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 Deceptive Ambition

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Patrician of Ankh-Morpork

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Join date : 2011-09-29
Age : 33
Location : Bird school, which is for birds.

Deceptive Ambition Empty
PostSubject: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 9:58 am

Sounds of a large motor or engine resonated throughout the facility. Not a soul would go near the deep throated roar of the machine. Dials on the sides shone like the red eyes of a beast that captured its prey with its gaze. Its metal skin was hot and steam escape from an exhaust pipe on top, fueling something deadly. This machine was the least concern for anybody in the facility made of wood and iron. The workers of this sawmill had long since abandoned this place, but were too foolish to demolish what they left behind. Criminals had taken over, and made it a base of operations. Somewhere so deep in the forest, one would have to be lost to find it.
The only voice to dare challenge the machine’s was a man, pleading for mercy – and those that victimized him.

“Please,” the man cried, “I told you all I know…”

Two guards on either side of him dressed in black looked at him with a grimace. The one on his left kicked the man in the ribs with steel toed boots, causing the man to yowl in pain. The man in charge of it all sat behind a mahogany desk, glossy with a protective coating. He sat in a fine, spinning, leather chair, but his office of luxury did not detract him from his duty. His face was flustered with anger from the man’s lack of knowledge.

“What you know is nothing that we don’t already,” he sneered, his voice slithered and crawled up the victim’s spine like a snake, the ominous sense of foreboding tickling the back of his mind. The man in charge signaled the guards with a hand and turned around, having the guards roughly pick him up and drag him across the room, closer to the sounds of a running motor.

“Wh-what are you doing?” the victim panicked, helpless to defend himself from the ones that had beaten him and taken him against his will.

The man behind the desk gave a rueful sigh and replied in a deceptively soft and formal tone. “A man dies ... only a few circles in the water prove that he was ever there. And even they quickly disappear. And when they're gone, he's forgotten, without a trace, as if he'd never even existed. And that's all.”

“Wha-what?!” The victim yelled out to him, panicking as the door opened. On the bottom of the narrow slide was a spinning serrated blade, beckoning him with each of its riveted tongues.

“Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.”

With that, the two guards on either side of the victim tossed the poor scrap into the slide. Above him was the metal weaved in the way one would make a chain fence, but barbed so that something wouldn’t fly out… and that the victims don’t try to stop the inevitable. The man screamed as he slid down towards his impending doom. Instinctively, his hands went up to grab the fencing, but at the speeds he was going, the barbs tore through the flesh of his hands and fingers, nearly mutilating them. He screamed once more as the pain burned his hands and as he looked at the exposed bone. He was finally put out of his misery as the saw on the bottom, cut his body in half, leaving nothing but crushed bones and a mutilated pile of flesh and organs in a receiving crate. A glossy red ribbon of blood ran down the slide and the metal was coated in the same scarlet coating.

The two guards grunted and walked back to the desk in an orderly fashion with their hands behind their backs, awaiting the orders of their superior. The man behind the desk sat down in his chair and confronted the two guards. This man, whoever he may be, seemed to be heartless, yet organized… and excellently educated criminal capable of nation-wide conspiracies and criminal acts with inevitable plans for the whole world to see.

“Get someone to clean up that mess, will you?” the man barked, “It’s going to reek in a few hours time.”

“Yes, Giovanni sir.” One of them replied before leaving the room. The other guard that was left, seemed to be of a higher rank, as he was the one to have hastily sent the other guard away with a dismissive glance. He stayed where he was however, awaiting further orders from the man Giovanni.

“I will get a hold of it I tell you,” Giovanni swore silently and aggressively, “you will get me—“

“Yes Giovanni, I know.” The guard interrupted reassuringly. “We will find it. I assure you it will be in our grasps no later than two months.”

Giovanni sighed. Two months was unacceptable, but… he had to take it steady. The last time he had been so hasty, it had cost him a fortune – and an opportunity that had cost him a lifetime. The clone was of no use.

“You are dismissed.”

The senior officer nodded and left the room with his hands behind his back and with his dignity intact. Despite the silence and the reassuring tone of the senior officer’s voice, Giovanni couldn’t help but feel troubled. This wasn’t just some average creature they were dealing with. They had chased it across several regions, and it had finally come to Kanto, where most of his bases were, and where head quarters were as well. What troubled him was his own ambition – how far would he go to achieve this power?


Hello, and welcome to the exclusive remake of Rocket's Greatest Comeback, starring a whole new and re-freshened back story. This RP was no doubt - one of my more successful role-plays and I intend to remake it to be better than ever! We start out in the Kanto region and your character will be receiving their first Pokemon. However, not in anyway you would expect. A new program had recently been opened a year before now, where trainers from all over Kanto - and ones possibly from overseas (although that is unlikely) to receive their first Pokemon from a massive give away at Professor Oak's farm. The program is hosted by a man called Adrian Noman, who gives away close-to-hatching Pokemon eggs at random to a group of young trainers and/or coordinators. The goal of the program is to unbiasedly choose Pokemon at the very moment of the birth to maintain the closest relationship possible. Meanwhile, Team Rocket activity is at a sky-rocketing peak, a breaking record in Kanto's history.
They're looking for something, and nobody knows what... except for one small Pokemon



  • Normal forum rules - no spamming, godmodding, metagaming, and et cetera.
  • The last version of this RP had trouble with users posting too frequently, and ignoring the orders of the OP and/or moderator. Don't do neither of these.
  • Proper grammar and spelling is a requirement. In addition, please push yourselves to post long and detailed posts. Not ones full of dialogue that just tends to drag on forever, but please, a paragraph at minimum if you can. I may let posts otherwise if I find it excusable.
  • No legends or shinies are allowed. I will also add that any Unova based Pokemon are unavailable in Kanto, for plot and canon reasons. However, you can have a Unova based Pokemon's egg. Just so things make sense, no genderless species Pokemon eggs.
  • Your character or Pokemon may die, I haven't decided yet. If they do, don't cry. In addition, I intend for this RP to be quite dark, so be warned.
  • By joining this RP, you bind yourselves to the rules displayed here.
  • I'm too lazy to write any more, so please, just use your common fucking sense so we can get this party started without any trouble.
  • Your Pokemon starts with your typical starting moves and one egg move if it has room or is able.
  • I'm just posting this here so people will read it and it will be obvious: the egg event is on a farm at Pallet Town
  • Do not control my plot, other people's characters or their Pokemon. Try not to make plot twists or make yourself the center of attention either.
  • I'm going to add more rules in time as I remember them. Make sure to check the OP every now and again.


CHARACTER TEMPLATE - Remove the parenthesis "(example)"

Name: (Think of logical and normal names)
Sex: (Male/female, boy/girl, yes/no[just kidding, don't pull that shit with me])
Age: (When would someone get their first Pokemon? A: 10-14)
Appearance: (What do they look like? Add details, two paragraphs minimum)
Personality: (How do they act and how do they think? Add details, one paragraph minimum)
Pokemon: (What Pokemon do you want to start with? Any Pokemon available except for some obvious choices. If I hear "Zorua" I'm gonna scream)
History: (Explain their life leading up to this moment. Add details, three paragraphs minimum)
Other: (Anything else that you would like to add)



Name: Cho long
Sex: As often as possible. Ergo, male.
Age: 11. Isnt that the canon age of acceptance?
Appearance: Tall, wiry, white with hints of asian roots. Eyes have no irises to speak of, and hair is brown-black and buzzcut. Wears tight fitting survival clothing, with lots of zip pockets that always have something in them. Keeps his pokeballs on a bandolier across his chest. His fingers are very long, and they are always moving. Tapping rythms, conducting, or just seemingly random swings and pokes at the air. He seems twitchy, somehow, even when he isnt moving, and he doesnt blink as much as normal people.
Personality: Tends to speak randomly, sometimes eloquent, other times coarse, but always getting his point across. Shy, he prefers to spend time with his pokemon or even just stare into space for indefinite periods. He is very nervous, like something is coming after him and he might have to run at any moment. Enjoys showing off his agility by juggling or climbing trees.
Pokemon: Please sir, may I have a big fat ball of lardy love? May I have obsession so honest its cute? May I have Muchlax?
Poke'dex: Black and sleek, with not so many buttons that all have multiple meanings for security purposes.
History: Cho Long grew up in Saffron with his asian grandparents after his parents will killed in a car accident when he was 3. He grew up in the worst part of town, and was exposed to so many chemicals that it gave him a mild addiction to aerosol, though he doesnt know about that. Its why he is so jumpy, actually. His body is always looking for another spray of chemicals, so it wants to move until it finds them. He is a bright kid, and the local librarians loved the way he would just sit there for hours, slowly transferring the unread book pile on his right to the read book pile on his left. He has undiagnosed ADD, hence his inability to focus, and comes by his agility naturally. As the skinny oriental kid at a white school in the tough end of town, you have to be damn fast or your ass is history.
Other: (Anything else that you would like to add)

Name: Kate Fletcher

Sex: Girl.

Age: 14

Appearance: Kate is just over the average height for a girl standing roughly around 5’6”. She has mahogany brunette hair which is slightly curly which falls down past her shoulders and is usually tied back. While Kate is slender she is also athletic and when she moves muscles can be seen very faintly rippling underneath her rounded limbs. She has faintly tanned skin which comes across as slightly bronzed in bright sun light, she also has few freckles and spots to break her otherwise smooth, glowing skin. Her eyes are grey and speckled with golden brown.
She normally wears a hoodie, of varying colours, with a tank top underneath. She also wears either close fitting jeans with running shoes or a skirt, leggings and casual boots. She keeps two pokeballs on a belt which she wears under the hoodie and the rest in a shoulder bag she carries with her. Has those fingerless gloves trainers seem to have and carries some basic ranger gear on occasions (see history).

Personality: Kate is a cheerful girl who enjoys both company and the lack of it. Kate likes exploring, making new friends and of course pokemon. While Kate is usually a quiet person, one who reflects on the past, present and future she can also be quite talkative if she wants to be. She generally tries to think of the consequences of her actions before undertaking them which is why when she commits to something she usually sees it all the way through. Kate is kind and caring and more often than not tries to see people in a better light than they really should be seen in.

Pokemon: Please could I have an Anorith? I like fossil pokemon and Anorith is so cool. Can I have a shiny Anorith? Can I have an adorable little orange shrimp?

Poke'dex: White with pink lines and pink buttons.

History: Kate was born and grew up on Fortune Island (in the Sevii Islands), in the town Six Island. She didn’t go to a school on the mainland but instead remained on the island and was home tutored until the age of eight when he mother, who was a pokemon breeder, got fed up of worrying when she wouldn’t return home on time from her explorations into the island and sent her to a boarding school in the Unova region where she became used to all the up to date technology that could be found in Castelia City. At the age of twelve her mother stopped sending her back to the boarding school, much to her dismay since the lack of good communication on Fortune Island meant she lost contact with her friends in Unova, so she could help with a particularly large and difficult batch of young pokemon. The residents of Six Island know Kate very well and like her, many of the older ones say she has her father’s free spirit, her father was a Ranger who went missing when he was in Fiore Region.

Other: Nothing I can think of, for now.

Name: Lloyd Mantis
Sex: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: He sports brown, mid-length unkempt hair that lays where it falls when he awakens, thankfully atleast kept clean from random debris, and always pushed to the sides of his head, to keep it out of his brightish green eyes. He's for the most part, fairly pale, though he shows hints of a farmer's tan. He's fairly skinny and weak, not at all muscled. In terms of height and weight, he's fairly average in height, and slightly below average in weight, but certianly within healthy ranges.

Clothing wise, he wears what he has put together and will hence forth call, his pokemon master uniform. A white T-shirt, which would be cheaply replaced incase of mishaps, a fairly bright green over shirt, with several different pockets, to help him moderate his temp, and store things, simple olive drab camo cargo pants, a belt with numerous pouches, both of which also to store things, and simple white socks and black running shoes. Of course, as a prequisite of any pokemon trainer, he has a green backpack, and more importantly, sage green fingerless gloves.
Personality: Generally speaing, he’s mostly introverted, and more one to think before he acts. Though he is fine with company, he is slow to attempt to make friends, and usually responds to people in a non-caring manner, due to his being unsure if he likes them. He can be easily infuriated, and when he is infuriated, he tends to act much more rashly, obviously.
Pokemon: Lileep!
Poke'dex: Green, with the buttons being patterned with the same circles on a Cradily.
History: Born and raised in the wonderful town, of Mossdeep, he didn’t exactly have much chance to get around, and see the world. He did however, get the lovely privilege of letting his single mom raise him at home, his dad having left before he was born. He was, thankfully, financially supported well enough by his mom’s job at the space centre, though it kept her away from home a lot, and had her focus a lot on her job, which left Lloyd much time to himself, where he discovered a great interest in books. Especially considering that there was little to actually do, in the quaint little town of Mossdeep, laden with… being a small island community, with the only main attraction being the fishing, maybe, and the gym. Swimming however, was exceedingly dangerous, to his understanding, due to the mere presence of Sharpedo in the water.

A year ago he’d heard of the give away of pokemon, and hoping very hard that it would happen again, he began to beg his mother to let him go. After all, he was 14, and he didn’t even have a pokemon yet! Eventually, his mother caved, and opted to pay for him to go, and start his adventure in Kanto. She figured he might have been safe there, and at least he’d get to live his life, and maybe… be a great pokemon trainer like his father was.

Name: Cornell Winrock
Sex: Male (plz)
Age: 14
Appearance: Standing in at slightly above average for his age, Cornell actually has a pretty pedestrian look about him, one could say. He has relatively short, brown hair, not even half way down the back of his neck, and with practically no bangs to speak of. His side burns are kept short, and his hair is normally pretty messy in appearance, though he does do his best to keep it clean. His skin is slightly tanned, at least from the parts of his body that he shows to others. His build is quite athletic actually, with a fairly decent size given his age and body. His eyes are an exuberant shade of green, and tend to be quite noticeable when he wears darker colors. He doesn't seem to have any blemishes upon his face, but he does have a small scar on the left side of his forehead, running from the center and almost to his eyebrow.

His usual attire is normally pretty red dominant, as are most of his clothes, but most of them aren't very loud variations on the color. Normally he has on a dark red, short sleeved vest with a grey sleeves that reach out to where his arm bends at the elbow, which is actually something he's practically known for wearing where he's from, even if isn't the most appealing color mix. Under the vest is a plain black grey shirt, which he normally has untucked, the sleeves being shorter then those on the vest. His usual pants are a blue jeans that have a worn look about them, and in the left pocket hangs a small pokeball key chain, which is, of course, not real. The jeans have a faded appearance, and the area near the feet are a tad brown, from dirt stains, and tattered slightly to boot. Upon his feet are most peculiar thing, if not a tad silly and unmatching, but he wears a pair of rusty red boots, making them look more brown then actually red. There aren't an spurs on the boots, but they do have a funny, white stitching, and are in fact, actual boots, like a cowboy might wear. Finally, the last bit of his outfit is completed by a red and white baseball cap which sits ever so softly upon his head, the bridge of its front looking slightly tattered, since he'd gotten the thing when he was 5, and a hand-me-down at that.
Personality: Cornell is as he sort of looks, cool and sort of lazy in a way. He isn't particularly motivated with work of any kind, often trying to find ways out of such things, but he loves playing games with friends and being active... so long as it isn't work. He can be pretty serious about something when he actually puts his mind to it though, but that's probably just because he does his best to get through those sort of things that actually require him to, as fast as possible. Cornell has always had a pretty friendly nature towards pokemon, but he has never really tried befriending any that didn't already belong to his family, which also made him slightly question ever becoming a trainer himself. When it really gets down to his determination though, he won't stop at something he enjoys until its completely done, and won't cut corners to finish it either, but when it isn't something he fancies much, he does try taking the straightest and quickest path to the end.
Pokemon: Archen!!
Poke'dex: Rusty red in coloration, with almost sky blue bright edges on the body of the Poke'dex.
History: Born and raised most of his life on a ranch out in the Johto Region, near Olivine City. Cornell had seen quite a number of pokemon by time he was 6, but he didn't really know much of the region he lived in outside of the few trips he'd taken to Olivine. He only had one other sibling, but by the time he was born, his older brother was already gone on his own pokemon adventure. From an early age though, Cornell's dislike for work shined through as he often attempted to skip out on helping around the ranch, hiding himself away in good fun, though his parents rarely ever saw it as 'fun'. Both of them were trainers at some point in their childhoods, and tried their best to teach Cornell to be one as well, just as his older brother was when he as a child, but Cornell just thought of it as more work, and did his best to avoid it. That said though, he had befriended some of the pokemon of the ranch, like the Rapidash, which had been part of his father's team back in the day, and some of the other work pokemon. He was never to popular with the Tauros though, thanks to his choice of colors...

Time passed for Cornell and he grew older, yet his attitude still retained its almost childish disdain for work. He did grow to enjoy learning of pokemon though, but it wasn't something he really thought of putting to much time into, and didn't even think to set out for a pokemon when he turned 12, but this had mostly been caused by an accident that happened to him when he was 7. He was trying to help his father get the pokemon in out of a bad rainstorm one night, when a sudden flash and loud crash of thunder spooked the old Rapidash they had, ending with him getting a very glancing blow to the head from its back foot, but given the pokemon in question, that glancing blow was more then enough to knock out and severally injuring the young boy. It was the event that left him with that scar on his forehead, as well as leaving a very small fear inside of him at the power of a mad or scared pokemon. Still though, his interests shifted once more after his thirteenth birthday, when he actually considered leaving off on his own pokemon journey. He probably would've have decided on it if not for the return of his brother within that year, full of stories and a team of powerful pokemon from various regions around the world. Filled with a splendor and curiosity his parent's had never seen in him before, the young lad finally decided that he'd have his own pokemon adventure! Though, he still wasn't sure how he would get started with it at all, and his mind raced with possibilities. He had hopped to take a fresh pokemon from their ranch to start with, but his parents had already arranged something different for him, something they thought would be a better experience, and on his 14th birthday, informed him of it. Cornell hadn't been to fond on it though, at the start that was, but over the course of the following month, it certainly grew on him, which was good since he couldn't exactly have backed out by then. With a pocket of money, a backpack with supplies, and a ticket for Kanto, the young lad set off with a wave and hug goodbye to his parents and brother. He believed that nothing could surely go wrong as he walked down the pier at Olivine city, ready to board the ship bound for Kanto...
Other: Archen is SO ADORABLE!

Name: Leon Anders
Sex: Male.
Age: 13
Appearance: He has thick rimmed, black Glasses, behind them are his blue eyes. His hair is short, curly, black, and pulled out to look like a Jew Fro. Mainly wears a hat though, a white hat, to be more specific a white beret(White Ops!). He looks from Orange Island decent, (Pacific Islander), and has a medium build. He wears a White sports jacket, basic version, and beneath that a white, torn, long sleeve T-shirt with a black tee underneath. The shirt is custom made, and he is very proud of that. His Cargo pants are grey, extra pockets for them things he gonna find. His backpack is black with white, glowing stripes around in the league symbol.

He wears a Poketch, white colored. His RUNNING SHOES are white. (Starting to get his color?) He has very little else that is notable, a few scars, other marks that differentiate him, but none that stand out.
Personality: Talkative, Extroverted and not exactly planted in reality. He thinks he is Destined to catch a legendary pokemon, specifically Arceus. He is slightly egotistical, often doing irrational things, and says things without thinking them through. He is also obstinent and persistent. Bring these things together and you can probably guess he is Rash, slightly delusional, and will say things without meaning them, often making lame jokes.
Pokemon: Togepi! No, don't fall off of that cliff!
Poke'dex: White with blue and red lines creating random patterns.
History: Oh the Orange Islands, legendary for their mysterious islands. Leon was born there, and has lived there all of his short life. He hated it, and loved it. His mother and father ran the local Pokemon Daycare, so he has seen his fair share of pokemon and their eggs, however mysteriously they appear. Once when he was around 7 he and his uncle traveled to Sinnoh, and became acquianted with their lore and legends, which seemed much cooler than the ones he grew up with about the Legendary birds. Especially the one about Arceus. "I will catch that one, uncle. I will." His uncle ignored him and continued his conversation with the archeologist. Thus he became obsessed, Arceus this, Arceus that. And because Arcus was a Normal type, he also became obsessed with them, no other could compare to the simple power of Normal. He came back to the Orange islands with a dream. He must catch all of the normal pokemon, and use them to find Arceus.

And so he confronted his mother. "When you are older." Of course is what she said. SO he waited, and kept asking, until the year when she said "Yes". And he left.
Other: "You put the lime in the coconut and drink'em both up."~

Name: Mason

Sex: Male

Age: 14

Appearance: Mason has a runner's build, standing at around 5'6 with lean muscle, the faintest of stubble sprouted across his cheeks and chin, a faint mustache arching over his cracked and chapped lips. His eyes are an eerie green, peering out from behind dark brown hair. His hair is shaggy and messy, coming down to right over his eyes, halfway down his neck at the back. He's fairly tan, and his clothes are in varying states of worn-ness. His shoes seem to have the soles simply walked right through, his pants legs look as if they are going to crumble away if they are moved around any more; his jacket's pockets saggy and stretched from hands resting in them for very long, long amounts of time.

Mason is almost always standing, which he does with a very slight hunch. He has some acne on his face, but nothing too bad, and his eyes are rather bloodshot. Not very noticeable, behind the hair. Typically he wears a yellow sweatshirt, perhaps for visibility, and blue jeans, littered with holes and gaps from where's fallen or perhaps run through the brush. His shoes, worn old running shoes, are held together by duct tape, hope, and more duct tape, him often having to remove a layer to take them off. He ALWAYS wears a belt, and usually some form of gloves, fingerless or otherwise.

Personality: Mason just...isn't good with people. His conversations end awkwardly. His sense of humor is completely alien, where people see sadness, he finds happiness. I'm not trying to build a completely miserable character here: The thing is, he's HAPPIER by himself. He prefers loneliness, or, if he must travel with someone, someone who is as close to being mute as possible. He just prefers to let his mind wander, and loves nature. He's gone through many pairs of clothes taking off at a run, running around the town, the woods around the town, through the woods, past the woods, then back through them again. There is no greater joy for him than traversing somewhere he hasn't been, stopping and listening to the wildlife, letting his eyes devour the scenery around him.

When it comes to relationships, Mason can be a bit difficult. He tries to be as honest as possible, keeping secrets when he can, but he has difficulty expressing what he thinks without being brutal. He also isn't very good at communicating, thinking that he can't screw something up if he never speaks, which hasn't exactly worked wonders so far. But it's what is comfortable for him, so he keeps doing it.

He tries to stop bullying, but he's so quiet and shy that often times he'll let it happen if it keeps him from speaking up. Deathly afraid of public speaking, he's rather paranoid of putting his trust in someone but is overly clingy when he does.

Pokemon: Sableye.

Poke'dex: Not exactly sure.

History: It's not that Mason's parents were abusive. It's that he was always detached: he inherited the wanderlust genes, and to him, their painstakingly slow and confined way of life was a constant bother. No one in his family had any desire to travel or explore the world, thy were content where they were. So Mason had a hard time opening up to them, and even the simplest or most heartfelt of conversations tended to go awkwardly between the two. His parents, despite the emotional pain, have learned that things are best for both parties as they are, and try not to force their presence on him when they are able to.

He had wanted a Pokemon since he knew what one was. He had a strong desire to have a companion he could trust, someone loyal and able. He never knew too many types, or what all the differences were. He couldn't tell the difference between a Zapdos and a Jigglypuff, and was perfectly fine with that. He occasionally saw himself fighting with pokemon, but always against wild animals, in his fantasies. He never really envisioned himself as much of a trainer, but now that he's close to getting one, the thought is beginning to develop in his mind. It would only be a temporary high, however, as there are only so many places to go in terms of Gyms. Having to stay in one place and train to defeat someone would bore him quickly, and he would much rather spend the time just wandering.

Not much happened, eventwise, in his life. He simply grew up alone, learning to rely on himself for what he needed. What he couldn't figure out on his own, he often didn't figure out. He's highly self-reliant, but there comes a time when everyone needs help, and Mason just hasn't grasped that yet.

Other: Good runner.

Name: Mytho (Myüto) Yanagi
Age: 13
Appearance: He's about four feet, ten inches tall and pale-ish. He has a trim figure, but not especially athletic. That is, he's decently fit, but not much beyond that. His most striking feature is his gray pinstripe fedora, which he constantly wears down over his left eye. With that, he wears a snug-fitting black T-shirt, a simple black leather belt, and dark blue jeans. As accessories go, he wears a conservative silver neck-chain with a stylized Dragonair pendant on it, a silver pocket watch without a face (so that the mechanism is visible behind the hands), and a black leather bracelet tooled with an elaborate braided design that looks like a Japanese person tried to imitate Celtic knotwork from a description. His shoes are shiny black leather; he seems to polish them regularly.

He's almost never without a pocketknife of one sort or another, his wallet, his watch, and his cell phone. He usually has a handkerchief if he has a clean one on hand. He also has a seemingly infinite supply of sweets on him at all times; usually Botan rice candy, but sometimes hard candies or caramels. If he carries a carrying device of some sort, he has a black canvas messenger bag.

He's becoming a bit harder to shuffle out of the way now that he's older, and he really needs friends, so his parents are sending him for pokemon.
Personality: He fancies himself suave, whether or not he actually is. He has his own way of dressing and doing things. As you probably noticed, he has a sweet tooth, with caramels, brownies, and mochi being his main weaknesses. He's confident, and he tends to get pretty well into whatever he does. In fact, most of what he's wearing is from various past phases he's had - it's eclectic, but it's definitely "him."
Pokemon: Dratini (Wrap, Leer, Dragon Pulse)
Pokedex: Black and minimalist... then covered with the little stickers out of rice candy boxes.
History: Mytho comes from Saffron City, where he lived with fairly wealthy parents in an apartment just East of the department store. His Mom worked as a receptionist there for a while, and she bought him a lot of stuff there with her employee discount. So, he's been well-entertained, but also sort of blocked out; his parents were very much of the "give the kid something to shut him up" strategy. That sort of played into and sort of spawned the semi-hardcore, gadget-oriented fan part of his personality.

He had a girlfriend once, then she ran off with a bug catcher. He never saw her again. Rumor has it she dumped him when she found out he was a loser, and is an intern at a minor pokemon center in Hoenn. So, Mytho's decided to wait on girls for a while after that one.

Other: "I shall defeat you with the magikarp my parents gave me!" "YOUR PARENTS DIDN'T LOVE YOU!"

Last edited by DeadChu on Tue 06 Dec 2011, 2:22 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 10:13 am

Woot. Since I actually played Fire Red, I've been hoping someone would start a pokemon RP.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 10:36 am

I'm hoping to make it pretty bad ass. I've been angsting over this for a while.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 11:10 am

I was reading the first paragraph, and I was like, "this is Rocket's Greatest Comeback again, isn't it."

It totally is. I'm awesome.


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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 11:37 am

The thread's awesome has spoken to you. It is as I prohpesized - you will join!
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Admiral Ji
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:24 pm

I know I will.

Is lileep (hope I spelled that right) a valid Pokemon for getting given purposes?
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:25 pm

Yes. Yes he is.

Cradily is awesome.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:27 pm

I know, I know. It seems we has similar pokéman tastes.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:29 pm

I know, right?

Except for Reuniclus. You don't like him.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:31 pm

I should totally play a girl, for teh temptation of all the inappropriate jokes.

True, but that's acceptable.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:33 pm

Oh my, what kind of inappropriate jokes?

I tend to favor poison types in the end. They're just bad ass. :I
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:35 pm

Well, the only more tentacle-y pokemans are the tangla line.

Poison types are nice, those and ghosts are way too under represented. Seriously, we don't need more water types, we need more of those ones.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:37 pm

Oh my.

Indeed. I'm looking forward to a steel ghost with levitate. So many immunities!
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:38 pm

Oh my god you made this RP again.

I want a Kirlia <3

So I can haz Ralts, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:41 pm

Steel ghost? I'm imagining a haunted kitchen knife. Why?

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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:42 pm

Because that's the kind of thing that Nintendo would pull. Haunted suit o' armor?
Bullet For My Valentine wrote:
Oh my god you made this RP again.

I want a Kirlia <3

So I can haz Ralts, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:44 pm

Ghost Knife oh god XD

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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:45 pm

Ive always thought a cool muk evo would be a suit of armor leaking muk ooze. But yes, that makes sense.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:48 pm

Yeah, that would be cool. Weezing evo would be interesting too.
Deceptive Ambition Namless_Weezing_Evo_sprite_by_Pokemon_Diamond
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:50 pm

Personally I think that Delibird should have an evolution. X3
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:51 pm

Marowak should evolve back into Kangaskhan (le doesn't have a lot of original ideas).

And dragonite should evolve from literally anything else but dragonair.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:52 pm

Put some work into that, I see. Congrats.

Delibird is kind of useless... An evo would be helpful.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:54 pm

The Weezing sprite wasn't mine, Lol.

Pinsir could use one to keep up with his Heracross rival.
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 1:56 pm

I always thought the same, Ji. Though I do find them rather cute. X3

I like Dragonair. I'd rather keep it as it is than evolve it. :U
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PostSubject: Re: Deceptive Ambition   Deceptive Ambition I_icon_minitimeMon 24 Oct 2011, 3:36 pm

Although I don't remember the original, this RP sounds awesome. I shall be making a sheet soon~
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