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 A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)

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A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) Empty
PostSubject: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 4:16 pm

Well since I all ready got an RP that is floundering greatly at that lol, I have been on the fence of making this. However, seeing that there is literally like no RP s going on yet I think I should bring this forth. Like on the Sporum, pretty much once the OP is laid down those are the rules and I no longer consider myself the owner of this RP but an equal competitor and RPer of this RP. See how its set up is theirs no need for moderation of this RP as long as the OP is obeyed.

So as my little gift to all of you that are now owners and mods of this RP when you join I give to you....

=Impact]]A BOX OF GODS[/size]

All typical Forum Rules
Gods may not die
You may only have ONE God character
The Laws of the Three Realms must be obeyed (see below)
Anyone may join this RP, there is not moderators to accept/deny you. However, you must READ the OP first before joining. If anyone asks to join please refer them to this rule. By joining you accept the rules of the OP.
Anyone who goes inactive may always return
Gods cannot do anything that cannot be undone by another God.

Gods: Gods are just that, gods. Every person who joins is entitled to one god character. Gods can travel between the three Realms creating and destroying to their pleasure. It must be noted however that Gods cannot perform any magic that cannot be undone. They are also bound to certain rules in the Three Realms.

Mortals: The Mortals are your side-characters and you may have as many as you like. You can make mortal after mortal and kill them all too. When a mortal dies the person who RPed the Mortal will be allowed to choose where their Soul goes after life. Gods may kill any Mortal Character, even if it is not their own. Mortals can be returned to life in the Universe by the person who made them via their God character.

This is a god RP. More specifically there is no restrictions to your powers besides your own imaginations and of course the rules listed above. The personalities of your gods will affect their actions and powers and so forth. Essentially this is a God-modding RP mixed together with a sandbox. This sandbox is called Existence. Everyone is allowed to have ONE god character and to make as many mortal NPCs as they please. There are Three Realms which make up Existence. Each Realm has its own special rules governed by the undefiable laws of Existence that not even a God can break.

The Earth: The Earth is the first Realm of Existence. This is where Gods may freely excersise their powers to their fullest extent. This is also where mortals are created and live before dying and being judged to one of the other two Realms. The World all ready exists (see Prolgue) made by an ancient God that is now no longer part of this RP. Gods may do anything here from make new people, continents, etc. The Earth is essentially boundless and ready for your creating and destroying. You may destroy and create anything INSIDE the Earth, however you cannot destroy the Earth itself nor can you create another one. Originally I had this as the Universe, but that's too big. We just got one Earth so it sort of forces the Gods and their mortals to interact.

Paradise: Paradise is the beautiful Realm where mortals who are judged as good and worthy by their Gods may live out eternity after they have perished in the Earth. While in Paradise no one may inflict pain, suffering, or any type of evil or malice. Not cause they're nice, by the very magic of this Realms makes it impossible to commit evil acts. Paradise is a natural Realm for the Gods to enjoy excersising the powers of creation as well as talk with some of their favorite deceased characters made by them or others. Nothing in this Realm can be destroyed, especially not the Realm itself.

Damnation: The Damnation is essentially Hell. This is where the Mortal Characters judged as wicked go when they die in the Earth. In this Realm no one save the gods themselves are free from pain, fear, and despair. As such no magic considerred good, healing, or generally moral is allowed. This is where gods may excersise their more sadistic and destructive sides. It is also an ideal place for you to torture your evil characters as well as the evil souls of everyone else's characters that have died. I would like to note that there is no formal Devil, and so this is an ideal place for evil-minded gods to duke it out for the unofficial title of Devil. Though you cannot destroy this Realm, you are free to destroy a lot of things inside this Realm, any Mortal soul destroyed here will simply reappear here to be tortured again.

Regardless of whether or not your God is considerred "good" or "evil" they may visit any of the Three Realms at their own whims and feel free to do anything that pleases them so long as it complies to the laws of the Realm.

Anyone can join at any time so long as they have read the OP. By joining you accept the OP as the master of the RP, not me. Simply start writing IC once you have thought up a godly name fitting yourself and you have resolved to play along with the rather loose rules of the OP. Do not ask if you can join, just read the OP and start writing.


In the Beginning there was the One True God. The One True God made everything that exists and that which does not. He is and was and is never and not. Beyond all time, space, reality, and conciousness he reigned supreme over everything that could ever be and never was. The Alpha and the Omega.

Now on some dimension beyond all comprehension he decided to make a Reality. In this Reality he made Three Realms. The First Realm he made he called Earth. This was a huge boundless planet that made up all of its Realm. For now it was a vast Ocean world. So with a thought he create a small lush island. This island he called Eden. The first island, a paradise on Earth. At Eden One True God made lesser godlike beings, but for now they were asleep.

Speaking of Paradise, he made that next. He new that in time everything on Earth would die save the special children, the Gods he called them, since they were not One True God like him and were of lesser stature. So, he made Paradise where the Gods' children would get to go when they died if the Gods allowed it. This was a blissful kingdom. Upon it his strong powers wove deep into the Realm ensuring not even the Gods themselves could break its rules. The Rules were simple, this was the Realm where the blessed got to go and could never know pain or hurt, or despair, or any worldly misfortune.

Then One True God made Damnation. A terrible Realm at the lowest point in Reality. Here the wicked would dwell, for One True God knew before he made the Gods that among them one slept who would be gravely evil. Through him many of his brethren's minds might become wicked too and the Earth might be wracked in pain and Damnation's halls full as the Gods he made became devils. For now Damnation was but a black cavern devoid of all light and presence.

On Eden The One True God made several lesser Gods like him, except they could not leave the Reality he had created. For thousands of years they slept. Then One day One True God molded a man and a woman deep in the boundless beautiful garden of Eden. When he awoke the man and the woman so too did the rebellious God. The man and the woman were happy for many years and lived as if they were in the realm of Paradise all ready.

One True God was happy with the man and the woman. And he considerred on making them into gods for he had planted the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge in Eden. However, he had forbidden them to eat of it to test their resolve, and because he all ready knew the answer. The Evil God transformed himself into a snake and being jealous of the man and the woman seduced them into eating from the Tree of Knowledge, for it was obviously the lesser tree. Then it happened the man and the woman had intelligence and were aware of themselves.

One True God came forth very pissed off and sent the Evil God to sleep in Damnation. Now the man and woman knew that they would die one day and that their lives would end eventually. One True God took the Trees away and sunk the island of Eden. The other sleeping Gods he flung to the far reaches of the Earth to a new land he had made for them to awaken when it was their time. With a sigh he destroyed the man and the woman because they were failures in his experiment. He departed this Reality and went to another to see if his experiment with woman and man might one day work with man not eating from the Tree of Knowledge.

The Present

Satan awakens in Damnation. He rubs his divine eyes a few times but cannot find a damn thing in Damnation its so damn dark. Then he snaps his fingers and fire shoots forth out of some crevices making an eery glow in the Realm.

"Hmm, there's not a damn thing in Damnation." Satan thought to himself disappointedly. He teleports to Earth hovering above the Endless Ocean where Eden once stood, now laying beneath the waves. He realizes that One True God must have destroyed the island because of him tempting Man and Woman. Well, this is rather broing with nothing to torment. So, Satan decided that it was time he awaken some of his other "God" kin.

Flying for miles at the speed of light in the guise of a big red demon with wings and horns, and a black goatee of course Satan eventually found the small continent One True God created where the Gods now slept. Satan landed and looked around. He shut his eyes and his conciousness searched all of Reality. He smiled for he detected not the presence of One True God for One True God had left the Reality.

Satan smirked, now he was free to do as he please with this Reality. He walked amidst the lands making terrible twisted volcanoes arise all throughout the Land. "Wake UP!" Satan yelled obnoxiously making meteors crash into Earth.
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A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 4:45 pm

How do join? I mean, do we just post? Or is this the IC, and there's an OOC?
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 4:50 pm

As one meteor hurled through the air towards a rather impressively large mountain, something stirred deep within the rock. The ground groaned from the sudden raw power coursing through it, and then began cracking as the mountain quickly reminded itself. The meteor was grabbed out of it's flight by a titanic hand, and then flung to the ground, resulting in a earth-shattering shockwave. The newly awakened God retracted his hand back to his side, and looked up at the sky, looking for the source of his sudden existence. His eye slowly searched the sky, but he soon saw the one known as Satan. Roaring, the God stopped another meteor mid-flight, and then tossed it back at Satan.

Reidan, as he quickly decided is name would be, was a massive, miles-high God with a body made entirely of solid rock. He was slow, but he was strong. He turned his back to the meteors, allowing several to pound into his back. If he felt anything, he didn't show it. Already the God was thinking, and he finally decided after several minutes of slow thought that he would govern the rocks and earth. It fit him, he thought with a grin that shows his massive stone slab teeth. Whether his fellow Gods and Goddesses choose their own domains or not, Reidan figured that he would specialize in the steady, unyielding earth.

The stupid one hurling meteors would be a nuisance, of course...
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 6:36 pm

Soon enough the meteors awoke another god, this one a lord of the ice and sea. With limbs and eyes of water, and a body plated by ice, this powerful being controls the seas. As he rose through the great arctic ice, he caught and crushed one of the meteors within a massive wave.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 7:17 pm

Satan stopped the meteor shower and smiled as he saw two gods awaken from their slumber. Rising into the air Satan grew into a huge hundred foot high red dragon and spoke in a voice loud enough that the gods may hear him.

"You have awaken at last my brothers! Come now the world is mostly empty save this little stretch of land here. Thou must create more lands for the Earth. We must create people for the Earth too." Satan smirked to himself.

Abruptly he shrunk and became a raven and took flight over the Endless Ocean. Far out he flew until nothing but water was all around. The with a great caw a sudden island erupted out of the waves and was created. It was a fetid swamp land full of bogs and mist. Here Satan landed and he created from the mud of the swamps a new sentient people. They were green skinned and the size of the man and the woman that One True God had made. However their faces were hideous and they had a mean greedy look about them.

This race of sentients Satan called the Orcs. He let the Orcs make crude ugly dwelling on their swamp island which they called Orcland. Satan however did not create the Orcs for good intent. So Satan commanded the Orcs that they should kill eachother and themselves andm ultiply rapidly to keep up with the violence they inflict on one another. Satan cursed the Orcs with great sadness and misery and pain. He comamnded that they would not be able to relieve their torment until other races could be made for them to be savage to instead of themselves.

Well pleased with the Orcs Satan watched as the first few died at eachother's hands and he cheerfully sent their souls to Damnation. Eagerly he teleported himself to Damnation and created several red hot iron maidens and sealed the poor Orc souls inside to burn and be impaled forever. Laughing sadistically Satan created a burning throne for himself in Damnation and sat upon it poking some fresh new Orc souls with an iron pitchfork.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 7:42 pm

The new god of ice and sea, calling himself Hydraeus, now looked over the oceans which spanned before him. These "Orcs" as satan called them would not be the only race for long. drawing himself up from the depths, he created vast expanses of ice to the far north and the far south. After which, he created the corals, the fish, the sea jellies, the whales, the seals, the shellfish, the sharks, the crabs, the lobsters, the seaworms, sponges, and the dolphins. But he still needed people to rule his realm and worship him. So he created the Mer, a race of beings half man and half dolphin who could breathe water without any trouble. And it was so, that their colonies cropped up upon the sea bed.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 7:53 pm

Satan felt the presence of new life enter the Earth. So he blinked and found himself teleported to the bottom of the sea were the strange Mer peoples made their cities. Satan didn't like them much, especially since his crude Orc peoples couldn't swim particularly well to make war on them.

So Satan decided he would create a huge sea monster. Swimming through the waters he found a shark and ensnared it. Suddenly the beast twisted and writhed in agony. It grew more massive and sprouted arms and legs. Then its jaws opened wide and its head split into two heads. Finally the beast stopped thrashing and the huge monster lay motionless.

Satan called the beast Mer Eater. He then commanded the huge undersea monster to attack a nearby village of the Mer. He commanded the beast to only eat Mer and nothing else. To make it more ravenous Satan made it so the poor creature always suffered from hunger no matter how much it ate it felt like it was starving forever.

Happy with his monster tearing apart a Mer vilalge Satan turned into a terrible tropical storm and came with a fury to Orcland killed many poor orcs in the storm. Turning into his usual demonic form he looekd down on the pitiful orcs struggling after the disaster. Satan was disgusted with their cries for mercy and their prayers for help as they uncovered their loved ones from the wreckage of their buildings. So to show his displeasure Satan threw a couple lightning bolts down in their midst and killed many of them.

Sending their dead souls to Damnation Satan himself traveleld to his favorite realm. He surveyed the damned Orcs and laughed. Since they prayed to other Gods to help them Satan nailed their hands together like they were parying and then he broke their knees for all eternity to bow. Creating a nice little pit of boiling tar he threw them into the dark mire. Laughing and well amused he sat on his burning throne in Hell and drank some poisonous wine.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 8:32 pm

Now as Hydraeus came to be aware of the massacre, he was massively displeased. This creature Satan was surely out to cause only misery. He sent all of the deceased Mer to paradise. He then trapped the monster in a giant ice cave near the south pole. Now that that was done, he created his own monster, a beast that was like a giant blue worm, with frost blue eyes and the ability to freeze areas with its icy breath. He sent that to attack the Orcs.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 8:42 pm

Satan saw masses of orc souls floating down to Damnation and merrilly set them ablaze to run forever around on fire in Damnation. Eagerly he teleported to Orcland to see what was killing all the Orcs.

Here Satan floated in the air and saw the wormlike monster killing his people. Satan laughed at the suffering of the orcs.
"Yes brother god I feel your presence in the seas! Torture the orcs, they deserve to suffer. I will have their souls in Damnation to suffer thereafter!" Satan laughed like a madman.

Raising his hand to the sky he sent forth great rains of fire to consume and kill the ice worm and also kill the orcs. The Orcland trembled and quaked and the swampy island began to collapse into the sea. So began the journey of a mortal Orc named Gorthaur.


Gorthaur was a runty sort of Orc. Though he had Satan's Curse of despair and pain and bloodlust, because Gorthaur was smaller than the other Orcs he avoided them and began to pity and hate his own curse. Often he took to being alone. Orcs were not good swimmers, but Gorthaur built himself a simple boat and was out fishing when Satan destroyed Orcland.

From the distance Gorthaur saw his homeland collapse and all his people drown. Gorthaur rowed far out to sea until there was nothing to see but sea for miles on miles. There he wept for days and nights starving to death and filled with grief, for it seemed all the Orcs were destroyed. Finally on the last day of his hunger and bowed his head and prayed.

"Mighty Sea God be merciful to Gorthaur. Satan has created my people just to destroy them. Please lift my curse. Let me either come to safe land and make a new race of orc free of Satan's Curse or let me breathe underwater and become like one of your people." Gorthaur prayed to Hydraeus though he did not know his name yet.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 8:50 pm

Hydraeus saw the Orc, and had mercy upon him. This was not like one of Satan's people. He sent a mighty whale to crush Gorthaur's boat. However, he had given him the ability to breathe underwater and to communicate with the life of the seas. He then molded an animal from the very foam of the sea, an animal somewhat like a bat except it lived underwater. He deemed this to be Gorthaur's steed, and so it was. But his realm was still not complete. Hydraeus sent a mighty giant whale to break a fissures to the fiery mantle of the earth in the depths of the sea. From this, trenches, vents, and underwater mountains were formed. He then sent a dousing wave to Orcland.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 8:53 pm

Reidan, undisturbed by his brothers, turned to his own creations. With a mighty leap, Reidan sent himself flying far over the creation, and soon found himself standing waist-deep in the seemingly bottomless ocean. He frowned a little, and then raised his hand. A massive stone warhammer appeared in that hand, and he carefully tested it's height. Pleased with his work, Reidan raised his hand, causing the sand from the bottom of the ocean, and it quickly expanded as it reached the top, hardening into thick granite. The rock quickly worked it's way down to the bottomof the ocean, and then stopped. Reidan lifted himself up onto the small island, and then watche as it quickly expanded into a large continent. He smiled, and then rapped the ground with his hammer. Mountains and hills formed, and grass and trees soon followed. Not entirely pleased yet, Reidan smashed a hill with his hammer, revealing a small clay statue. He grinned, and then breathed life into the first Dwarf. Creatures of Stone. He grinned, setting the dwarf on his way, telling him he was the first of his kind, and their King. He made several more dwarves to be the first's vassals, and then several lady dwarves, with beards like the men.

Reidan was happy with his work.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 8:59 pm

Hydraeus saw this new land, and he sent clouds of snow and ice to cap the mountains and rivers and lakes to cut through the lands. Now that that was done, he went about creating new animals to live in them: The gar, the crocodile, the alligator, the otter, the beaver, and then he made the pondweed and the duck. That done, he made a monstrous crocodile to reside in the swamps of this new land. It would instill respect for ALL the gods in the dwarves.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 9:49 pm


Because Gorthaur's prayer was answered and Satan's Curse lfited he rode his ocean steed whom he called Seaglider to the outskirts of a small Mer village called Na. The people of Na took some pity on Gorthaur who was a strange being indeed and he told them tales of life above water and they marvelled that once he could breathe air. The Mer of Na promised to give Gorthaur, whom was now a vegetarian a seaweed farm on the outskirts of their city if he could show them air.

Gorthaur riding Seaglider back to the surface pondered how to bring the air to the Mer. So he glided off on his steed towards a newly formed continent in the horizon to see if somehow he might capture and bring air to the bottom of the ocean.


Satan was pleased to see Orcland sink into the depths, and for all he knew the orcs were dead. Seeing an ew continent raise in the distance Satan travelled there like a storm cloud bringing down thunder and rain upon the continent. When he rained himself out he appeared below as an evil and mysterious mist around the dwarves.

Like an evil his Satan's voice enterred the heads of the dwarves standing about in the fog. He told them that if they could get enough rubies, enough gold, silver, platinum, pearls, diamonds, and all manner of precious stones and metals that they would become the new dwarf king and even become gods.

The dwarves became infected with greed and began to delve deep into the Earth in search of shiny objects. Some of them Satan's evil tainted and they lusted for gold and treasure so much that they stole or in extreme cases even began to murder eachother for their valuables.

Seeing everything appeasing Satan travelled across the new continent away from the dwarves. In the far East of the Continent he let a volcano rise up. As its lava spewed and flowed downward scorching the lands a new race sprouted. They were the demons. Terrible, horned, roughly seven feet tall, red, and wielding all manners of weapons. Satan let the Demons create terrible dark fortresses and he increased and multiplied their kind. He fileld them with his cruelty and they set up the nearby land raping it of nature and lettign the fires of industry kindle. Satan called the land of the Demons Cocytus. Pleased with his creations he made a few of them sacrifice themselves and sent them to Damnation.

Appearing in Damnation Satan put burning chains on the demon souls and gave them burning swords with the instruction to go throughout Damnation slashing the despairing souls that were fated here.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeFri 07 Oct 2011, 10:00 pm

Reidan, in barely a blink of his eyes, found that his creations had begun to become greedy and horrible. Frowning, he went forward, rumbling deep in his chest, sending earthquakes throughout the continent. The dwarf king soon met him, cowering before the terrible giant god. Reidan frowned, and then went down on one knee to face eye-to-eye with the dwarf, who stood on top of a mountain.

"Our god---"

"Silence your miserable moanings, Dwarf King. I am not here to punish you. Instead, I will give you a way to repent for your new greed..."

In what felt to the god like a matter of minutes, but was really several decades as we humans know them, Reidan taught the dwarf how to create amazing weapons of steel, cities out of the rock, and art from the gems. The king made his way down to his people once more to share this information.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 10:03 am

Upon seeing these "Demons," Hydraeus went down to the realm of Satan, wishing to speak with him. "SATAN!" He yelled, attempting to awake him, "If you will leave my Mer alone, I shall spare these Demons and release your monster!"
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 10:39 am


Satan awoke and laughed seeing his fellow God down in Damnation making demands from him.

"Ha, I care not whether the demons live or die on Earth. Nor do I care about the monster the Mer Eater. However, perhaps I can be persuaded to withhold my punishments on the Mer. However, you must first bow down before me and name me the King of the Gods. Only then will I spare your people." Satan laughed and walked up to the nearest Demon soul and decapitated it. He then made the headless demon carry its head aloft throughout Damnation for all eternity.


After wandering for weeks upon the new continent Gorthaur at last came to a great stone city of the dwarves. The dwarves were cautious and yet intrigued by the strange being Gorthaur that they had never seen before, having been created after the destruction of the Orcs. So they took Gorthaur to the Dwarf King.

Before the Dwarf King Gorthaur bowed and told him of his mission to capture air and bring so to show the Mer down in the sea below. The king was amazed that an entire people lived under the sea. So the Dwarf King being now a great craftsman forged a magical bag with which Gorthaur trapped some air in. The Dwarf King gave this to Gorthaur in exchange that Gorthaur would return with a token from the people of Mer to prove that they indeed existed.

Merrilly Gorthaur set off towards the Ocean with his magic bag full of air to return to the Mer and to collect from them a token to give to the dwarves.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 12:29 pm

It was when the volcano erupted and spewed ash, rock and lava across the barren stone wastes of the Dwarves’ continent. It was then that yet another god awoke to the falling of rocks and the light of fire.

An egg was blasted out of the volcano by its explosion, an egg that landed with incredible force and smoked in a crater of its own design. Lava flowed into the crater and soon there was enough molten rock to lift the egg out and carry it further down the mountain where the raw power of heat and fire met the unrepentant gaze of cold and water. Rocks were formed and water boiled as the exchange of heat swung this way and that. A primal battle with an egg in the middle.

The egg came to be set in stone as the lava flows retreated from walls of their own devising. The egg was peculiar, silvery and grey. Not smooth or small but a fair size, for its weight, and covered in outcrops and crevices. Everything about it was too orderly to be natural though and all was revealed when the egg hatched.

Two dwarves watched the belching mountain with unease, worried about the security of their underground homes and surface entrances. But the curse of greed lay heavily upon these two and so they also watched in the hopes of finding something valuable. They thought they had when they stumbled into the steaming rock flow where the egg was firmly ensconced in the igneous material. They’d brought tools which allowed them to extract small, hot valuables from the rock and lava but this egg was as big as them and it was strange. A very, very faint hum came from it and they were ensure of what it was, or what it might mean for it was alien to the young dwarf race.

It drew them partly because it was shiny, partly because it was strange and partly because water ran in little rivulets over it, water which boiled away when it left the object. It was strange, they had this peculiar feeling which seemed to wave through them very slightly, similar to what their King described Reiden’s presence as just not nearly as powerful. It disturbed them none-the-less though.

One of them, eager to see if this could be moved reached out a hand to touch the egg but when his thickly gloved hand touched said egg the metal gauntlet became sheathed in ice and the dwarf cried out in pain as his hand froze quickly and then dropped off, leaving his gauntlet solidly lifeless.

The other dwarf rushed to his aid, only because he was his brother and they needed two of them to haul this treasure back home. But when he tore his brother’s gauntlet off he thought they had touched one of Reiden’s things for his brother had no hand.

Crying out to Reiden in a loud prayer he begged for mercy and that the miserable pair might be forgiven. In fact the plea was strong enough to travel through the ley lines in the earth. Perhaps strong enough to attract Reiden’s attention, perhaps not.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 12:40 pm

Reidan felt the rumble of magical energy from the pair of dwarves, and slowly turned to their direction. He rested his hammer on his massive shoulder, and then quickly made his way to the pair. Trees were crushed underfoot, hills were flattened, and... I'll cut out the rest of the lame filler. Reidan soon stood in front of the two dwarves, and leaned down to look at them. "What has happened?" he rumbled, and then felt the presence. It was magical for sure... He scanned the ground, and then spotted the egg. He raised it to his hand with magic, and just stared at it. The palm of his started to frost over, but Reidan didn't notice.

The Dwarf King will now be given a name; we shall remember him as the First King of the Dwarves, Trerroth. He had been alive for a while now, but now he was dying... Reidan felt this, and made sure that, when the dwarf died, he would be given passage to Paradise. Using his power, Reidan sent a thought through Trerroth's mind; dwarves were to be buried in the stone, where they had come from.

Trerroth soon died, and was replaced by his son, Foramir.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 12:51 pm

The egg hung enthralled above Reiden’s hand, his power keeping it aloft while it cooled the air around it. His power, while as implacable as the earth and as strong as the continents could not hold the egg aloft. The faint humming became more intense, rattling the skulls of the dwarves and setting their teeth on edges but otherwise leaving them unharmed. There was a burst of sound and an invisible field of energy and then the humming was very quiet again, as it had been before. The egg was unchanged except perhaps the fact that it was now sitting in Reiden’s palm and a lot warmer than before. His power over it had been broken but over everything else his power had been left undisturbed.

The egg truly was a peculiar mystery.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:08 pm

Reidan looked at the little egg-looking thing, and then clenched his fist around it. He frowned, and then began walking away from the two dwarves, who quickly attempted to run after the god. Unfortunately, they could not keep pace with Reidan's huge strides, and the pair were soon left in the dust. Reidan soon approached the dwarf's big city, G'hoto Sāmor, carved out of and into a massive mountain. Reidan shrunk in size, his rocky skin taking on the appearance of flesh. The egg was put into a leather pack that soon appeared on Reidan's back. After the short transformation, Reidan stood at six foot, had skin that was tinted grey, had dark brown eyes, and short hair and a long beard (all of which was a clay color). And still, that huge earthen warhammer swung up to rest on his shoulder. The gates of the city were opened before him, and Reidan made his way up to the beautifully crafted palace.

"Foramir, I grieve the loss of your father more than any other." Reidan rumbled, shaking the hall. The dwarf before him, sitting in a roughly made throne, leaned forward to look at this obviously not-dwarf, wondering who this could be. "I assure you, however, that, by returning his body to the stone when he left you, you granted him a safe passage to a wonderful afterlife. Perhaps he spoke of me? I am Reidan, the God of Earth, Stones, Metals, and Precious Gems. All that belongs to the earth is under my domain... Including the dwarves." Reidan bowed before the second Dwarf King.

Foramir looked at Reidan, and then received a vision of the man before him transforming into a hulking stone giant. Foramir rushed forward, grabbing the God and pulling him up. The dwarf then bowed to the god. "What brings you here, o' great Earthen One?"

Reidan smiled at the dwarf, and then pulled him up. "Go, sit in your throne." The deaf did so, and then Reidan, dropping his warhammer, took out the pack. He lifted the egg from within. "May I leave this here with you? I do not know what to make of this, but I thought perhaps you curious dwarves might make some sense out of it."
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:20 pm


Gorthaur returned to the Mer village of Na and presented to them the magical sack of air that the dwarves had crafted for him. Whenever he opened it great bubbles issued forth seemingly endless. The Mer were amazed and fascinated with this. They gave Gorthaur a small seaweed farm on the outskirts of their underwater village.

Gorthaur dwelt in Na for many years happy and content with his estate.Then after ten years as he finished that year's seaweed harvest he remembered suddenly the promise he made to the Dwarf King Trerroth. Now for years Gorthaur had told the Mer stories of the land he had seenabove. Of dwarves and theirs mighty stone cities, and their skilled works of metal and jewellery he had witnessed.

There was an abundance of pearls around the Mer village of Na and Gorthaur was permitted to take a large pearl and also a message to the Dwarf King from the Mer peoples wishing peace and good relations. So Gorthaur a top his steed Seaglider went back to the surface to the land where the dwarves and demons lived (though Gorthaur did not know the demons even existed.)

After a few weeks journey he arrived in the dwarf city he had visited a decade a go. However, he soon found out that King Trerroth had recently died only a few days before his arrival. So, he brought forth the Great Pearl that was ten feet high to the new Dwarf King Foramir. Gorthaur also gave to Foramir the letters from the various Mer cheiftains he was entrusted to deliver.

Foramir was glad and happy with Gorthaur for remembering and honoring the promise he made to his father and asked Gorthaur to choose anything in his kingdom as his own. There was one thing Gorthaur sorely desired and so he asked Foramir if he would ask his God Reidan to make an Orc woman for him since he was the last of the orcs. Foramir told Gorthaur that there was no guarantee his wish would be granted but that he would try his best.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:28 pm

The King frowned at the egg, leaning forwards to have a look at the huge thing, which was just over half the size of a dwarf. Waving a hand he summoned two Dwarf craftsmen to have a look at the egg. Bowing to Reiden and then the King they approached the egg with their looking glasses and their tools, which seemed to get ever more primitive as they approached the egg. Initially they tapped the egg, which they had lifted to the floor, listening to the sounds it made; sometimes metallic, sometimes dull and non-metallic but not stone. Then they poked and prodded here and there, investigating closely with their looking glasses. Finally the dwarfs withdrew from the egg, shaking their ends and engaging in a heated conference. They reached an agreement the strongest among them seized a forge hammer and stood before the egg, legs apart and hammer raised. Then he struck it as hard as he could.

The hammer broke. The egg, remained untouched. All the dwarves in the hall stared in shock, their mouths hanging open, at the egg. And that was when they heard a cry. It was a faint metallic cry emanating from the egg itself; a strange, mewling cry.

They backed away cautiously and then the cry stopped. With a grinding of metal on metal and a unearthly groan the egg began to shudder apart, forcing its shell outwards into two parts revealing the most peculiar of things. Inside the egg was a some female creature; a human made from sleek mechanical parts, hidden under a technological shell. Her egg was in fact a pair of huge, for her size, mechanised wings which flexed themselves and then wrapped around the small god as she lifted her head to stare at the dwarves around her with smouldering red eyes that seemed to burn like the hottest furnace they had. Her hair was long metal spines which swept back in an aerodynamic manner, over her neck and shoulders, quivering when she moved her head.

Looking around this young goddess stared at the dwarves and their works and then finally Reiden. At which point she began to cry and cry and cry. Streams of watery tears pouring down her face as she curled up in a ball once more.

((OOC: Post order sense no make! D= ))
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:42 pm

Reidan frowned at the little egg-goddess, and then picked her up, returning her to his pack. "I thank you, Foramir. I will look out for her from here on out." As the god turned to leave, the Dearf King stood up, suddenly remembering something.

A few days ago, a being known as an Orc, calling himself Gorthaur, had given them a huge pearl (which the dwarves' finest craftsmen were already working on turning into a beautiful work of art) and the King had offered him a reward. The Orc had requested that Reidan create a female Orc for him, as he was the last of his kind. Reidan stroked his beard as he listened to the King. When he finished explaining, Reidan smiled, revealing teeth like small granite slabs (and about the same color). "Bring the Orc here; I wish to meet him myself."
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:48 pm


After many days the Dwarf King Foramir finally summoned Gorthaur forth to their great palace to meet the God Reidan himself. Gorthaur bowed humbled before the presence of Reidan and made his plea to Reidan. He told the God how Satan had made the Orcs and Orcland and how he cursed them to be savage to themselves. He told the God how Satan had destroyed Orcland and he was the only Orc to escape. Gorthaur recounted how the Sea God had saved him, lifted Satan's Curse, and let him breathe underwater.

Gorthaur lamented that he was now reaching old age and would soon die. He prayed that Reidan would make for him an Orc female so that the race of Orcs might once again live and be free forever of Satan's Curse. He prayed to let his descendents live south of the dwarves and that they would worship Reidan, the Sea God, and all Gods except for Satan whom cursed his own creation.
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PostSubject: Re: A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods)   A Box of Gods (Purely Public, no mods) I_icon_minitimeSat 08 Oct 2011, 1:55 pm

Reidan stroked his beard as the Orc talked, and silently lamented not having the beard in his usual form. The god smiled at the Orc, and waved his hand at the Orc. Years melted from Gorthaur until he was once again in his prime, and then Reidan created a smooth river pebble in his hand. He levitated it next to Gorthaur, where the smooth pebble began contorting itself into a new, humanoid shape. After one long minute, a beautiful female Orc stood next to Gorthaur. "Satan's curse is lifted from you, Orcs. Far to the south, you will encounter a vast desert... It will be the one hardship on your path to your new homeland. When you arrive there, you will be allowed to live the rest of your days in peace... Restore the Orcs, King Gorthaur. And go with my blessing."
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