full of stuff, there could be anything it it. Most of the furniture is bolted down, but who knows what else is in there. One thing, however, that should be known is that the halls aren't always empty, in fact they usually aren't. There are... weird things... in the halls, that act is a kind of anti-body, keeping unwanted visitors out, and perhaps even peculiarly, things in.

Residence: The desert, like the whole damn thing. He just like, walks around. Sure he could leave, but he prefers it in the desert. Not too many pesky people trying to climb him and such.

Notable contacts: He is not married, he does not know anyone, he is simply a giant walking castle. He does know one person though, who frequents his library, (insert Legs character here). That's about it though.

Bio: He crawled out of the desert sand, grew really big and holy fuck, now he's a giant fucking citadel with legs. :O

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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 6:08 pm

omniomniomni YOU WILL FEEL A TINGLING SENSATION AND THEN DEATH antibodies ahhhhhhhh
yes good


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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 7:10 pm


Very mysterious, melikey. o: Also, best bio. Added~

Gotcha Hawk!
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 7:12 pm

wait no
don't gotch me
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 8:05 pm

Name: Magistribus Codex
Seed: Golm (Male...?)
Appearance: Codex, as he prefers to be called, is definitely on the larger end of the size scale. He stands in at seventy foot, easily, and, despite the solid look to his large, granite gray-colored body, his torso up to his neck-doors are hollow. Oh yeah, and he has only a little bit of moss growth along his body, as he attempts to keep himself as clean as possible. There is an entrance to this hollow area on his broad shoulders, both of which have flexible walkways to allow movement and for smaller beings to walk on, if they so chose. The inside of his body seems to have been turned into a fairly advanced library, with almost every surface being an encased bookcase to keep books from sliding around while he moves. Naturally, Codex's entire library is not housed here; he has thousands more tomes upon the back of one of his friends, in his dwelling he visits rarely, or in libraries all over. On the outside, Codex is rather, well, intimidating. He has one set of three telescopic eyes on the right side of his head that allow him to record measurements and other such helpful things (including reading the small books he keeps). The other side has only one eye, which has been apparently disabled over the long ages, and is a milky-white color. His body is fairly humanoid, with the neck, chin, torso, two arms, two legs, all that being fairly close in design to a freaking massive, metal-organic human. There are some quirks, of course; his shoulders have walkways that have doors on his neck into his library (previously mentioned), he lacks actual ankles and has only three toes on each huge foot (two in the front, one in the back on each), and his fingers are... Surprisingly thin and nimble while still being proportionate. Codex is viewed typically as just another oddball Golm by most, but he doesn't mind. 
Personality: Codex prefers being alone, or at least in a quiet place with others, reading a book, studying architecture, or even building something that most would write off as pointless. He prefers to remain quiet, but even his long life hasn't managed to give him the wisdom to stop getting talkative and excited over a book or a project. He is a good-natured fellow, and does enjoy making friends; he believes all knowledge is worthwhile, and, as such, also believes it as worthwhile to talk with a king as it is to talk to a beggar.
Common dress: Codex wears only a belt with many hooks, upon which he has tools and small gadgets, such as his combat staff. 
Occupation: His actual occupation is, technically, librarian, although he is honestly just a pursuer of knowledge in all forms. He wanders around, walking often silently, listening for anything that might peak his interest, such as tales of new lifeforms, a new city, old legends, or maybe something as mundane as a new leader rising up from a rebellion. He also writes books sometimes, but it is very rarely that he does; such books he considers very dear and keeps them on him at all times, safely hidden away in secret areas within himself.   
Skills: Codex has an almost encyclopedic memory, remembering just about everything he has ever seen or heard. He is also handy with tools and his hands, having built his own combat staff; a large metal rod that crackles with energy, should he ever be forced to fight. Of course, his lack of need for it means he isn't very skilled at using it. 
Notable possessions: Well, let's see. Have I mentioned his collection of books? Right, yeah, already done that... Well, he also owns a large metal staff tipped with a glowing blue metal that emits a strange electrical force that can be controlled with the wielder's mind (read: you need to keep your hands on it), which is primarily used as a nonlethal self-defense (with low power) or as a tool for welding (high power but controlled). Hmm... He also owns several tools for building oddball things, such as small flying ships that run off the light of the Phosphors or an item that can change shape from a ball to a cube to a pyramid (he usually doesn't keep these items, passing them off to others or museums after recording them in his own encyclopedia). 
Residence: Codex has long ago forgotten where he originated, but his "home", which he visits only once in a long while, is in Wan Hanna, a giant, hollow tree containing the rest of his collection that he doesn't carry or have his friend take. He is welcome in most large cities, primarily because he was a founder of many of their libraries, and also because he frequents them to either drop off books or pick up a few during his travels. Oh right, and he is generally not hostile. 
Notable contacts: Codex has gotten around, so it's not like he's totally unknown in the world, but the most notable contact of his is Arcem, the fucking massive turtle citadel. Oh and *insert Luna's character here if she's still willing to do the tentacle librarian*.  
Bio: Most of his early life is lost to time, but it's generally assumed he's been doing his whole collecting knowledge for as long as he has been around. Somewhere along the way, the Magistribus met the Citadel Turtle, and, well, who knows how they got to be friends. He has never been known to be violent, but he is still somewhat known among the older ones who still remember and the young ones who still care as the founder and builder of plenty of libraries across the sphere and filling them with books, both ones he had written himself and ones already written. 
Anything Else?: Not... Really? I guess we could say that he's a fairly neutral force in the world. No one really minds him at the time of writing this sheet.
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 9:06 pm

Very goot, added as well. Having hit the character limit for the OP, and having lacked the foresight to make 'reserve' posts, the character list may now be found in my second post a bit further down the page. o3o

Also, OP has been updated with the following Notable Characters:

Siki Tirtuki (SICK-ee teer-TUCK-ee)
A rare type of Cryon, the infamous four-armed journalist stands at a mere five feet. He is infamous for providing the newsleaflets of D’eya with satirically stinging columns, and looks for corruption and drama even where none is present. On the outside, he is a thoughtful, intelligent, and brave agent of the press, noble and determined to prove that Cryons are a civilized and respectable seed. Inside, Tirtuki (though ashamed of himself constantly) is a spoiled brat who harbors many a grudge against those who cross him, and will pull all strings necessary to ruin his enemies – even if he ruins himself in the process. It’s a wonder the guy still has a job; the public must love watching others be ripped to shreds in biased interviews.

Vse (FSEH)
Not much is known of the mythological figure, other than that every once in a while certain artifacts and transcripts are unearthed from decaying shrines in caverns of great depth. Such texts speak of an ancient cult’s search for the one true god, the birther of the world as it is known, in order to free it from its confines and restore a ‘bloodkin order’ to the universe. Vse is described as ‘a superworldly being, the skin of which is earth, the blood of which is water, the breath of which is air, our nurturing father, our unforgiving bloodmother, with wrath of fire and eye of void.’ In various carvings, Vse is depicted as a bipedal figure, though its legs are ridiculously long and out of proportion, composing two-thirds of the figure’s entirety. Its body is depicted as a curious mesh of strange symbols which some claim to be those of smaller beings, and Vse’s four arms, almost as long as its legs, terminate in strange bristles. Its head is an indecipherable array of what could be bones or odd tendrils, though in some carvings is shown as a simple elliptical shape. Whether or not Vse actually exists is unknown and quite controversial – if it does, it has not been discovered, even by the sects of the cult that exist in the current era, for the small groups pop up everywhere – though the excavated artifacts that praise and describe Vse are inexplicably consistent. Confounded archaeologists and historians alike have yet to trace the cult’s origins back far enough to reveal any organized system of communication, refusing to believe the disturbing possibility that all of the sects had been operating independently and without knowledge of eachother.
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 10:15 pm

I'll wait for a bit before joining and se if anyone else makes characters who might be good with their hands. I wanted to make a Golm character, but it seems the character list is a bit biased towards them ATM.
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012, 10:43 pm

Heheheh, that's fine. But I will be controlling a plethora of NPCs to increase character interaction, so you needn't worry about tipping any seed balances. o3o
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeMon 28 May 2012, 4:46 pm

Name: Stella Lux
Seed: Loomai (♀)
Appearance: With the tail of a Pyrian and pale blue skin that glows faintly in the dark, Stella has always stood out from the crowd, and the rest of her kin. Her torso is ornamented with a orange swirl pattern that radiates from the center of her chest, ending at her waist where her tail begins. Her tail is covered in purple (with a handful of teal) scales, ending in two teal and purple fins. Her hair is extremely long and jade green, and often covers her right eye and constantly tangles around her webbed fingers. She has the brilliant white teeth, gills, and fin-like ears typical of all Loomayans.
Personality: She is usually a very happy and hyper individual, as is standard of Loomai behavior. She is also extremely friendly, another Pyric trait she possesses. She avoids being left alone, for when she is, she becomes depressed and extremely pessimistic. Every morning she can be seen swimming into her favorite breakfast shop for f'noor (a type of biscuit made from a sea grass called pyasu) and goneau (small fish with a slightly sweet flavor, often served for breakfast) on her way to her own shop.
Common dress: A sky blue top resembling a bikini, and a gold cuff on her upper right arm.
Occupation: Stella is the owner of a beauty salon, offering all kinds of beautification methods, from body painting to jewelry, frequented most commonly by Veli. To supplement her shop, she often has to go out and collect gems, shells, and vibrantly colored plants that she will use in the shop. She also often contributes to the art movement in Nyra, often contributing art and glass pieces to art shops and painting murals on well-known buildings.
Skills: She is skilled in many different areas, like singing and metalworking, but excels in painting and jewelry making, as well as the Pyric art of glassblowing.
Notable Possessions: At all times, Stella has a moderate collection of gems, shells, and coral, along with multiple varieties of plant life, harvested from the small garden behind her house. She has also adopted a striped sky blue Kitrin, name Thyri.
Residence: She resides in a charming cottage made of coral in underwater Nyra.
Notable Contacts: Stella is often visited by Gnepus Karin in order to trade gems, and other items, for paints and other items unavailable to her in Nyra.
Bio: She doesn't remember much from since she was spawned, but what she does remember is filled with loneliness, darkness, and cold.
Anything else?: picture ↓ ^^
Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! 001
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeMon 28 May 2012, 5:30 pm

Astounding! Accepted c:

With three sheets in, I will soon begin work on the first post of the IC. Man your stations, everyone, and those still working on their sheets are given a gentle pap of encouragement!

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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 9:43 pm


Legs' second character has been accepted, and I will post them here for the rest of you to enjoy:

ArchDemon wrote:
Name: Ruona
Seed: Iris Female
Appearance: Now, keep in mind that I am going to use American measurements (okay they aren't exactly American but really we are the only major country that uses customary) throughout this sheet whenever measurements are needed. So if you need to transfer those over to another type of measuring, you now have a point of reference to do that. Oh right I need to actually describe this chick... Okay, let's see. She stands in at roughly 5'7", and possesses the pale, smooth green skin that the least plantlike Iris have. Her long (goes down to mid-back when not put up) dark green hair is usually just left to hang loose, although she'll sometimes braid it, and... Well, her dark green, rather thin, eyebrows arch over her violet-irised eyes. In a word, Ruona is "pretty", even by the standards of most other seeds. She usually is found wearing her red-orange hairband and her skirt/half-dress, which, while odd for an Iris, is just how she rolls.
Personality: Ruona is very self-confident when it comes to her combat skills, although in nearly everything else (except maybe dancing), she is not nearly as confident and often screws things up. Like directions. She speaks without thinking, and many people find her personality, in such stark contrast to her face, to be abrasive.
Common dress: Oh whoops forgot this section existed... Its really just her skirt (that has a slit down the side to allow greater ease of movement and also shows off dem legs, and also primarily red-orange) with a decorative design along the fringes.
Occupation: Ruona mostly lives as a sellsword, although she has seen her fair share of strange jobs (slave, dancer, queen of some random little furry beings, etc) due to being at the wrong place at the wrong time. She likes jobs that let her put her only really good skill to use, and she will boast her abilities in that field to anyone still capable of listening.
Skills: Ruona is a fair dancer and singer (depending on the song), has that minor regeneration possessed by some/most Iris, and, her best skill, her skill with a blade (more specifically, her katana). She's pretty much shit at everything else; her long- and short-term memory are almost always horrible, she can't tell the difference between an edible fruit and a deadly scorpion, and so on and so forth. But yeah, really; don't cross her in combat. Unless you can crush her instantaneously. That would help a lot.
Notable possessions: I guess her clothes are pretty notable since most Iris don't wear clothes... But it's really just that and her katana and it's sheath which she keeps strapped to her waist like a sort of belt. It's pretty fucking badass.
Residence: Ruona doesn't really have a home, but she is originally from Wan Hanna and has "relatives" of a sort that still live there.
Notable contacts: Ruona, as of this time, doesn't personally have any notable contacts; she usually forgets about their existence unless they are close, personal friends (and I'm not counting her "family" mainly because I think I might show them off in the actual RP). However, she is known as one of the better mercenaries around, and her name is mentioned by caravaners and others who might be interested in her services from time to time.
Bio: Ruona was adopted by her Iris "mother" and "father", along with a few other children of varying Seeds. The children grew up together, usually as rivals or friends, although alliances shifted constantly and quickly; one day, Ruona and her Pyrian "brother" could be working together to set up a trap for their Nitruviite "sister", and then it could be sprung on Ruona instead as the Nitruviite promised a stolen cookie to the Pyrian. It was an interesting childhood, and, despite all the broken trust and backstabbing, Ruona and her siblings are all fairly close. After she grew up and somehow managed to get her hands on a katana, Ruona honed that one skill and decided to run around as a sellsword for the thrill of it. She is still doing that, of course.
Anything Else?: Ruona has no sense of direction, suffers from memory loss on occasion, is most certainly not book-smart, and is definitely boastful.

I have submitted my two character sheets. Are they okay?

Yeah they're cool man. Accepted and added to OP.

Sweet, thanks.

MataRahi wrote:
Name: Thethin Isengrove (THEE-thin EE-sin-grofe)
Seed: Serynian (Male)
Appearance: Thethin is lean, standing at about 6’2”, and possesses a pointy head with no discernible nose or ears. His eyes are a dark purple and he is bald, possessing two small, needle-thin, flexible antennae that sprout from his forehead to about two feet in front when fully extended, though they rarely are. Thethin’s hands have three humanoid digits and one opposable thumb each, and his clawed feet bear a heel and two pointed toes. Thethin is of lean but slightly muscular build, is not exceptionally strong or quick but can hold his own in a fight, and his skin tone is a very light gray (transparent, of course, as is Serynian wont).
Personality: Thethin is often reserved, preferring to talk to either himself or his secretary, which generally amount to the same effect. He is not social yet can be found at the local tap on weekends, and is not afraid to confront authority if it is necessary. Thethin is intelligent – but dangerously so, as his recent experiences have instilled less-than-sane goals into his logical mind. Though he is involved in practices hypocritic to his occupation, Thethin, a slight bigot, views the exercises as necessary evils that he must indulge in to keep his sanity – and he does not view the law as synonymous with the greater good, merely a common method of achieving it. Among close acquaintances, Thethin is more likely to open up, yet he does not drop his guard easily (even under the influence of the drink). Among enemies, Thethin may be rash and accusative, jumping to conclusions in order to collect data – for information is what he enjoys most in life.
Common dress: In his official job, Thethin dresses in a pair of cotton trouses, belted at the waist with a length of cord, with a fine dress shirt, both stark black. Over these he wears a lengthy duster of the same ebony hue, and the color theme is consistent in Thethin’s black shoes and large-brimmed fedora.
Occupation: Officially, Thethin is a police detective in the employment of the city of Rundi. Unofficially, Thethin is the head of a sect of Vsiggian cult worshippers that resides in the backalleys of Rundi where no sane traveler or citizen alike would prowl. His colleagues in the police station know nothing of his alternate occupation, else they would arrest him on the spot for the sorts of activities the cult rituals partake of, and Thethin’s devoted followers are equally unaware of his status as a respected and renowned detective.
Skills: Solving puzzles, critical thinking, observation, speech/deception, face-reading/lie-detecting, memorization, navigation, knife-handling/knife-throwing, quick movement.
Notable possessions: A collection of the finest cigars, imported from far-away Ryth’gera. Two braces of pure silver knives, for which Thethin payed a fortune and cleans regularly. A small library of notes on various figures of the Rundi criminal underworld. A small fetish figurine, carved from stonetree wood, in the likeness of Vse sitting upon a throne of vines – which Ththin keeps hidden away. Transparent and ornate priestly robes fashioned, in the traditional method, from the skins of Thethin’s ancestors, which Thethin wears when he is conducting his cultist rituals.
Residence: Thethin lives in a small but well-kept suite apartment in the urban district of Rundi. A maroon carpet lies on the cold stone floor, and one may observe from the winder (after retracting the wooden panel that serves as a shutter) a most detestable view of the industrial night-life. In the adjoining room is Thethin’s cot, as well as several cabinets he files his many notes on the criminal underworld in. Thethin also regularly attends a dingy shack deep within the labyrinthine sewer, which he has fixed up into a church of sorts. This is where he holds cult meetings and stores his robes, as well as the Vsiggian likeness.
Notable contacts: Thethin’s partner, a diminutive and angry D’eyan by the name of H’yegna Alwennaf, resides next door – or rather, he did, until the woman disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Thethin also employs a secretary – a dull, softspoken Fezdrick that sits in a chair by the door pretending to be busy with his pens and parchments.
Bio: Nursed a hatred of the law in his youth, participating in gang violence, theft, rape, and other nefarious acts. His views began to change when the gang leader, a particularly nasty Golm by the name of Oddmir, and who stood at a mere seven feet for his seed, insisted upon the death of Thethin’s younger sister. Thethin was unable to put a stop to the hit and ran away to Hhomon, where he was accepted into the police academy and later returned to Rundi for vengeance on Oddmir, who at that time had become a major crime lord of the city. Though employed at that time as a rookie, Thethin was able to track down Oddmir and issued vigilante justice, convincing the defeated Golm to take his own life rather than attempt to capture him for a fair trial. Thethin led a successful career until the day a raid brought him into possession of the Vsiggian fetish, which warped his mind to inspire the love of Vse worship.
Anything else?: Addicted to the hallucinogenic spores of the Gufflon fungus, which he procures from a trusted street vendor every week or so. Such drugs are associated with Vse worship and are oft used in ceremony.

MataRahi wrote:
Name: Ili Kizel’ric (EE-lee kuh-ZELL-rick)
Seed: Ae’dile (Female)
Appearance: Ili is barely a teenager, by Human standards, and when fully erect stands at a mere 4’9”. Her bird-like feet possess two joints, doubling back midway from the knee to the heel in canine fashion. They have four claws each, two in the front and two in the back, making them perfect for gripping branches. Ili’s arms and hands, however, possess the standard amount of joints and digits, though they are a bit lanky. Her face is humanoid but with an avian touch – her cheekbones are elongated, her eyes squint slightly with full round pupils, and her tongue is lengthy and barbed, useful for stabbing insects with. Ili’s black hair is short and straight, and her eyes are a deep blue-green.
Personality: When alone, Ili is thoughtful and retrospective. When in the company of others, she is cheerful and outgoing, easily excitable, and talkative. Ili’s greatest pleasures in life are the words of appreciation from her superiors, the satisfaction after a successful job, and most of all, the feeling of being in the air, for Ili loves to fly more than anything else. She is loathe to ignore the call of adventure, but lacks a fair share of common sense.
Common dress: Ili’s shirt is a close-fitting affair, white in color, and whenever she is officially on duty she wears a brown leather jacket bearing the VioPek insignia. However, Ili escapes this cumbersome jacket whenever she is able. She ties back her hair with a length of cord, and wears brown, baggy cloth pants, which she secures around her ankles with tight fibers. She does not wear shoes, hat, or gloves, even for the uniform.
Occupation: Ili works as a messenger/hand/cabingirl onboard the Horizon, an esteemed voidship of VioPek travel services for high-paying passengers. She helps with repairing parts of the ship that others cannot reach, as well as carrying orders from deck to deck, cleaning, and taking odd jobs. When the ship is docked, Ili simply adjourns with the rest of the crew to a few nights in whatever town they are currently located.
Skills: Acrobatics, parkour, quick movement, sneaking and evasion, hand-eye coordination, climbing, and navigation. Ili also knows the Horizon like the back of her hand, and thus has a fairly extensive insight as to the mechanics of voidships.
Notable possessions: Aside from her uniform and bunk on the Horizon, Ili has little to her name. The onlys item she values are her shell collection and a small amulet with the visage of a strange entity melted into the cold brass, and this she keeps at the bottom of her clothing drawer, as its mysteries are a comfort to her in harsh times (THERE IS ABOUT A 3% CHANCE THAT IT’S NOT VSE).
Residence: Ili’s cabin aboard the Horizon is her only real permanent dwelling. It consists of a shabby cot with clean cotton sheets, a nightstand with a candlelamp beside this, and a dresser in the corner. Overall, it is quite tiny, yet homely and comfortable.
Notable contacts: The Horizon is captained by Whemmus Graysod, a respectable yet authoritative and unforgiving Veli, and his first mate is the far-more-likeable Phee Derrijan, a Halyippan with a spontaneous sense of humor. Ili’s best friend, a shy yet insightful Nitruvite by the name of Esaer Yth’gon, works belowdecks as an assistant to the sub-laborers.
Bio: Ili was found by the former captain of the Horizon, who adopted her, and acted as a mother figure until her death in an accident on the engineering deck. Ever since, Ili has been regarded by most of the crew as their collective responsibility to raise, especially by Phee.
Anything else?: Ili is well-liked aboard the Horizon for her cheerfulness and acrobatic ability, despite her age.


The OP has been updated with the following location:

Ryth’gera (rith-JEER-uh)
Located at least two spheres away, and directly across the wastes of Tetra Doris, little is known of Ryth’gera except that it is an industrial wonder – the ‘Metal City.’ From here originate many manufactured goods, and trading caravans carrying natural resources to the city are forced to circumnavigate the bleak wilderness that bisects the route, pushed on by the thoughts of the gleaming towers and rich streets that await them at journey’s end.

And that's not too interesting, but the following NPCs have also been added:

Wan Fera and Wan Circa (wahn FAIR-uh wan SURK-uh)
The twin monarchs of the Iris forest reside deep within the bowels of Wan Hanna, their location the most closely-guarded of Iris secrets, and only forest-dwellers are privy to it. They are technically of the Iris seed, yet stand as monumentally massive trees, with trunks stronger than those of stonetrees and leaves of all colors. The strange fruit they bear is said to heal if smelt and kill if eaten, and it is said that their voices may be heard in the twilight hours when the Phosphor draws near. Wan Fera, the larger, is representative of courage, honor, and the glories of victorious hunting and warfare. His name is a patron to all Iris warriors, whether they live in his forests or not, whether they know of his true existence or not. Wan Circa, the smaller, is a symbol of gentleness and respect, of kindness and acceptance. She is a matron figure to what few Iris politicians exist. Together, the duo are revered by many (even those of other seeds) and the number of paintings, poems, and other artforms dedicated to the inspiration of their spirits is uncountable.

Luous Viritali (LOO-us veer-ih-TAL-ee)
The Iris poet-bandit is as eloquent as he is feared, and commonly preys upon traveling caravans that amble along routes too close to Wan Hanna. He is known for his unusual language and warped sense of poetic justice.

Pru Posh’tuliog (PROO posh-TOO-lee-ogg)
Wise and cunning, the rarely-encountered Wunj is rumored to reside in the deepest, darkest tunnels of Chorion, offering wisdom to those who seek him out – if they can outwit his skilled attempts at both escape and thievery.

Beilijjia Lytmos (bay-LIH-jee-yuh LITT-muss)
A formerly respected Nitruvite archaeologist and engineer – she was recently judged insane after she returned as the one surviving member of a recent expedition, and was committed to Foren Asylum in Hhomon Proper. Lytmos’ babblings included talks of sleeping horrors, blood that stared her in the eye, and things that should not move but did.

Yes, she's the chick from current event seven. Also, go check out Vse if you didn't catch his addition earlier, he'll be pretty darn important in endgame.


As the RP starts out, each character will become involved in an 'initialization event' that will tie them up with other characters and a me-controlled NPC or two, just to move things along. All players with sheets in will receive a PM sometime soon regarding this initialization event! If you don't have your sheet in yet, no worries, I'll give you a bit more time before the IC goes up to work on it and if you still don't have it in by then, you will always be welcome to join the party late, starting event and all. :3
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 10:09 pm

Initialization events. I am intrigued. Do want to know more.



Well I really have nothing else to say so. Umm. Hmm.
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 10:18 pm

PMs have been sent out! However, I will most likely not be able to respond until the morrow. xP

And if anyone has any questions over anything, again, don't be afraid to ask!
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 8:21 pm

Is it okay to have Notable Contacts in the form of established NPCs, such as Lytmos?
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 8:56 pm

Sure thing!
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 11:39 pm

Alright, great! Just to let you know my sheet is almost done~
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Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeSun 03 Jun 2012, 12:49 am

Good to know. ^^

I'm going to go ahead and say that I'll put the IC up... Next Saturday, so that should give everyone who's promised a sheet plenty of time to submit. However, if I get sheets before then, we'll go ahead and start. Sound good, all?
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PostSubject: Re: Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken!   Tangent Axis - Pigs flew! Hell froze! TA has awoken! I_icon_minitimeSun 03 Jun 2012, 1:07 am

Okay, I've got two characters worked out, sort of. I just need to work out the specifics and make sheets for them.

So if I wanted to make a swordsman character, how common would a swordsman be? Would I have to make a mahacuitl instead, or find a very good smithy IC?
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