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 Halo: New Jericho - IC

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Location : Live lively, live on, live strong, there is hope. Always.

Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 27 Apr 2013, 10:25 pm

OOC: https://rpproject.rpg-board.net/t631-halo-new-jericho

The heavy thuds of a Spartan could be heard, as black and blue coloured giant made its way across the cracked up dusty ground of the park. That is, if you could even call it a ‘park’ anymore with only a few tree’s here and there and most of them dried up and long dead. One would think simply breathing on them would cause it to shatter like glass. The ground had tanned coloured grass and dusty cracked dirt, the tan colour of the grass prof of the heat. The Black armored Spartan jogged across the open grass and leaped over the barrier coming to a loud landing on the other side. She glanced around seeing the generator no more than a yard to her right, the generator powered Taazon town. Their mission? Simple, defend it. Only, things aren’t as simply as they seem, she looked over to see her leader in his Blue and White Armor. Drake. And walked over to greet him, as the deathly silence went on, she spoke over the Private COM’s.
“Sir? When/if do you think they’ll attack? And where would you like me to take position?” She asked.


Vazra ‘ Hetiz stood crouching down in the shadow of a window, watching the Marines down below her patrolling the mossy-covered brick road, her cyan colour bird/like eyes slowly watched them moving. She could smell the stench of their dirt and blood covered vests, the smell of their heavy sweating and hot breathing. She could hear them chattering though quietly, to her it was as loud as ever. Her claws dug into the hard-rough surface of the floor of the window. Its wooden surface crumbling under her claws. She looked across form her, and gave just a slight nodof her feathered covered head to the orange eyes of another Kig-Yar, with a sniper rifle. She grabbed her needler rifle and Aim’ed at the end man, her partner aim’ed at the head.

They fired.

Both the lead and back marine’s fell dead.

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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 27 Apr 2013, 11:50 pm

Drake looked at Yaacova, then looked at the surrounding area, there wasn’t much left, only thing there was the blackened remains of a fountain with a large statue of what use to be a man, burnt trees and large holes where bombs landed. Drake said “me and you will take positions in some of these holes, the trees aren’t going to hold birds in their current state, let alone stop plasma bolts”. He looked at Yuri, the team sniper and closes friend and said “see if you can find a way up what’s left of that fountain to get a vantage point.” Yuri looked at him with his usual stare and gave him a nudge. Yuri was a man of few words, I guess you get that way when your alone all the time as a sniper, waiting in you sniper hide for weeks at a time. Drake looked back at Yaacova and said “find a good hole and start digging it deeper if it’s to small”


Brignot is the Jiraraohane leader squad, if you could even call it that, with 4 unggoy and a kig’yar, but they’ll do what he says and that’s all he cares about. His orders are to find a good place to hold up and what for orders to attack, he lead his team to an opening surrounded by trees. He looked at the grunts and said “ set up camp, and make shore you're weapons are loaded and ready. Jink scout ahead and let me know what’s out there. “ Brignot didn’t want to send of the only other real fighter in his little group but Jink, te kig yar, could get in and out better than any grunt.

Jink said “ shore, ill call in anything i see.”Jink didn’t mind geting away for a bit, the unggoy kept getting on his nerves.

Brignot looked bake at the unggoy they started or a small fire it had already started building smok. Brignot said “put that out, we don’t want the humans to find us!” he ran over and stopped the fire out, the last thing he needs is for these unggoy to get him killed.

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PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 04 May 2013, 12:59 am

The members of the “Squad” sat around a small fire they had built to boil water for their breakfast.

“Powdered eggs, powdered coffee, man all we need now is some powdered sausage and we’ll have a great breakfast,” Kirby joked.

Little John, Cage, and Doc laughed and shook their heads in agreement. The life of an ODST was not as glamorous as some may have imagined.

“Hey, here comes Sarge,” Little John informed the group.

Sergeant Saunders was the Leader of the Squad. Saunders, a highly dedicated and respected member of the ODST, was known for his uncanny combat abilities, fierceness in battle and tough concern for his men - the men of the Squad felt lucky to have him lead them.

“Hey what’s up Sarge?” Little John asked.

“Hey Little John,” Saunders replied, “How’s the breakfast?”

“Smother it in Tabasco sauce and its great!” Little John replied.

“Yeah Sarge,” Kirby joined in, “luckily they got a case of hot sauce in last night, now we’re living high!”

Kirby threw Saunders a brand new bottle of “Volcano” hot sauce.

“Thanks!” Saunders replied, “This will come in handy.”

Saunders sat down and began to prepare his meal with the hot water the Team had boiled.

“Any news on the mission Sarge?” Doc asked.

“Yeah Sarge, give us the details” Caj added.

“G2 want us to recon a bridge in the town of Josiah, they want us to determine if it’s being used by the Covenant at night for resupply.” Saunders told the Squad.

“That’s it?” Little John asked, “That sounds easy.”

“Nothing G2 wants is ever that easy,” Caj interjected, “there’s got to be more to it.”

“There is,” Saunders continued, “if it turns out that the Covenant are using the bridge then we have to destroy the bridge, with them on it.”

The men shook their heads knowingly, this was a mission they were very familiar with.

“We’ll need to carry our normal recon kit plus the C4 packs, the bridge is fairly large so each man needs to carry two explosive kits,” Saunders explained.

“That’s going to slow us down,” Kirby said, “especially Little John and I.” (Kirby the team’s gunner, and Little John his ammo bearer, had the heaviest load).

“I can take some of the load,” Caj interjected. “Me too!” Doc offered.

“Sorry, but we all need to take a load,” Saunders replied, “not just to share the weight but also in case one of us takes an tracer round. If that happens and it hits the explosive kit then you’ll become a human land mine, doubling the kit would just double the kill range of that land mine.”

“Oh,” Little John said, “yeah, good to know Sarge.”

Saunders opened his brand new bottle of hot sauce and began to apply it liberally to his reconstituted powdered eggs. He knew the men of the Squad were brave, they had faced death many times and still did their duty without hesitation. Still he felt they deserved to know the dangers they faced, not because they felt fear, but because they felt pride in their courage.

“Well, in the meantime we have eggs and hot sauce, and hot coffee!” Doc chimed in.

“Yeah, and the coffee’s not too bad with hot sauce either,” Kirby added.

“Coffee with hot sauce?” Saunders asked incredulously.

At first all the men laughed, only a guy like Kirby would add hot sauce to coffee, but then one by one, they all tried it themselves.

“Not bad,” Caj said, “like a spicy latte!”

“You’ve done it again Kirby,” Little John said.

Saunders had to laugh too, here these men would be facing death again in just a few hours but for now they amused themselves with the everyday trivialities of life, they were true warriors.

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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 04 May 2013, 11:58 am

Jack was standing at the front gate of an UNSC underground base, it was one of the most secure bases he had ever seen, it was large enough for a scorpion to go through, and like every day he had to stand here and guard it, every day. When he joined the UNSC he figured he at least get to fire his gun, but since he finished training, but no he’s been here. Jack said “I hate being here, we should be out there kicking some alien but!”

Phillip looked at him and said, “you kidding, you would probably soot yourself in the foot like in training.”

Phill never let him for get that, it was his first time holding a gun. Jack said “ive gotten better, I past training didn’t I.”

Phillip said “that’s questionable, the only reason you passed is because if you didn’t the drill sergeant would probably have strangled you.”

Jack said “ya well I didn’t like him much ether, but I mean don’t you want to go out and be part of the battle.”

Phillip said “well ya, but we have orders to stay here.” He continued cleaning the machine gun he was sitting behind.

Jack said “ya shore, you just want an opportunity to use that gun.” Jack looked at third guard who was surprisingly quiet in his chair, jack said “what about you.” He said nothing, jack said “ is he asleep .”

Phillip said “leave him alone, he did the night shift he was too tired to find a bed.”

Jack looked turned around and said “ ya ok.” He looked around at the land scape in front of him, it was a mostly forest with a paved road going through it. nothing ever happened here because this base is literally in the middle of nowhere, no covenant will ever show up here.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 04 May 2013, 12:23 pm

Yaacova nodded to Drake nothing more than a quick up and down of her black and blue helmet, she turned and glanced around looking for a good spot to dig a hole…She saw a nice spot over next to a half-dead tree and walked over to it, stepping over a fallen over log. She pulled out a foldable shoved and started digging quickly. Within minutes a nicely sized hole was forming.

“The Covenant will never come here.”
Extro 'Sewolee chuckled lightly as he heard the Human speak, he turned his head over to his brother Tarez ‘De’exee crouched low next to him. “These Humans….Such morons, this will be easy.” He said a smiled forming on his jaws, as he cliched his teeth together eagerly. They were crouched low under the shadow of a tree, its branches stretch out above them. A about 20 yards away the two marines guarding the Gate stood, Extro had the sleeping third Marine in the sights of his Needler Rifle. Tares tested the wind and waited until the two awake were turning away….
“Now.” He said to his brother, who had his finger inching on the trigger.
Extro fired, a slight Thunk was heard as the pink crystal need went through the sleeping man’s head.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 04 May 2013, 8:56 pm

Drake found a good spot near what was left of a park bench, he got the hole deep enough to hide him. He looked over to Yuri, he put himself in-between the head and the shoulder of the statue, he looked over to Yaacova which had finished her hole. Drake said “ok keep you head on a swivel, if anything looks out of the ordinary let me know.” He looked around, when the covenant come there won’t be much cover for them. with so little cover any infantry will be easy picking, but that could mean that there won’t just be infantry. Looked to Yuri, and said “if you see any tanks kill the gunner so I or Yaacova can hijack it.” Drake looked back at the terrain in front of him and hoped that the covenant weren’t that concerned with the generator.


Jink walked up on the ruins of a small town, it was abandon like a lot of places around here. He went in one of the buildings and looked around, since he was here he figured he may as well see if there is anything worth value. You never know when you need to bribe someone, pulse it’s not like the humans will miss it. after looking around he found some human money an old cellphone, clearly this place was well cleared out. He went back outside, this place wasn’t going to have much he cared for, the covenant doesn’t like them taking things form the human towns for them self, but Jink didn’t really care what the covenant thought of it. Jink started walking back when he could smell something familiar, there was another kig yar nearby.


Jack heard a sound come from the direction of the guy sleeping, he just assumed it was a snort or a small snore. But he wanted something to happen, so he looked back at him and started thinking of how he could wake him up but make it look like Phillip did it. after thinking about it a while he noticed that there was something coming out of his head, he was positive it wasn’t there before, that’s when it hit him that it was a needle from a covy needler rifle. He said “Phill I think sleepy head is dead.”

Phillip said not bothering to turn around “come on, just because he isn’t moving doesn’t mean he’s dead.”

Jack said, “ya but a covy needle in his head dose.” He ducks behind the sand bags in front of him and starts spraying in to the woods.

Phillip looks and sees the needle that jack is talking about, he said “oh boy, were being attacked!” he starts shooting in to the woods as well.

While jack kept spraying, he said “come and get some you covys.” rite then his gun is empty and fumbles to reload his AR.

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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSun 05 May 2013, 12:42 am

The Squad slowly moved into an over watch position overlooking the town of Josiah. Little John and Kirby set up as rear security with Doc, Little John and Caj were on right and left flank, and Saunders was in the center.

Saunders surveyed the town with digital binoculars. The digital binoculars not only enabled Saunders to see great distances but by selecting different options he could also change the optic to dual band and analyze heat signatures. This allowed him to look for warm living beings hiding among the stone cold buildings. Additionally, the binoculars could capture what Saunders surveyed and send the result view satellite to G2.

Saunders did not see any signs of life, the bombed out town seemed to be free of any enemy presence, not to mention any other living thing.

“Alright,” Saunders addressed the Squad, “get comfortable, check equipment, eat some chow, and then as soon as it gets dark we will move into the town and set up a LP/OP near the bridge.”

The men settled into their positions, checking their gear, getting out their meals, and of course the bottles of hot sauce. Saunders uploaded his survey video to the G2 satellite network and then put the expensive instrument back into their protective case.

Doc checked the men for any complaints or ailments. Everyone was okay but Kirby, who was complaining about some sore muscles because of all the extra weight of the explosive kits in addition to his LMG. Doc gave Kirby some light pain medication.

"Take 2 and call me in the morning," Doc joked.

"Will do Doc," Kirby quipped back, "and you're sure these will keep me from getting pregnant right?"

"Yes," Doc replied, "but only if you wear them in your nose."

Aside from the banter of the men, everything was quiet, very quiet, and that’s the part that bothered Saunders.

“What’s up Sarge?” Little John asked, “You seem worried.”

“Do you hear that?” Saunders asked Little John.

“Hear what?” Little John, “I don’t hear anything.”

“That’s my point,” Saunders replied, “I don’t hear anything either, no birds, no crickets, no nature sounds of any kind.”

“OK Squad,” Saunders directed, “get your gear together, we need to begin to patrol the perimeter of the town, something’s not right and I don’t want to just sit here and wait for an ambush.”

The Squad gathered their gear and gulped down their remaining chow. The last thing any of them wanted was to be caught in an ambush by the Covenant, and they knew if Saunders instincts told them to move, then they needed to move.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSun 05 May 2013, 9:02 pm

Vazra took cover behind the wall as bullets broke through the old stone and walls of the house, Her partner Peek out and got a shot off, killing one of the Marines shooting at her. But The other Marine saw this, and took out a grenade chucking it up into the window.
"Watch out!" Vazra warned.
But it was too late, a blinding light followed by a loud painful explosion cut into her ears, she saw red Kig-Yar blood splatter the window and floor.

Vazra growled in anger and put the whole next clip into the last human's skull. "Stupid Human. Stupid war...." She stopped herself, sniffing the air..... Something else besides the smell of dead kig-yar and human.... Something livinging...Was that....Kig-Yar?

Yaacova got herself positioned nicely in her deep dug hole, her Battle Rifle held tightly in her Spartan-Strong Grip. For a long time the area was nothing but silence....But she kept alert, listening for any strange sounds or noises. She paused as she heard a slight thumping sound, and glanced around....Then she looked up, Covenant Ranger Elites dropped down from buildings and tree's around them. Instantly all hell broke lose as bright blue plasma fire erupted every where.


Extro chuckled, and motioned to his partner "Come." He stood up easily avoiding whatever shots the marines fired that even got close to them. He picked up the pace moving silently and swiftly through the woods flanking around the Marines. A smiled spread across his face as he turned on his active camo, and slowly snuck inside the base right under the humans noses.

Tarez slammed his fist into the human counsel, causing the giant gate to lock up behind them.

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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeWed 22 May 2013, 9:24 pm

Yuri looked at the elite rangers in the distance, about 700 yards away, he lines up the first shot and puts a round strait through the elites head. He starts to line up the next shot when he knottiest something to his left, he moved his scope and zoomed in, it was a pair of hunters with a bunch of grunts. Yuri said over there comes, “we have a hunter pair and a bunch of grunts coming between two buildings to the east, about a thousand yards out.” He started firing rounds at them so that they would slow down and take cover behind there shield.

Drake responded “ok ill take care of it, ill need you’re frags Yaacove, Yuri help Yaacova finish of the elite rangers until I get near the hunters, when I tell you distracted the hunters while I ram these frags in there back.”

Yuri responded “shore thing.”


Jack emptied the rest of his mag in to the woods and turned to grab another mag from the box when suddenly there comes when his comes went nuts.

“JACK PHILLIP, what is with all the shooting!” that would be the Sargent Carter.

Jack said “there’s covys out here, they killed what’s his name.”

Sargent Carter said “how many are there?”

Jack said :well I don’t know I can’t see them, in faked there not really shooting much.”

Sargent Carter said “there not even shooting, well stop wasting ammo, look you two get inn here ill sent out some more competent men to guard the door.”

Jack said “yes sir.” He looked at Phillip and said “sergeants pissed I think he thinks I’m lying or something”

Phillip said “grate first time I get to shoot some covys in ages and we get in trouble for it” they turned to head in side. When they get to the gate they see the control panel is broken, Phillip said “grate they must of shot that to, don’t worry ill have it working in a sec.” and started putting it back to gather.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeMon 27 May 2013, 7:16 am

"Roger that Drake." Yaacova said throwing her frag's to the Spartan, then focusing her fir on the Elite Rangers as bright blue and green bullets flew past them, and over their heads.

Extro chuckled as he heard the humans bickering, he turned to his friend "Stay low, and stay quiet." He ordered, Tarez nodded.

Vazra decided to investigate this strange smell, and she climbed down the window stepping over the human bodies and walking down the blood stained street. She stopped and sniffed the air again, getting behind cover as she smelled the Kig-Yar close.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeFri 31 May 2013, 1:22 pm

Drake ran in a big hole, then looked around then ran to the next hole, he did this until he was within 100 feet. They where busy shooting at the statue Yuri was on, the eventually passed drake and he ran up to the first one pulling the pin on the grenade and ramming it in to its back. He then killed the grunts with his DMR while the grenade went off in the hunters back, by then the other hunter turned around and slammed his shield in to drake. Drake fell hunter to his front, it was about to shoot drake when a sniper round went through its head and caused it to miss and crouch over. Drake ran up to it and rammed the grenade in the gap in its helmet, the hunter tried to pull it out but it exploded.

Yuri said “cutting things a little close aren’t we .”

Drake said “thanks Yuri, I owe you one.”


Jink hard shots moments ago, he when looking to find out what it was, he could smell blood now. He moved slowly as he looked around. He moved from one building to the next, he eventually found human body’s, marines from the looks of it. He also saw movement, but it was to late to react, a needler rifle was pointed at him. He turned to se the kig-yar female lower her gun but finger still on the trigger.


Phillip wasn’t looking forward to Sargent Carter, he has a short temper. As Phillip walked in he could see the base billet right in to the rock, it used to be a mine but the miners found something, next thing anyone knew they built this base here. Of cores that was before the covenant showed up, so people weren’t thinking about it much. They went to the open court yard where Sargent Carter was waiting, they walked up to him.

Sargent Carter said, “from what the boys I just sent out side said there is a needle stuck in the other guy, which means you where right, there are covenant. But it appears you let them in our base.”

Jack said “ so….what does that mean for us?”

Sargent Carter said “it means you have a special job for failing again, lateen duty.” He turns around and walks away.

It was quiet for a second and then jack said “well this sucks”
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeThu 06 Jun 2013, 7:52 am

"We could use your help back over here Sir!" Yaacova reminded Drake as the Rangers got closer and closer, one ranger jumped down into the hole with her and she ducked under one swing, pushing her rifle barrel up into its neck and opened fired point-blank.


"Who are you?" Vazra asked Jink, not taking any chances after losing her partner.

"Should we just kill them?" Tarez asked, Extro shook is head "Lets not take chances, that door has to be here some where."
"There's alot of 'some where's' it could be." Tarez informed his brother.
"I am aware." Extro said "But we will find it, or die trying."
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeMon 10 Jun 2013, 8:54 pm

Drake said “ok on my way, ill flank them if I can.” He started movant closer to the elite rangers. As he got closer he started thinking about what the covenant where doing, the elite rangers where giving a good fight but they weren’t making a real attempt to make progress, it was as if they were just harassing us. Drake stopped, the covenant could of easily of just used a drop ship to drop of the hunters, they would know the hunters are exposed. The covenant may have a lot of manpower but they don’t waste hunters unless they have a good reason. At that moment drake looked and could see a man hole in the distance, suddenly it hit him.

Drake said “ there coming through the” then got cut off by the sound of an explosion. Several holes were know exposed around the area, grunts, skirmishers, and a few elites started coming out of the holes. Things just got really bad, really quick, if they didn’t get this under control now they would lose the generator.


Jink said “im jink, im scouting ahead for my squad.” Jink wasn’t shore what was going on, but it was starting to think she might be rouge. So he had his comes set so Brignot could hear and know what happened if he didn’t come back.

Jink said, “who are you ?”


Jack and Phillip went to the barracks to change in to there of duty clothes, as they walked they could see the entrance to the complex of old mining tunnels. It had so much fire power grading it that it wasn’t even funny, only people that ever go in are what jack would call the big brains, scientist, geologists, the works. There are some marines and ODST’s that go in and out, but they have so many security clearances that there clearances have clearances.

Jack said, “id love to know what the hec is down there.”

Phillip said, “how am I supposed to know.”

Jack said, “I don’t know you’re the one that reeds those robo magazines.”

Phillip said, “there called modern technology, and whatever it is, I think it’s the reason the covys haven’t glassed us yet.”

Jack said, “doesn’t narrow it down much.”

Phillip said, “let’s just change and get this cleaning done, I don’t want to be up all night cleaning toilets.” They changed their clothes, and got on with cleaning.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeMon 22 Jul 2013, 9:02 am

"Shoot, Shoot, Shoot..." Yaacova muttered, her grip around her gun tightening as she saw what was going on. She fired on a group of grunts taking out their leader, they scattered then puller out grenades and ran at her. Doing suicide. She opened up on them.

Vazra watched him a moment, "I'm Vazra, Sniper. My Squad was killed by the humans." She said.


Extro and Tarez followed the Marines in active camoe listening in on them, trying to gather what information they could....
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PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSat 27 Jul 2013, 8:15 pm

Drake got back in his original hole, he throw a grenade in one of the holes they were coming out of, it does little to slow them down. Drake calls in to HQ, hoping they’ll have a solution.

Drake sais “Check mate king this is blue titan over”

They respond “blue titan this is Check mate king over”

Drake said “we have covys coming out of the ground all around, requesting immediate support, over”

They respond “understood Blue titan will send what we got in the immediate area, over. Do you know what tunnels are they, sewer, fresh water what.”

Drake said “no idea, if I had to guess I’d say sewer, there are a lot of abandoned sewers. ”

They respond “ok, I got reports that a squad of ODSTs is in the area, they have 2 warthogs and a mongoose, and they’ll be there in five mics.”

Drake said “ok roger out”

Drake could see that Yuri had gotten down from the statue and put himself between the generator and a hole that grunts were coming out of, and was taking out grunts with his pistol. They had managed to keep them at bay, Yaaccova had finished of the elite rangers, but there was plenty coming out of those holes. The only good thing was they were still between the covys, it was going to be a long 5 minites.


Jink said “in Jink sniper as well, I’m scouting ahead for my team, if you have nothing better to do my team lead would be glad to have any help he can get. All we have is 4 grunts me and our team lead a brute.”


They changed cloves and started cleaning toilets, a few hours later Phillip said “what time is it”
Jack said “about 7:30, were going to be here forever.”

Phillip was cleaning when he noticed a big crack in the floor, he said “look at this, there’s a big crack in the wall”

Jack came over to look and said “must be one of the old mining tunnels behind it, hey lets break it open and have a look around”

Phillip said “let’s not and say we did, I don’t want to get in any more trouble than be need to.”

Jack said “ya, sarg is already purity pissed at us.” They both went back to cleaning, not knowing there where eyes watching.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeFri 02 Aug 2013, 9:09 am

Yaacova backed up to Yuri taking cover behind a half-fallen over wall. And firing at the Elite Rangers as they jet packed over to them. One Ranger got close to her and ignited its energy blade roaring. She ducked sliding to its right and kicking it in the knee, this caused it to fall to one knee. The Elite tried to get back up but she climbed onto its back and stabbed it in the neck, purple blood splattering her black armour.

Vazara grunted "I brute? Great, more smelly apes...." She muttered, "Lets go inside one of these buildings we can talk privately there. Don't want the humans to hear us." She said, leading the way into a abandoned home.

The Elite Zealots smiled at hearing this, "Perfect." Extro said, "Tarez when I say throw a grenade in that human tolit. That'll distract them, and throw up alot of smoke. And we can break through the wall and get inside.
"Yes Extro." Tarez said readying himself.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeSun 04 Aug 2013, 10:28 pm

Drake kept firing at the covys coming out of the hole, there was no end to them. Suddenly two warthogs and a mongoose, ODSTs in all seats, shooting covys as they went. The guys in the mongoose pulled up to a hole near drakes and jumped in, and 1 ODST from each warthog got out and in to cover near the generator. The 2 warthogs started circling back and forth killing of the covys they could find.

Drake yield over to the ODSTs and said “glade you could make it, we were thinking you weren’t coming” drake noticed that one of the ODSTs had sergeant stripes, and that it was a girl.

The sergeant said “couldn’t let you have all the fun, here throwing one of these in the holes will melt it shut”

She through what appeared to be a grenade, on the side it said thermite 32m, drake said “I guess Spartans arnt the only ones to get all the toys” he could see the other ODSTs were giving thermite 32m grenades to Yuri and Yaacova.


Jink whent inside and said “me and my team, if you can call it that, where sent out here and told recon the area and to wait for further order. If I had to guess, they’re going to put a base out here. I think my team lead would be glad to have more than a few grunts to rely on.” Truth be told he just wanted someone to talk to that wasn’t a always complain about the food or asking stupid questions all the time.


Jack and Phillip were cleaning when suddenly one of the toilets exploded. Jack yeald” AAAHHH!!!” they looked over shocked at what had just happened.

Phillip looked at jack and said “what have you been eating?”

Jack said “what me? I didn’t …”

suddenly the sarg came in yelling “what in tarnation is going on in here” he looked and could see toilet fragments on the floor, he could also see a big hole In the wall. He went over to the hole with a tunnel on the other side and he could see burnt marks around the edges of the hole.

Sarg turned around and jack said “we didn’t do that, I sewer” by this point other marines had showed up, one of the ones up front was the communications guy.

Sarg said talking to the communications guy “ set of the alarm and then call the general tell him we have covys in the tunnels” he looked to Phillip and Jack

Jack said “were in trouble aren’t we?”
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Location : Live lively, live on, live strong, there is hope. Always.

Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeThu 22 Aug 2013, 5:25 pm

"Awesome, lets go blow some stuff up!" Yaacova said, with a grin under her blue tinted visor. She jumped over the cover she was behind, and sprinted - sending dirt up as she ran- to the nearest dead tree. Seeing the hole she was after, she threw the grenade in the hole, opening up with her assault rifle before dashing back to cover.


"Sure, why not, I'll join your team. As long as your brute leader doesn't get in my feathers too much." Vazara said.
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Halo: New Jericho - IC Empty
PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitimeTue 10 Sep 2013, 8:56 pm

Drake ran over to the hole closest to him, throwing the grenade in it, making all the grunts scream and melting the area around the hole. Yuri and the ODSTs finished of the other holes, once that was done the covenant retreated.

Drake stood up and went over to the ODST sergeant, he said “if the covys have made themselves at home in the tunnels of this planet then we are in big trouble.” Drake could see Yuri coming over.

The sergeant said “it’s not like the coveys to change tactics, but its amazing they haven’t glassed us ether.”

Yuri stood next to drake and said, “not to make things worse, but I pulled this of a grunt.” it looked like a small jackhammer only covy version. Yuri said “if I had to guess I think there looking for something.”

As usual Yuri is probably right, Drake said “the question is what?”


Jink said “he won’t hell be too busy yelling at the grunts for their stupidity, lets head out then.” They headed of to the camp they set up.


Phillip and jack were in a prison cell, Phillip said “if I get court marshaled I’m going to kill you first”

Jack said “Me, why?” just then sergeant carter came in and started opening the door.

Sargent carter said “we first thought you might be working with the covys, but after looking at your record figured yall weren’t”
Jack asked “what made you know that? Was it our loyalty?”

Sargent carter said “no, it was your ability to case trouble in the strangest ways without even trying, like the time you had a chicken stuck in a tank barrel.”

Phillip said “you got a chicken stuck in a tank barrel?”

Jack said “it just flew in to the barrel, im mean it’s a bird.”

Phillip said “it’s a chicken, they don’t fly!”

Sargent carter said “quiet both of you! Now since you to are utterly useless we are going to use you as test subjects for our new found toys. “

Phillip said “new toys sir?”

Sargent carter said “it’s a little thing called a telaporter. “
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PostSubject: Re: Halo: New Jericho - IC   Halo: New Jericho - IC I_icon_minitime

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