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 Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)

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What Should the Town Name be?
Silent Valley
Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_lcap0%Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Lost River
Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_lcap29%Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_rcap
 29% [ 2 ]
Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_lcap14%Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_lcap43%Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_rcap
 43% [ 3 ]
Anvil Creek
Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_lcap14%Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_vote_rcap
 14% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 7

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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 12:49 am

Alright, I finally have a new RP idea! The problem is, I still need help with structuring it for the most part. To those in Fatesealed, sorry for not being able to post the new thread, but I have been quite busy. Second of all, this will not be the permanent thread title, thank goodness. I will hopefully be able to find the right word I need by tomorrow.

First of all...the subject. Nightmares. We all know about them: Those moments when your darkest fears corner you; the feelings of shame and guilt through scenarios that humiliate you in every way...Those are nightmares. Actually a very small and vague selection of what they might be like, but whatever. The point is, we all have had them at one point or another. Maybe we've even felt like we were going to die, or that our entire lives were this dreadful nightmare.

What if those suspicions became true?

Myth has always linked nightmares not to evil girl horses or subconscious fears, but to demons and malevolent beings aiming to take our lives. One such being is Nytmare, who is a demon that would give its victims the feeling of suffocation while they slept, probably by sitting on their chests. This roleplay will be about Nytmare, though mainly her victims.

But Luna, you might say, what about those things about dying? You know, 'cause you're all morbid like that. Well, here is where the plot comes in. Our characters are in a small town in Alaska. It is currently winter, and the town they live in happens to be one of those places where the sun will just blot out for weeks at this time of the year. While modern, it is completely isolated, and the inhabitants are growing very suspicious, and for good reason. Normally a little bit of daylight would have been seen at this time, but there is none to be found. They have been plagued by night terrors, from the oldest to the youngest, ever since the sun disappeared. People have woken up in completely different areas from where they slept, and some have begun to gain bruises and cuts overnight without any logical explanation. There have been sightings of a mysterious, horse-like figure with large glowing eyes near the outskirts of the town. About a week ago, an elderly man died without any clear cause for death. Some say it was old age, but the man was healthy.

The point is, everything's gone to the dogs because of this mysterious demon thing. That's where our characters come in. It has been about a week since the old man's death, and injuries due to nightmares are growing more frequent. Our characters, of course, being complete idiots, want to get to the bottom of this. Using whatever methods realistically possible, they will attempt to find the cause of the nightmares and drive it out, before it drives the town crazy. However, the demon has her eyes on them, and will try to stop them in any way possible.

So here we go! This will be a semi-literate RP, since I haven't the time to write a huge amount, but grammar is needed for this. Post length is...3+ lines, I'd think? Try to aim higher, of course~ ;D

I highly doubt the rest of the rules need to be explained. Don't godmod, don't be overpowered, and don't know too much. I'm worried about the latter because this RP is essentially a dark mystery, so knowing things will be important, but I do trust you guys. Also, the town's roads are essentially closed, and they get pretty bad service. Don't be doing things like texting your Texan boyfriend or anything like that.

I will obviously be controlling Nytmare's actions. The main locations for this RP wil be in the town, and in the kid's nightmares. Now be warned, the most you know about her, the more likely it is she'll appear the try and get rid of you in the dream. When this happens, I can godmod as much as I freaking want, okay? The point of this is to feel helpless. I won't ever kill any of you without permission, though many injuries in the dreams will carry on to the waking world.

Age: (Any age is permissible, though it will be mostly teens figuring this stuff out, due to our usual tendencies in character making...)
Description: (I would prefer this to be as lengthy as possible.)
Personality: (This also includes intelligence. Please please pleaseeee do not be some sort of super genius on nightmares in any way. If you are Nytmare will visit you that much sooner, and probably rip off your legs that much sooner. I'm serious.)
Bio: (You live in a small Alaskan town. Please do not pull any extreme stuff unless your character moved here, which should be a last resort anyway, or I will call you out and ban you)
Pros: (This is where you list their main, positive traits from that whole bundle of vague exposition I gave you. Please do not put random things like "nice" or "smart". EXPLAIN.)
Cons: (Same as pros, but with negative character qualities instead. Did I mention I'll get suspicious if either side gets neglected while the other is chock-full of details? Because I will. And so will Nytmare.)
Fears: (List all of the scenarios, frights, and possible phobias that a character might have here. Please remember to explain, as all of these will be used when Nytmare enters the nightmare. You will be allowed to create your own nightmares for character revealing/development, but I will be designing the ones Nytmare chooses for your characters.)
Important Details: (Anything that should really stand out about your character.)
Other: (Also known as the sadist section. You totally want Nytmare to give your character paraplegia? Request it here! Seriously this is pretty much the injury section.)

Oh and by Structuring Help, I mainly meant that out of impatience I wrote this at like one in the morning and so this is extremely unorganized. Please, if there's anything that I left out and need to address, say it right here and now. Otherwise...What do you all think~? B)

Last edited by Luna_Cat16 on Wed 23 Nov 2011, 6:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 2:40 am

Funny you should mention both Texas and Alaska... :D

Where is the town and what is its name? If the sun's simply going to be out for a few weeks, it's around winter solstice and probably a touch north of Point Hope: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Point+Hope,+AK&aq=0&sll=69.001739,-163.707275&sspn=2.717889,7.064209&vpsrc=6&gl=us&g=Alaska&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Point+Hope,+North+Slope,+Alaska&ll=64.396938,-158.291016&spn=26.939592,56.513672&t=h&z=4

It isn't that days and nights just start lasting weeks and weeks, but that the days just start getting shorter and shorter, until "daytime" consists of a faint glow that works its way along the horizon for a bit. Unless it's magically gone or something, which is cool too.

Also, what if the town had no roads at all? That's not uncommon for villages in the north. Most places like that have everything flown in via bush plane, or shipped if they're on the coast.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 10:26 am

To be honest, I did actually intend for there to be some supernatural workings in the nights. I should probably mention that... :P

And as for the town's name...I was still thinking of that. Can you think of any names that wouldn't sound stupid or cliched? I currently cannot. DX

Hrm...the no roads thing is actually a pretty good idea. I thought it was rarer, and might be a little too convenient for the story, but thanks for clearing that up~ XP
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 11:11 am

This is a very good idea, Luna. I like it. Also for town names, what about "Silent Valley"?
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 1:40 pm

I would like to join this, if thats alright. I even made my character sheet to prove how serious I am:

Name: Hobbes Hafeg
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Description: I am going to assume this means physical description...

Hobbes tends to dress rather scantily for the alaskan winters. He has never been caught wearing anything that looks like proper snow-gear, as he is generally walking around in a hoodie and jeans. He is not a very big guy, hes got a long sort of body, not heavily muscled but enough that he has never been mugged. He has a thing for combat boots, they are the only footwear he wears, and though it never looks like he is dressed for the weather, he always is. The hoodies are insulated with military survival foil, he has fully certified lohn johns on under those jeans, and when he is even just wearing a jacket with a toque and gloves, the jacket is insulated the same way as the hoodies, with the toque and gloves just being good 'ol fur lining. Generally dresses in dark colors, or sometimes survival colors when he is going on a long hike.

Personality: Hobbes is a very quiet person, to the point that some people think he is a mute. He is also very solitary, avoiding all places where he might be socially involved. Those that do know him know that he is a very intelligent and eloquent man, full of quotes and with a thing for singing disney songs. He has a masters degree in biology, and his house is veritably drowning in books. Books of all sorts, from childrens books up to university textbooks. Books on how to get to where the wild things are too books that teach how to differentiate between different 4th tier protien structures. There is absolutely no subject safe from Hobbes, and he has always had a special thing for the study of the supernatural. Overall, a rather odd duck, but certaintly likable enough.

Bio: Hobbes comes from canada, and moved here after being kicked out. He has never mentioned exactly what it was that made the government put the boot too him, and odds are he never will. Since he has been here he has done nothing of note apart from take several jobs cleaning stores after hours, and place large orders for books and media.

Pros: Hobbes loves to smile, sing and dance. He loves these things because he is a very happy person, perferring to just forget the bad and focus on the good. He also enjoys cooking, cleaning and taking care of others. He would actually make a good mother.

Cons: Hobbes does tend to hold grudges for years, and will pre-judge people from time to time. This is mostly due to his upbringing, he was taught cynism by society. He will also completely ignore someone if he doesnt want to speak to them, no matter what they are trying to say.

Fears: Hobbes has an incredible fear of spiders. Thats really his biggest fear. He also doesnt like heights, he is paralyzed by heights. Apart from that his only fear is being around too many people, he doesnt mind people in general, but when there is more than say two dozen, he gets very very uneasy, and it has been known to become a full blown panic attack.

Other: Well Lunar Feline, could my character have the following injuries commited upon them at some point: Hives, raw skin, random blood vessels rupturing, stomach ulcer, spinal swelling, one arm crushed to gravel, temporarily blinded, snapped leg tendon. Thats all I can think of really.....

If I'm missing anything, just say and it shall appear.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 2:56 pm

Zorthax, you are gladly accepted. I will wait until a few more people join up, but after that the IC will be made~

Glad you like it Tex! I will keep Silent Valley in mind. Perhaps we should hold a vote soon~?
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PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 3:00 pm

Town names... Lost River, McCarthy, Livengood, and Anvil Creek are all names of actual ghost towns that could be borrowed. Livengood sounds particularly ironic.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 4:03 pm

ghost towns would be a remarkably good place to hole up in a zombie apocalypse. Few people would go there, there are a wide variety of buildings to fortify, and they usually have land for agriculture. Depending on the climate and proximity to a major city, it could be as good a place as any.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 4:56 pm

Joural, I have to admire the way you can relate anything back to a zombie apocalypse.

And thank you Luna, I'm glad to be accepted. And are you looking for a town name, or a thread name? Because I thought that "Eyes in the Dark" would be a good name for the RP, as the town is dark and Nytmare has glowing eyes and all.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 6:16 pm

Town names, actually.

Yeah. Those all sound good. Really good. Imma put up a poll now~

Ghost towns creep me out. Sure, they're good places for holing up, but everything is just...agh. Scary.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeWed 23 Nov 2011, 10:12 pm

How is Livengood not at 100% of the vote? The irony is just too thick to ignore. Like having your spine crushed by a vanload of neck braces, or getting floss stuck in your teeth.
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011, 10:42 pm

Hmm, Lost River and Livengood are tied.. I'm not sure if anyone else will be voting, so if you're here Luna, do you know what to name the town?
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Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011, 11:02 pm

I tip the scales and say Livengood because I vote and break tie now.


Anyways, I am still here, this is still alive, and blah blah blah yeah.
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PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitimeTue 29 Nov 2011, 11:06 pm

Yeah. I need to stop procrastinating.... Maybe I should unite with other procrastinaters.. Tomorrow...
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PostSubject: Re: Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.)   Nachtmerrie (Better name has been found. Also this is an OOC. And planning. Yep.) I_icon_minitime

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