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 Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)

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Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) Empty
PostSubject: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 2:21 pm


This is an Evangelion Roleplay, basically like an alternate timeline. In case you don't know, Evangelion is a series of anime that ran sometime around 1995, and set itself apart from the usual giant mecha genre through its in-depth analysis of the characters and various other things. And it's completel mindf***ery. It is beautiful. Luckily though, you don't need to look up the series and watch it for this RP. What needs to be explained will be explained. Basically, this will be like a classic "mecha fighting monsters" RP with a darker overtone and more focus on drama than the actual action.

Anyways, now time for explaining. This is essentially alternate universe so most characters will not be existing at this time. Most.

Setting- The current year is 2015, post-apocalyptic, and humanity has returned to a semblance of normal life. Why do I say post-apocalyptic? Because in 2000 the Second Impact happened. A giant meteor crashed into Antarctica, and the melting snow caused the world to flood, tilting it off its axis, which in turn had drastic results for the climate, and blah blah blah here we are today. Basically all you need to really remember when RPing is that because of the climate change, it is summer. Always. Oh, and the world has a higher water level than usual. The location? Tokyo-3. Tokyo got flooded and Tokyo-2 is boring, so we're in Tokyo-3. This place is basically mankind's last stronghold against the Angels, explained in the next section-thing. The time of the RP? A day before the attack of the Third Angel.

Angels- These are our enemies. Period. Angels are these mysterious beings that are attacking Tokyo-3 for some mysterious reason, and it's up to our charries to drive them off. There are 18 of them, two being not-present and the last being unknown. Well, all of the Angels should be unknown to you gaiz unless you have watched the series, but the 18th is like unknown to their unknowns. They don't look all pretty and stuff either, they're pretty much more typical of the giant monster category than anything else. They generate things called AT fields, that serve as powerful barriers that protect their single core, which is much like their heart. Different tactics need to be taken to defeat each of them, and typical weapons don't have any effect on them. That's where the EVAs come in.

Evangelions- These are the giant mechas that are the only things that can defeat the Angels. Their design, unlike what one would expect of most mechas, is very streamlined and humanoid, possibly even resembling Japanese oni, who were the original origins for the designs in the anime. Due to also being able to generate AT fields, they can sort of counter the Angel's field and get in for some close combat, using various weaponry such as knives, spears, and guns. Your character will be piloting the EVAs. Mind you piloting one is no easy task. You are connected to the EVA through something called an entry plug. There you synchronize with it. This means that you feel its pain, and everything it does. Its wrist gets broken? Yours will feel broken. Crush a human being within its hand? You. Will. Feel. It. They must also be connected to a thing called an umbilical cord at all times, which acts like a charger. If it is unplugged then the EVA will have to rely on their internal power source, which only lasts for five minutes. After that, you are done. Luckily there are stations throughout the city where you can reconnect your cord.

The Pilots- AKA You, AKA "The Unlucky Fellows Who are Forced Into this Sh*t". Basically, the pilots are the only people who can pilot the EVAs. You guys can come from all over the world, so no Japanese-exclusive rule, but there are a few basic requirements that all pilots have. For one, your mothers are all dead, due to various reasons and will totally not be important to the plot sometime later nope not at all. You are also all fourteen year old children, due to shenanigans involving the Second Impact which is totally not going to be important to the plot anytime soon nah never, and you have all been gathered to Tokyo-3 by NERV, a military group that is in charge of the EVAs, to fight the Angels. All one can say is that this is not going to work out well, especially due to them being rife with instability.

And Now Plot

Alrighty. Now that the main elements have been explained, here comes plot. You can kind of piece it all together, really. Your character has been requested by NERV, who controls the EVAs, to come to their city and basically kill all the Angels that try and come to attack them. As said above, this basically takes place one day before the attack of the Third Angel, and you have moved into the city sometime before that, or maybe you have just arrived. You will be taken to NERV, and then get introduced to your EVA sometime around that day. And then the next day Angel comes and try to kill you all. Got that down? Good. Now character sheet.

Character Sheet
Name: (Derp. But if you're going to be Japanese, please use actual names, and not something like Sakura Ayanikunflowerblah. Same with other nationalities.)
Gender: (Derp.)
Age: (14. No exception.)
Nationality: (Any you'd like, really. I'd prefer a somewhat diverse cast of characters though. Also, because this is based off of an anime and animus are magical, I am banning 'accents'. By 'accents' I mean typing stuff like "zis is wunderbar". Mentioning an accent? Yes. Typing out an highly inaccurate representation of an accent? No. If you actually know how to accent then...maybe.)
EVA Unit: (01-13 only. The spaces are limited because 1)I highly doubt that more than thirteen people will join and 2)reasons.)
Appearance: (Due kawaii animus the Japanese don't have to look like actual Japanese, but please use actual logic in appearances please. No over sugoi.)
Personality: (Perfectly sane and normal? What's that? But seriously, no one should be completely happy-go-lucky. Also, please avoid clinical diagnoses as well. I highly doubt NERV would want a pilot that has been proven to go on psychotic breaks and the like.)
Bio: (No mothers. Please. It's pretty much a requirement. And if you're going for overly tragic, try to make it fit into what their personality is like. Freud wants to love you guys. Make Freud happy.)
Important Details: (I mean flaws. As in, what are their major flaws that set them apart? What makes them tick?)

And here's an EVA sheet.

Unit#: (01-13, like before.)
Weapons of Choice: (EVAs are always equipped with progressive knives, which allow them to hack at an Angel's core with partial ease, but they are also provided with things such as guns and spears. Allow me to provide you a list so you don't go ranting on about their sexy magical dragon-hilted dual katanas. Just don't go clicking on any other links besides the two bulleted ones. <.< )
Appearance: (Basically, go kind of all out on this, as long as the EVAs look like they're related to the ones in these image links. Color scheme, eye number, whatever you want. Just make sure to not make look like a Transformer, give it the shoulder-fin things that are in all the pictures, and please, please, please keep it within the kind of demonic theme here. Also, just think about it as being a suit of armor around something. That should make your job much easier.)
Combat Specialty: (Is it more of a defensive type? More of an attacking? Each kind of meld to fit the user, so think about what your pilot likes.)
Other: (Anything important that can't be filled into those categories?)


1. Usual forum rules blah blah blah.
2. No Godmodding. At all. None.
3. Metaing will be punishable by having your pilot cruelly and painfully. Just because you read the Wiki and watched the series does not mean your character has the right to suddenly figure out plot points that no one would really guess until later.
4. Autoing in any form is a no-no. Hitting something without giving it a chance to respond, hurting someone in a fight, and just automatically killing an Angel is not good at all.
5. This will have gore, lots of it. It may not be person gore, but it is gory.
6. Also, while the anime series itself is a bit...freer on the subject, I'm going to have to draw a few lines on romance. If it starts getting a bit too intimate, then take it to PMs with the RP partner. Don't post it directly in the thread.
7. Curse as much as you'd like, just keep it realistic. Shouting the F word in every sentence is pretty f***ing stupid.
8. Be realistic with the synch pain, and your reactions to various situations. I highly doubt any of us, upon being asked to pilot a giant robot and kill a giant Angel, would be all for it no hesitations.
9. Literacy level? Keep it moderate. As in no one-liners unless it's in a conversation where nothing else is happening.
10. Don't describe NERV base without my permission unless you have watched all the anime episodes. And give proof. But then I probably won't let you do it anyway.
11. Drama. We love drama. Yes.
12. If you have super awesome plan/idea, PM it to me. With this being an alternate universe of the series I'm sure we can change things up a bit.
13. No having super magical powers without my permission, okay?
14. Everyone, be nice. If you want to argue, don't do it in my thread.
15. This RP should be extremely disturbing later on. Feel free to indulge in as many mental breakdowns as you want at that time.
16. One thing I want to address: I don't need to be here for you guys to post. Seriously, have all the convos you want if I'm not there the advance the plot or whatever.
18. Read the whole OP. pls gooby pls.


Okay, so this is the remake, rebuild, restart, and other related terms for EVAlt! Now, if you want to send me an updated sheet then it's probably a good idea.

Also, there are various sheets I am keeping in "reserve", in case someone decides that they want to get involved with the RP again. Those who have not been on the forum have their sheets removed, but if they join and express interest then I will add them. If anyone on the list is not able to get involved, the sheet will be removed and the spot opened.


  • Mina's sheet and reserve spot is being removed due to her lack of activity and presence on the forum
  • Sheet number extended to 16 because raisins.
  • Dark's sheet broke the post limit. Pilots are now in a brand new sparkly reserve.
  • Balu's sheet broke the post limit. again.
  • IC is open!
  • Attendance list added in IC OP.

Last edited by Luna_Cat16 on Sat 26 May 2012, 1:26 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 2:26 pm

And, my old sheet (I might update EVA Nanagouki at some point)

Name: James David
Gender: male
Age: 14
Nationality: Canada, Eh?
EVA Unit: Nanagouki
Appearance: His Blonde hair would be the first thing one would notice. It’s pretty long, especially the bangs, which have been spiked and styled, looking out of place with the rest of his hair, which is pretty normal. His eyes, they are the next thing one would notice. His left eye is a mossy green, while his right is an ocean blue, and are angled to give an intimidating glare in even his happiest of moods. The glasses he wears are normal, nothing special about them. The rest of his face is rather smooth and uninteresting, just a normal, semi-handsome face.
He’s rather skinny, at around 103 lbs., and just under the height of the average person, though it’s barely noticeable. He tends to wear a black t-shirt and brown pants, as well as a gray Jacket when it’s cold out. His grey shoes are tattered, but they still work fine. He tends not to wear socks.

Personality: He tends to be a loner, wary of anyone he just met. He’s pretty much been stripped of morality, making him seem at best, like a Jerk. He has, however, not been stripped of emotions, and feels consistently lonely. He does have manners as well, yet he uses them in a detached manner. His younger brother, Drake, is currently the only thing he actually cares about, willing to protect him from anything, which is pretty much the only reason he’s actually doing this in the first place. However, he respects his EVA unit, feeling respect is the key to mastery of the machine.

Bio: His mother died sometime after his brother was born, at around when James was 3. He never learned out why, but to this day he blames his father. After that incident, his father became an alcoholic, and when he was drunk, which was shockingly often, James and his brother usually had to hide, for fear of the drunken rage their father had be taken on them.
They ran away a month short of Drake’s 5th birthday, hoping to find somewhere to live. He took up the role of his brother’s guardian, never letting him go through harm. The quest for a new home wouldn’t exactly be easy, with humanity being rebuilt and what-not. They’d find a new place to live for a short while, then some kind of civil war would break out, they leave to continue their journey, and so on.
It took about two years before they found any permanent settlement, in the form of an orphanage created due to the civil wars. This wasn’t quite the place he envisioned when the quest started, but after those years of wandering, it was better than anything else. They were able to stay there for several years, not without hiccups, of course, but soon it felt like a new home. The journey, however, removed a good portion of his sense of morality, setting him apart from others. He found it lonely, and soon found it so that if no one wants to be close to him, he won’t attach himself to others.
Just after James’s 13th birthday, He and his brother were adopted by a Japanese family, and soon after moved to Japan, where they stayed. It felt odd, after all those years at the orphanage to have this kind of a family, but at last he had the home he’d been searching for.
Over the next year, James would learn basic Japanese and traditions, and the main honorifics he should use. He hasn’t excelled in them yet, but he’s trying hard. He felt grateful to his family, but still never really bonded to them. At some point, he was requested by NERV to be an EVA pilot. He initially refused, seeing as he would (most likely) have to abandon his brother, something he hasn’t done for years. However, after some convincing from Drake and their new family, he reluctantly joined.

Important Details: Because his brother has been his main concern in his life, James wouldn’t be above anything to try and help him, including becoming a pseudo mind-puppet. He also wishes to find someone who likes him, beyond his brother.
Other: Only his brother has the right to get free hugs from him.

Unit#: 07
Weapons of Choice: James generally carries the standard Progressive Knife, a Super-Electromagnetic Crossbow MM-144, a smash hawk, and a handgun.
Appearance: Unit 07 is generally much more streamlined than other units, seeing as it was built for speed, rather than brunt force. This, however, means that its armour is weaker than that of other units. Its main colour is black, with various details (such as the lower half of the limbs) and the warning labels red. The fingers are somewhat longer and more nimble, in effect with his streamlined appearance, and end in black fingertips, rather than fully red hands. Its right eye is a bright green, and its left is blue, an opposite to James. The unit number is worn on the left shoulder, most likely for convenience.
The helmet, although with the same basic shape as other units, was modeled after the head of the Pegasus with two red streaks running alongside either side of the apparent nose bridge. The shoulder pylons themselves are also styled after the Pegasus wings, with red streaks dividing the wings. The black feet resemble talons.
Combat Specialty: The standard fighting style unit 07 is to run in, strike, and fall back (hopefully, but not always) before the angel attacks. However, depending on James’s mood, he may skip the fall back and continue striking.
Other: If you see this unit Going BESERKER, you’ll see that the teeth go from front to back: molars, canine, incisors. The reverse of the human teeth, basically.
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Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 2:31 pm

Where the Pilots go Now Because Dark Broke the Post Limit (Units 0-8)

PROTOTYPE Unit 00- RESERVED. Like srsly no one even ask.

Unit 01- Poke

Unit 02- Balu

Unit 03- Crimmy
Unit 04- Patches

Unit 05- Tex
Unit 06- Luna

Unit 07- Flame
Unit 08- JTC.

Continued on another reserve.

Last edited by Luna_Cat16 on Tue 22 May 2012, 6:24 pm; edited 10 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:22 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:36 pm

Where the Rest of the Pilots Go Because Balu Broke the Post Limit (Units 9-16)

Unit 09- Deox
Unit 10- Now reserved by GM/Avocados.

Unit 11- DB

Unit 12- Saka
Unit 13- Leggy.
Unit 14- Eo/Whale

Unit 15- Dark/HOB
Unit 16- OPEN

MALE/FEMALE RATIO: Lots of guys / 3 (4 if counting Kagami) girls

Last edited by Luna_Cat16 on Sat 26 May 2012, 1:02 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:37 pm




Reserving Unit 10.

I need to finish that sheet now.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:38 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:39 pm

So many feels. ;u;
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:40 pm

Unit 10 is reserved.

Thread link: http://forum.spore.com/jforum/posts/list/74514.page

I know, right? We should totally start planning soon Tex.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:42 pm

I'll just sit here with my NERV of America shit and plans for students.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:47 pm


but where do we start, Luna?
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:49 pm

darkdragon26 wrote:
Derpy derp derp is this okay~ I went with number 15 cause Deoxy said so X3

Character Sheet
Name: Samuel ‘Sam’ Taylor. He hates the name Samuel, so will frequently correct anyone calling him that and tell them just 'Sam' will do.
Gender: I’m pretty certain he’s a dude :I
Age: Fourteen derp
Nationality: Scottish~ hellztehyeah
EVA Unit: 15
Appearance: Sam is a pretty skinny guy, not like; oh my god is he anorexic oh god why isn’t he eating stuff what is wrong. Just skinnier than most people. He’s also probably just the average height of a fourteen-year-old boy, maybe just a little smaller. His hair is rather messy, dare we call it, emo-styled, and black. Each more defined ‘spikes’ of hair dyed a light blue colour, more dyed where the bangs hand down across his left eye, which will almost always remain unseen. Mind you, it is an absolute pain to get back to how it should be when it’s messed up even more so than it currently is. The one eye you can see is a light, greenish blue colour, eyeliner quite clearly visible around it, making his eyes possibly the one thing that stands out on him. He also has two snake bite rings on one side of his lip, yes the side covered by his bangs, so you might not even notice them. Wee Emo/Scene kid, I know, yet he’d probably get a bit p!ssed off if you called him either of those, as he’d expect you to end up stereotyping him. Did I mention how pale his skin is? Doesn’t exactly help him appear less of an emo. But that’s mainly because of how cold Scotland is, and as it doesn’t exactly get much sun, paler skin is expected. He will almost NEVER, take his black hoodie off. Oh but why. Does he cut himself oh dear ahhhhhh is that why he has to hide his arms? No. Don’t even go thinking that for one second, you don’t want him annoyed at you, do you? Unless that’s what you’re trying to do, of course. No, he wears that all the time because of the cold he’s used to, and keeps it zipped up no matter what the heat. On the odd occasion he might unzip it, but it’s unlikely he’d actually take it off or anything. But underneath the hoodie is a dark blue shirt, with a lighter blue picture of a broken heart that is melting, and on his wrist a black and white checkered wristband. Not that you would see that due to the hoodie, and the black, fingerless gloves mean it can’t slide down under the sleeves or anything. No don’t even start the emo sh!t. No. Stop it. Stop it now. He will also almost ALWAYS be wearing two black, silver studded belts over his black skinny jeans. The belts don’t necessarily do much, they’re just there. Yeah. Sometimes they’ll end up slipping down his legs, over his jeans, that’s how loose they can be. But they normally just sit there. Matching his wristband are his, oh guess what, black and white checkered high tops. The word black sure came up a LOT, didn’t it. Heh. Do take note he only loves both stule of clothes and music of ‘emo’, and definitely, as you’ve probably realised, despises the stereotypes. Here’s also some links to pictures in case you didn’t understand a word of that.
here here and here
Personality: Sam’s pretty quiet most of the time, and will probably keep to himself if possible. He isn’t exactly all that sociable; as he learned that people don’t like him for the way he looks. Surprisingly enough, he can be really kind to people when they need a little bit of kindness to cheer them up, no matter who it is, he really hates to see anyone sad. Though of course HE’S normally the one a little ‘down in the dumps’, and there’s never anyone to come cheer HIM up. He can be very, and I mean, VERY, emotional at times, crying is a usual thing for him, especially when people decide it’s a good idea to go and stereotype him. Of course, this does not help at all in showing how wrong the stereotype is. But it’s not that he can help it when everyone he knows dislikes him for the most retarded reasons ever and he can’t understand what he has done wrong. Sometimes he just needs to let it all out, really.
Bio: Well, he never knew his real father, only his stepfather. His real dad never really cared enough to stick around when he was born, so only knew his mother, until she got married again to some fuckass of a stepfather. Of course, she only did it so that both Sam and herself would actually have someone to supply money; she couldn’t refuse, as she could not do much with being infected with influenza. Well wasn’t that unfortunate, Sam ran after his mother all the time, even though he was probably only about nine or so when his mother was infected. His stepfather never seemed to help. Of course, his stepfather didn’t even like him, and to be perfectly honest, Sam never understood what he had done wrong. Maybe he was just too young to know? Of course, as time passed by, his mother ended up losing that battle against influenza, which had clearly developed further than was expected, a few weeks after his twelfth birthday, leaving Sam as an emotional wreck. Gradually over that year, his interests changed as well, and due to a sudden change of emotions, he appeared to be a stereotypical emo. Oh yes he did only like the style of music and clothes ‘Emo’, not that anyone at school seemed to care, though. Which resulted in him keeping to himself constantly, and rarely even talked to anyone. They all seemed to have a dislike for him, not that half of those people actually had even talked to him; they all just based on the fact that he was emo, and he’d to be hated. Cause of course, that’s what he wanted, right? Yeah, he hates life anyway, it doesn’t matter, and he’s clearly enjoying this pain. Oh hell were they f*cking stupid? Because it really seemed like that. Sometimes he would not even go home at the end of a school day. What was the point? His stepfather never liked him, why was he even keeping Sam around and not chucking him out? Well, probably against the law or something, but Sam always doubted that his stepfather would even consider that. So, instead he would go to a small clearing in a forest, filled with all kinds of scraps. He liked it there, it was a place away from the world, and no one was there to screech in his ear about being emo. Maybe it was his ‘happy place’. Of course, he could not refuse the offer to join in with NERV’s program. He wanted out of that sh!t hole he lived in, who cared where he was going? Who even cared. No one, exactly. No one would miss him, and he’d be away from well, everything. It sounded like a pretty damn good idea.
Important Details: It really, really p!sses him off when he’s given that stereotype of a guy who’s all depressed, slits his wrists, wants to commit suicide and all that sh!t. It can sometimes REALLY get on his nerves a hell lot more than normal. Although it’s quite uncommon for him to do so, he may occasionally let people know just how p!ssed off he is. Basically screeching in their faces about how they’re completely wrong and everything. He often, afterwards ends up feeling really bad about it, and would probably apologise if he had the guts to do so. He is also quite easily frightened, sudden noise and movements can make him jump, as he is quite ‘jumpy’ at times.

Unit#: 15
Weapons of Choice: Progressive Knives, Sniper Rifle, Sonic Glaive
Appearance: I cannot forever describe it for some reason. So I’ll just describe the colours based from my picture. And here is a picture I drawed
Honestly there isn’t much to say about it, but all of the white areas are black. Oh there’s that colour again. The red/pink areas were originally guidelines for the actual drawing, but I decided that those red lines are a neon blue colour. So they stand out pretty well against the black. Of course, if the red is NOT inside the black lines then the colour is not there, as that’d be colouring the air around the thing. I might as well add in that Unit 15 is also quite small. Obvs reasons in the section belooowww.
Combat Specialty: Well, Sam would honestly prefer to rely on this small strategy;
Hit – flee – hit – flee and so on. So he relies on speed to get in, hit, move out the way, and repeat. If possible, attacking from a distance is something that he would definitely do. Of course, speed and being a hell of an agile little f*cker means that taking hits is harder. Can’t have the BEST HEAVY armour and be agile at the same time, right? Well I suppose you could, but it’d just slow everything down. So yeah, speed is definitely a speciality.
Other: Moar Hugs~?
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:51 pm

Good but I might have to change the number. Or extend the available spots.

What say all of you? Extend it to the BEST NUMBER EVER (16)?????
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:51 pm

16 is a gr8 number
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 6:52 pm

Okay extending it is? It is.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand new reserve has been added due to post limit reasons.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 7:19 pm

So, when should we expect the IC? And what section should we expect it in?
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 7:22 pm

Expect the IC once member counting has been stabilized and such.

It will be in Sci-fi, of course~
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 9:11 pm

Luna, my sheet still has the gay-ass EVA. We need da Pyramid Head.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 9:25 pm

Oh my gosh right. I couldn't find it though so I just posted the gay one. XD

Will you be here this time around~?
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSat 12 May 2012, 9:38 pm

If it doesn't go too fast, yeah. xD
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSun 13 May 2012, 2:11 am


I want to join this. But... stuff first. I'll work on a sheet if I have the time. somewhat not really reserving Unit02.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSun 13 May 2012, 10:15 am

Hmm. I thought what I saw of the movies were dreadfully boring, but this being an RP with a bunch of people I like, that shouldn't be a problem. Sort of reserving EVA 14 (but I may not get to the sheet for a bit because finals).
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSun 13 May 2012, 10:19 am

Okay. Tentative reserves on Units 14 and 2~

Don't worry Drewsie, this'll probably go at a nice, slower pace. Hopefully not too slow.

Eo I think you missed all of the good parts then. Because if you're speaking of the Rebuild movies there are a crapload of action sequences. The previous recap movies however...I can understand, seeing as they were essentially clip shows.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSun 13 May 2012, 10:34 am

I think it was just the recap movies; the action sequences were interesting, but it was interspersed with long angst shot after long angst shot, and I never found Shinji to be a particularly sympathetic character, so. But like I said, no Shinji here, so it's all cool.
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PostSubject: Re: Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.)   Restart of Evangelion Alternate (One more spot open. Come on. You know you want it.) I_icon_minitimeSun 13 May 2012, 10:41 am

Yeah, you need to watch Rebuild. Shinji actually grows a pair in those movies. XD

So anyways, now addressing this to everyone...Shall we start like we did before, with the arrival of the Third Angel/Sachiel?
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