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 Another Crack in the Sidewalk

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Agent 9
Mr Allen J
The Illusive Badger
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The Illusive Badger
The Illusive Badger

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Location : In your vagina, Casey. :3

Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012, 9:58 pm

The bell rang, and five seconds later, Wally Williams was out the door.

Five seconds. He smiled. That was too long. He had to beat his record. The tenth-period classroom was a twenty-second walk from the doors. Flying took five seconds. The girls seemed to swoon as he passed, and they snagged the pieces of paper that flew behind him as he released them into the air wanton. All Wally was certain of for this summer was that swooning was going to be the least reaction that they were going to have with him, and it was going to start with this next event.

Ah yes, the event. Wally seemed to smile as he accelerated into the air, going up three stories before proceeding at a good twenty miles per hour. He had been organizing this for months, an event that he felt was rather symbolic of, dare he say it, himself. On one level was the one that would appeal to himself and anyone else with a sense of class- good liquor, good big-band music performed live, ballroom dancing.
But that wouldn’t be so appealing to people his age, so he had outfitted the basement with a massive sound system and a playlist of obscure (and thus far superior then the mainstream) electro and dubstep music, as well as a laser light show guaranteed to make the most resilient eyes water. It wasn’t truly his taste in parties, but the kids loved it, so why not?

It seemed to have gone by so fast. The school year was over before it even began in retrospect. And he had spent the last few weeks preparing for the party that was tomorrow. Excitement for both party levels rose up in him as he stopped in front of a small Victorian home. He floated down, adjusted his tie, and knocked on the door.

A wiry middle-aged woman appeared, cracking open the door. Wally bowed, and she smiled.

“Oh, hi, Wally.”

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Richards. How is Jubilee today?”

Mrs. Richards’ smile seemed to turn a tad sad.

“Oh, the same, really. Not well, but not worse then usual. I’d say she actually looks a bit better.”

Wally tilted his head ever so slightly, a single lock of strawberry blonde falling over his brow.

“Well, may I please see her? I wanted to give her this invitation-“

“You know that Jubee can’t go out. Anywhere. She has to stay home. She’s sick.”

Wally hung his head.

“But, if she wears her mask-“

“Not foolproof, I’m sorry.”

“Well, may I see her anyways?”

Mrs. Richards smile faded, replaced with a look of intrigue.

“I suppose so. Just for a second… She’s good now, but no telling how she’ll be this evening. Just be careful. And wear this,” she said, pulling a surgical mask from her pocket.


The stairs creaked outside her door. Jubilee groaned, turned in bed, and sighed.

“Jubee, put your mask on, it’s Wally!” her mother called from downstairs.

Jubilee’s reaction was immediate. She hopped out of bed and quickly slipped on her mask, then put her favorite bandana over it. She was still outfitted in her undies at this point, having not left bed since she awoke at noon.

At noon, she felt absolutely awful. Stomachaches, headaches, cramps. But they had subsided slightly since then. Now she had to get organized, but before she could, Wally had opened the door. His eyes widened for a fraction of a second, then returned to normal, a smile breaking his lips, although that she couldn’t see due to his surgical mask.

“Good afternoon.”

“You coulda knocked,” she said quietly.

“I know. I like to surprise you. I like to surprise everyone, I suppose.”

“Could you leave a second, just, let me get a shirt on or something?”

“I only have a second with you, oh mysterious afflicted one,” Wally replied.

There was something in his voice. It scared her. He pulled his mask off, as she breathed in a little.

“Yes, yes, feel free to take it in.”

“What the hell are you doing?! Put it back on! I’ve been breathing out-“

“Please. I’ve been in here without a mask before. Trifling tradition, really.”

Now he was starting to freak her out a little.

“Wally, what are you doing?”

He floated an inch in the air, and he came to her. A bit close for comfort in her undies.


“Oh, shush, it’s nothing like that,” Wally said. “What do you take me for, a weed-addicted brony?”

“I don’t, but seriously-“


He was now mere inches from her, smiling, his head tilted. He moved in for the kill.

“What the FUCK, Wally?! Don’t!”

“Not even through the mask?” He inquired, his voice layered with a satirical amount of seduction.

“No, it’s contagious! Do you want to die?! Christ!”

She pushed him away, and Wally fell to the floor with a bang. He laughed aloud.

“Get out! Get the fuck out! I should call the cops!”

“For what? I did nothing. And I just like to mess with you. Here, tell you what, I’ll make it up to you.”

He got up, no longer floating, and handed Jubilee a piece of paper.

“That,” he said, pointing to it, “is your invitation.”

“I can’t go-“

“So say your parents! But parents are opinionated as we are, and thus, who are they to say that based on their opinion? Are they ashamed of you or something? They should not be. You’re beautiful, and I want you to meet other beautiful people that might be able to give you the support we all know you need, oh you poor little thing…”

“Leave. Now. Why did I even let you in here…”

Wally merely smiled, and blew her a kiss on the way out.

“Adeiu, mon petite cheri.”

She sat on the bed, giving the invitation a once-over, then crumpling it up and throwing it under the bed.
Jubilee proceeded to cry, coughing in between sobs
((So. Context is, school just got out like five seconds before your post. If you have a character that goes to school, you should set them up going home or doing something after. If older, no worries, I’ll pick you up thar, too. Allons-y!))
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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012, 10:44 pm

The bell rang and Alex jumped.

Thankfully, no one went to the bathroom this late in the day. Still, there was always the chance someone would come in after the last bell, so he hurriedly gathered his cards and tucked them inside his shirt: yes, he could feel their familiar warmth, see their silver glow burn bright 'gainst his body.

He felt his blindfold in his hand, the smooth, worn cloth. He lifted and tied it over his face. He'd been told it was truly horrifying to look at his eyes...he wanted to spare people that. Alex lifted his head up, looking to see if anyone was coming in. No, everyones auras were flooding the hallway like a whirlwind of colors and emotions, but none drifted towards the bathroom.

He'd felt so close this time, like he was on the brink of seeing it. For weeks now, it'd been gnawing at him, like he was on the verge of discovering something big with the cards, but he couldn't seem to break through. Alex was tiptoeing the threshold of fate, but he needed just a little more to go over. See what was on the other side.

Alex stepped out into the hallway, appreciating the wide berth he recived. Sweeping the cane back and forth he made his way towards the end of the hallway, managing to make it without stumbling. He slipped outside and felt around for a wall, leaning against it as he checked his bag for the books he'd need. He felt the braille titles of each...yes, he had them. Swinging it back over his shoulder, he turn-

The world went dark save for the image of cards dancing before his eyes. THE FOOL. Cards of the WATER ARCANA. There was a fiery image of infinity branded over it all.

His vision returned to "normal", but Alex was too startled to move.

"...but then..." Alex shook his head. He was too drained trying to pay attention and imagine what was being etched on whiteboards to decipher what this meant now.

Besides...he'd heard of a party later. Alex wasn't much for parties, given that he wasn't the best socially, but after the stress of everything going on, he wanted a chance to unwind. Sweeping the cane back and forth, he made his slow way around school.
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Mr Allen J
Mr Allen J

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeSun 27 May 2012, 10:28 am

Some fitting music while you read))

Victor just walked out of the front doors of the school with a happy expression and closes his eyes and takes a very loud breath. He says to himself in his typical Scottish accent “Ya, did good, mate. A full summer to relax and read books, eh” He opens his eyes runs down the steps of the school and reaches into his pocket to pull out his cell phone. But right when he flips his cheap phone open he hears a somewhat deep female voice says “Hey, handsome” He turns his head towards the source and sees Lash walking towards the stairs slowly. She was soon right in front of victor towering over the 5 foot tall boy and she grins and says “Victor, I haven’t seen you all summer. Why haven’t you called me?” Victor but in that scared/worried way laughs and says to Lash in a worried tone “Well, lass. I haven’t seen ya eva since ya nearly broke that girl’s neck with ya foot.” Lash crosses her arms and says in a annoyed tone “They were full of shit, I never even pushed down that hard.” Victor scratches the back of his neck and jokes “Well, that’s what ya said in the bed room, you’re heavier than ye look, eh?”

Lash growls and grabs Victor by the neck lifting him a few feet above her. He says in a infuriated tone “Are you saying that I’m fat, again! I outta break ‘ye’ neck.” Lash tightens the grip around Victor’s neck and Victor yelps. Victor was swinging his legs back in forth, not in an attempt to hit Lash but to build up enough Kinetic energy to give himself enough super strength to break free. Throughout school he had enough energy in his body to make a few constructions with ease, but he knew that nothing he could make will make Lash not kill him. But the grip was getting tighter and it was getting harder to breath, Victor quickly says “L-l-lash! I am sorry, lass. Just making a joke here. Didn’t mean to insult ya.”
Lash smiles and looks at his legs swinging up and down, she releases her grip and Victor falls to the ground. He falls on all fours and starting heavily breathing and coughing. After two minutes he was back to normal and he quickly rises off to two feet and he says in an angry tone “Lass, what the hell is wrong with ya- ye could a killed me. We should be fri-“ right when he was nearly finished Lash grabs him by the shoulders and brings him closer and kisses him on the lips passionately. Victor doesn’t object or anything.

She pauses, pulling her lips a few centimeters off of his. She says quietly “I like a man who tries to fight back.” Lash pushes Victor away making him fall on his back to the stairs. She takes a few steps to get over to him and crosses her arms again, saying “You know what’s the big advantage of staying home all day? Free reign to do anything in privacy.” Victor scratches his head and says “Okay, lass.”
“That boy Wally is having a party at his mansion or whatever, I want to tell you about it because I’ll be there.” Lash says. Victor puts on a scared face and says to Lash “Ye thinks that’s a good idea? Remember last party you went to?” Lash rolls her eyes up into her head and says “Yeah, I know. I won’t try to punch anyone in the dick anymore.” Lash turns around and uncrosses her arms, swinging them at her sides as she wanders off. Victor shouts at her after she gets a good 20 yards away from him “See ya thing, Lass” Victor gets up and brushes off his clothes, walking in the direction of his house with the idea of getting a change of clothes before heading there.

((I think I made Victor Scottish instead of Irish… he sounds cooler that way anyways.))
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Agent 9
Agent 9

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeSun 27 May 2012, 7:45 pm

((Well, I read everything he said in a heavy, Demoman-like tone, Lone. c: WEEE LONG-ISH INTRO(S).))

It wasn’t an accident.

Gravity had begun to do its work, and the strained gears and chain links finally gave way under the pressure. The result was the machine falling over, an ear-popping screech piercing the air as bolts were torn out of the ground in its wake. Large and heavy as it was, it seemed to fall in slow motion.

She had did this.

The metal twisted and shrieked along with everything else. Chains whipped at the air as they were severed, debris went flying, and the machine had continued to fall.

On purpose. It had all been intentional. All she had to do was cut that one harness.

He barely had time to react. The machine had literally pinned him to the wall; a large shard of metal had impaled his shoulder and was embedded deeply into the concrete beneath it. It wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. Around the area that the metal was buried in, a black, ink-like substance had begun to stream down, forever staining the white of his shirt, forming black pools that gathered at the waistline of his pants. Bright blue sparks occasionally flared up.

Despite how excruciatingly painful it looked, he didn’t cry out or scream. He didn’t even grimace. Maybe she had imagined that brief, panicked look on his face. Well, the man did look a bit startled, but it was in a subtle way. He stared up at her, his eyes narrowed.

His eyes…Lenore found herself frozen in place, staring into those eyes. One red, one green. She tried to fight down her fear and look away, but she was stuck.


His voice she no longer wanted to hear. It was too cold, too hollow, and when he spoke now he still had the same calm composure he always had. Lenore didn’t respond.

“Why would you do this to me? To me? Haven’t I been kind to you?”

Again, no response. It was true, he had been kind. But that was the problem.

“Haven’t I raised you well? Given you all the care you could have ever wanted?”

Lenore was standing in a strange pose, her legs spaced a good length apart, her hands hanging limply at her sides. She looked as if she would crumple up at any given second.

“Do I deserve this?”

He seemed to doubt his own question. Without warning, Lenore’s eyes begun to fill with tears. The man pinned against the wall closed his eyes for a moment, letting out a sigh. When he opened them again he spoke, and his tone had lowered dangerously. “You’re leaving me, aren’t you?”

She took a deep, sharp breath.

“I can see it on your face. You want to leave, finally. Leave everything behind. Everything you’ve ever known.”

He seemed to expect a response from her after that, and when she said nothing he raised his volume.

“I took you in when I found you, alone, out in the streets. I saved your goddamn life. I watched you grow up. And this is how you repay me? With a wound in my shoulder and a knife in my heart?!”

Tears had started to flow freely, trickling down her face. The man saw this and only talked louder, all the anger that he was trying desperately to keep invisible burning in his eyes.

“Worthless sack of flesh! To think, I wasted my life saving yours, and you turn and do this to me!”

She took a step back. He had grasped the metal shard with his hands and was now trying to pry it from his body, sending spurts of black fluid with every movement. But he didn’t care. He couldn’t feel.

“Why do you hurt me, child?! Why do you hurt your father?!”

Lenore took another couple of steps back, her eyes never leaving his figure. He would get loose eventually. And when he did…she couldn’t be sure what would happen. She needed to get out.

“Fine, go. Run away and never turn around. But understand this;” He hissed, “No one will ever love you or care for you as much as I do. Go out there and you’re the world’s plaything. You and I shall forever be the same, and as long as we’re the same, they will hate you.”

He was smiling now, but it was more like a wild, random seizure that his face was having.

"That's right, they'll hate you. And it's all my fault. Like it or not, I'll always be with you. My essence. Wherever you go. Always."

Lenore slowly looked down at her hands, moving the blades. Then she turned and fled, tears streaking from her face as the wind whipped at her skin. As she ran down the hallway with every inch of strength she could muster, she could hear his shouts echoing from the walls. He was jeering at her. “Where are you going, Darling? Why are you running, Sweety? Don’t forget about Daddy! Daddy LOVES you!”


It was snowing.

Of course, it wasn’t really snowing; snow in the near-middle of Summer would probably be one of the seven signs of the Apocolypse. Yet, all around her, Tess could see the snowflakes fall from the clouds. She could see whatever she wanted to see. And right now, she wanted it to be colder, so snow was the best solution for this. The cold couldn’t be felt, but at least she could see the weather and imagine that she felt it.

This wasn’t healthy, all of this…imagining. It wasn’t helping her brain distinguish what was real from what was fantasy any more than it was helping her feel less hot. Still, if some kid had walked up to her at that moment and complained about the sun, she would have replied “What are you talking about? I love the snow.”

School was finally over, thank goodness, and Tess surprised herself by managing to pay attention during the last few days of classes. The forced involvement in the state’s educational system was something she had never questioned; Tess took schoolwork more seriously than she did people, and that was because she highly doubted that her mind would ever conjure up something as god-awful as a school.

Tess looked as if she were in some kind of controlled trance, placing one careful foot in front of the other as she made her way down the snow-covered sidewalk. It was soothing, really, watching the white clumps fall from the sky and drift in the breeze…hey, wait, what? Something actually did drift down from the sky and land flat on her head. Stopping in her tracks, Tess reached up and grabbed what appeared to be a sheet of paper. Looking up, the snowflakes around her suddenly morphed into dozens of sheets of paper. Some moron must be spreading them around out of an air plane or something. But for what reason?

Tess took a look at the paper. An invitation? To a party? Hmmm.

She wasn’t a huge fan of social gatherings, but who knew? Maybe it would be fun. And if it wasn’t she could definitely make it more enjoyable.
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The Illusive Badger
The Illusive Badger

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeMon 28 May 2012, 4:52 pm

Flying away from the Richards home, Wally Williams was at a relative peace, his slicked-back hair shining in the bright summer noon, but smiling was not an option. If he were to grin, a bug would go into his mouth. It had happened before.

He had considered a bandana to keep the bugs out so that he could smile freely, but felt that such things brought down his overall stylish look. Observing below, he could see the trees seemingly rolling beneath him, evergreens of blue and... green. Obvious coloration.

Wally sighed and smiled, turning on his back. What a lucky boy he was, to have this power no-one else did, to see these things this way. He turned again upon hearing the crowd below. School was still a hive of activity, activity that turned to him as he floated down. A few kids glanced his way, others looked once and returned to their conversations, video games, et cetera. They had seen Wally before. It had gotten old.

Still, Wally Williams was not here in order to make a scene, at least, not this time. He smiled and tipped an imaginary hat to others as he made his way towards two young people. One, a ginger, with an accent Wally was fairly sure was faked, the other, a hostile girl in black.

"Lash, Vikky," he said, referring to Victor in nickname, "How pleasant it truly is to see you. I do hope you're arriving at my party tommorrow night. Wouldn't be the same without your... qualities."

With a bravado born of egotism, he swiftly waltzed to Lash and gave her le biese, or a certain French tradition seen commonly as a kiss on either cheek. He then handed her a sheet of paper.

"Here, for you and your friend, a ViP invitation. You don't have to use one of those common ones, I assure you. Because with the common ones, you have to pay twenty bucks. Mostly for various charities, of course."

He backed away, a smile on his lips. "I'm afraid I must fly. I have more ViPs to give. I feel like Santa Claus in Hawaii! Toodles!"

He started to float off, the smile now wiped from his face due to possible bug issues.
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Mr Allen J
Mr Allen J

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeMon 28 May 2012, 5:24 pm

"That guy looks like a damn queer..." Lash aggressively says to herself. She held the VIP invitations tight in her hand. She turns around to see Victor right behind her and she hands him his invitation saying "Handsome, looks like little fly boy hooked us up with the deluxe stuff... be careful his faggottute may rub off on ya' just by touching that." He smiled and said "By ye luck of the Irish... Ya see, lass? This is ye reward for not swingin' and fightin' on everyting." She simply rolls her eyes up into her head and says in a annoyed tone "... I'm just giving people their reward for screwing round' with me... if you know what I'm saying."
She begins to walk away from him and says "I'll see 'ye' there Vik" As she walks away she opens up the VIP invitation and says to herself "I think I'm going to wear something nice tonight." He opens up the invitation and smiles, pulling the contents of the letter out and reading them. He starts walking slowly as he reads it and he says to himself "Sláinte, Wally... this party ish gonna' be braw..."
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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeMon 28 May 2012, 5:41 pm

School had only been out for a few minutes and Erika was already at home, bored out of her mind. Erika did quite well in school that year and she enjoyed being there. However she would never say that to anyone. Saying things like you enjoy school are the kind of things that get you beaten up in by larger classmates.

Erika lay sprawled out on a lawn chair, trying to get comfortable but failing endlessly. Her overweight cat was sleeping on Erika's stomach, as if that was the most comfortable stop for her to sleep on.

Erika tried to wiggle out from under the heavy feline, but this only caused the cat to dig her claws into Erika's flesh. Erika swore under her breath. "Why do I keep feeding you." Erika stretched out her arm, grabbing a book from a stack a few feet away. One of the luxuries of having overly long arms, she could reach anything without moving.
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Mr Allen J
Mr Allen J

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeTue 29 May 2012, 8:38 pm

Wandering around the school wasn't Lash's initial intention. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was super excited about the big party tomorrow. So excited that she only walked around the school looking at the invitation without even noticing it. She stayed on the side walk at least. If she walked into the street she'd likely walk in front of a speeding car and rip it in half in a fit of sheer rage.

Suddenly, she bumped into somebody ((Alex)) dropping a random piece of the invitation. She snarls at who she just bumped into and says "Watch where your going, jackass." She bends over to pick up the paper and gives the person she had just bumped into a disgusted look. He had bandages on his and walked on a cane or a staff. "You look weird, kid. Are you supposed to be some kind of wizard?" Putting her hand on her thigh and tilting her head at him, he looked pretty odd to her.


As always with someone who wants to master a art, Victor wondered if he could find a nice dark place to practice his powers. When ever he usually practiced out in the open he'd accidentally hit someone with a kinetic beam, or slash someone with a energy sword.

At this point he was somewhat far away from the school and Lash, so he looked around and spotted something of interest: A abandoned deli store. Abandoned places were somewhat uncommon in Bank Creek. But it would provide good a good practice center, either way. Victor walked up to the front door, which was boarded up. A big orange "Condemned Sign" was right in the center in the middle. Victor closed his eyes and gently put his hand on the door. Within a second the door seemingly explodes. Pieces of it fly inside of the deli. He smirks and says to himself "No use puckin' ye door down..."
He looks around the Deli. Most of the items that were there were gone, aside from the deli counter the place was perfect for some practicing. He quickly ran to the deli counter and put his finger on it. He squinted and the glass cracked in a very specific circle area. He quickly puts his full hand on the cracked area and he intentionally shatters it, you would know the sound that would have been made. He says to himself silently "Ya handled dat arseways didn't ya Victor..." putting his hand on his fore head. His plan was to practice breaking certain areas of glass without shattering it all.

He then takes a few steps away from the counter and puts his hands together as if he's holding a sword. He closes his eyes and bright glowing green ((since that's his constructions will look like)) long sword erupts from his hand. Within seconds of forming the sword it begins to evaporate like it's made out water ((Since his constructions will also do that)). He shakes his head in disappointment and says "Ye banjaxed dat one eh vik? I need more of dat kinetics.." He then balled his fists up and cracked his neck in that bad ass fashion. He assumed the average boxing pose. He spat on the floor and grins.

He begins throwing punches at the air in a attempt to build up kinetic energy. Throwing five punches in the air followed by a uppercut. He pauses for a moment and begins to breath hard, suddenly he resumes his normal pattern, throwing seven punches in the air. Afterwards he pauses again and then he lifts his leg and kicks the air. After this he puts his hands together again and forms a blade. He smirks again and begins swinging the blade like the Jedi's in Star Wars. He heard a sound from the corner of his ears and suddenly stopped. The blade evaporated again as he puts his hand to his side, looking to the source of the sound saying "I ain't no gurrier, I thought ya' place be abandoned" Victor was believing that the owner of the residence was coming in to check on his property

((That's your cue Silent))
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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeTue 29 May 2012, 9:28 pm

"S-sorry," Alex instinctively said, staggering a bit. He stopped for a moment, trying to regain his balance. He turned and looked at the girl..angry. Something mysterious, he couldn't quite place with a glance. best to try and defuse it, maybe.

"A wizard? No, just, er, blind. Although being a wizard would be cool I guess..." he trailed off. Ohhhh he sounded so stupid. And it was a girl. Granted, a very angry girl, but a girl nonetheless. And a powered one, although that wasn't exactly out of the ordinary in the town they lived in. He focused a bit, sensing elation and energy about something. She was...happy about something? But sounded so mad. Confusing. Alex had to admit even his powers weren't always accurate, but they usually kept him in good shape. And she didn't sound angry to the point of a fight. He really didn't want to fight, as he hadn't ever fought someone before, but he felt he'd be alright. Alex would take off his bandages and stare. And the cane was solid oak, so he felt he could at least give someone a few good bruises. Still, he wasn't one to, ah, overlook, his blindness, and avoiding a fight would be better than testing his skill in one.

"Sorry for bumping into you," Alex apologized hurriedly. He was fairly certain she'd walked into him, but didn't really want to bring up the specifics.

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Mr Allen J
Mr Allen J

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Another Crack in the Sidewalk Empty
PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 11:44 am

"Yeah, whatever..." Lash silently utters to Alex as she puts the parts of the invitation back together. She turns away from Alex for a few moments ignoring his very being. She puts it in her pocket and pauses for another few seconds. Blind bastard probably forgot she was even there. Taking another step towards Alex, she slowly raises her large hand into his face. She balls her fist and grins. "If you're really, really blind. Tell me how many fingers I'm holding up? Get the right answer and you win a prize" She playfully says to Alex. With the right answer being the wrong answer and the wrong answer being the right answer, what can go wrong for him if he's really blind.

((In case you didn't get that: If Alex says that she's holding up no fingers then she'll believe that he's not really blind and if he says that she is holding up any fingers then she would believe that he's blind))


Victor was still blindly looking at the source of the noise. To his surprise it was nothing but a rat, scurrying across the floor looking for scraps of food. Doing absolutely nothing but laugh at the thought that he was about to put his practice to use. He did nothing but lift a finger at the rodent and fire a very small blast of kinetic energy in it's direction which flies blast it's head, it darts off scared. It could have been worse... it could have been a disgusting floor crawling roach.
"Now that's ova' boyo, time to git back to ya' work." He put his hands together and made another sword and continued slashing and swinging at the air.

((Well, if anyone wants to they can go meet Victor in the abandoned Deli))

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 11:44 am

The member 'Lord_Lonestar' has done the following action : Dices roll

'd4' : 3
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Mr Allen J
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 11:44 am

((That's what that does))
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The Illusive Badger
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 9:15 pm

((Next time, touch buttons OoC only, please.))

Flying over more countryside, Wally Williams' excitement had turned to indifference. Quite frankly, he couldn't care less whether or not his party flopped. All he wanted was some good company upstairs and some less good down below.

But his excitement returned upon witnessing another one of his ViPs. Erika, wasn't that her name? Another one of the myraids of young white ladies in town with powers. Stretchiness, if he recalled correctly. Mmmhmm. That alone was interesting to him.

He swooped down and nabbed the cat, the feline squealing as it was picked up off of it's owners belly and held in place by a wayward youth. It was so frightened by the sudden change in height that it could not claw at his face, only stand very still and hiss. He swooped down again, much to the cat's nausea, and made a perfect landing right next to Erika. He smiled, although he felt a bit woozy. Such high-speed antics caused that.

"Good afternoon, Erika. I see you're enjoying the summer already," he said with a smile, letting the cat down. He started to float again, wobbling a bit due to nausea, and came closer to her, now floating about a foot above her. If he was to let go, he would plop right on top of her.

"I do apologize for treating your cat so," he said, his minty-fresh toothpaste breath touching Erika's skin, "but such things do get in the way sometimes."

He turned over in the air, as if on a massive bed, and was now besides her.

"Say, I'm having a party tomorrow night. Very nice little affair, and I just so happen to have a ViP ticket to it, would you be interested in obliging me? I'd love for you to come, you bring such calm to these things."
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeWed 30 May 2012, 9:53 pm

Erika had watched as her cat was abducted, freaked out then placed back on the ground. Erika was going to punch the cat burglar, until she recognized him. Almost anyone from the school could have recognized him, as if his unique powers weren't a dead giveaway. Her arm stretched over towards her cat, petting it.

Erika followed Wally with her eyes as he floated around her yard. "It's nice to see you too Wally." Erika said, silently praying that she got his name right. She had talked to him before, but never had been too too close to him. "And don't worry about the cat, she's always pissy." Erika said, petting the cat.

When Willy brought up his party and her special invitation Erika felt nothing less then honored. Erika tried to keep her voice steady. "That sounds lovely." She said, putting the book she had been reading on the ground. "I would love to attend your party."
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 12:23 am

The deli was quiet....no, there was a strange noise, off in the backgroud.

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

Leaky faucet, probably.


Alex was probably visibly shaking, although he really wouldn't know. Not like he'd ever been given the benefit of looking at himself in a mirror.

"I, um..." he tried to sense the answer, but sadly her aura was nothing more than a roughly humanoid glow, a burn amidst the darkness. He sensed greyness and blackness around her, the void where nothing but the traces of emotions past were, but he couldn't exactly pinpoint her outline entirely. Maybe with focus, if she was still, and he wasn't distracted...

Okay. People had a godawful tendency to fuck with him, which probably explained the social isolation. Often times, they pretended to walk off and were rather irritated when he knew they were still there (admittedly, the clairvoyance helped), but this was beyond his psychic ability's gathering. He could perhaps sense her emotions for what she wanted to answer, but likely not in the amount of time to suit her.

"You are..." he had a very sudden urge, he could sense her, her hand was SO close, to just reach out and grab her hand and feel for himself, but he knew that would likely just enrage her, and he'd probably wind up being beaten with his own stick.

As a precaution, he reached up and scratched the side of his head-innocent enough, but if he needed, he was prepared to rip off these bandages and gaze.

Tick-tock, blind boy. Alex had no idea.

"Three fingers?" Damn, I wish I was a bat. I could use echolocation...echolocation. That's something to look into.
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Mr Allen J
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 11:41 am

Lash couldn't help but laugh at Alex. But within' a few seconds of laughing she stops and her facial expression reverts to a more disappointed face, clearly she had been hassling a poor blind kid over something that was clearly her fault. She tilts her head to look over his shoulder and says to him "Oh yeah yeah... you must really be blind. If you're so blind then why don't ya' got a seeing eye dog or someone to make sure you ain't walking into a construction site?"
She wasn't too mad about the thing due to that she was so excited about the party, and she wasn't in the mood for fighting too much right now. Besides, Alex was blind that would be the most one sided fight in history, and she liked fighting people who would at least put up some kind of a fight.
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Celo The Impossible
Celo The Impossible

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 12:46 pm

Lexy had been out of school for a while now, since she had chosen to skip the last day all together. She didn't really care. Besides, she had so many other fun things to do. She had decided to let her feet guide her to wherever they felt like going, not caring where she ended up at. Lexy eventually found herself at the secretive bar her friend owned. 'It's not very secretive when he tells everyone he meets about the place,' Lexy told herself. She giggled as she took a step in and examined the place. Som guy was outclassing everyone there at the darts game. Lexy smiled mischeviously as she walked up to him.

"I bet I could beat you at that," she challenged the man, who was clearly too bold and hard-headed. The man smiled, thinking he could get a prize out of it. "How about the loser pays the winner for all the drink I- I mean, he, asks for." Lexy smiled at the challenge. Clearly the man thought he was going to win. Time to prove him wrong. "Deal," she said, her curls bouncing up and down as she nodded. The man smiled while others shook their heads, clearly thinking Lexy was going to regret making the deal. She did look naive, wearing the floral dress with the young appearance in such a place. Lexy kept on smiling, trying to think of their reactions whenever she won.

The challenger popped his neck as he took the darts off the board. Lousy gettup, trying to look tough whenever you are mearly taking a few darts off a stinkin' board. He then stood about nine feet away from the board and threw the first dart. It missed the bull's eye completely. He threw the second dart. It landed beside the bull's eye, but only on the seven pointer line. Finally he made a bullseye on the final turn. Everyon cheered and hooted while Lexy kept her smile carved on her face. She walked up to the board and took the three darts off it. "Watch and learn," she said, as she went to the other side of the room, about six yards away. Lexy threw the first dart. Bull's eye. The man's eyes widened, but that was the only sign of suprise. Lexy then thre the second and third darts, both landing in the bull's eye, making a small circle form out of darts. She turned around and smirked at the man along with everyone else in the bar. All of their mouths were open in disbelief.

"I don't really want a drink right ow, but thanks for the game," Lexy smiled at the man as she walked out of the bar. Where to now? She walked to the park and sat down at the local fountain, smiling as beams of sunlight hit her face. Lexy noted that the mall was nearby. Maybe later she could go shopping, but right now she wasn't in the mood for shopping. Right now, Lexy just wanted to stay sitting on the edge of the cement fountain, letting the heat of the sunlight dance around her whole body, enveloping her in warmth. Lexy giggled, enjoying the feeling. Life was good.
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 3:09 pm

"Well, I, er..." Alex could sense she was powered, so he felt safe confiding with her. "I'm blind in the...normal sense, but I'm g-gifted. I'm clairvoyant...psychic. Psychic's the best way of saying it. Like...." he turned his head and sensed to his right. "There's three people over there...and a flock of birds overhead." he turned his head back and very nearly faceplanted over another crack in the sidewalk.

"Agggh!" stopping himself with his cane, Alex righted himself and took a moment.

"As you can see it isn't exactly foolproof. Although a Seeing Eye dog would be nice..." he vaguely wondered if the whole dogs-pick-up-chicks thing was true. Being blind hadn't exactly worked as a pity magnet so far...

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Mr Allen J
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 8:57 pm

"Clairvoyant, huh? Are you going to tell me my future?" Lash says to Alex, crossing her arms yet again. She throws a quick look behind her to see the three people, she rubs her chin ((while still crossed)), then looks up in the air and sees the flock. A thought ran through her head "Shiiiit, the kid must be special after all... " . But suddenly before she can follow up her previous statement, Alex falls to the ground before her. She just watched him, not trying in any way to see if he's alright or to help him up she simply just rolls her eyes up into his head. But she couldn't stomach not saying absolutely nothing, she was quick to anger and aggressive but not a complete anti-social bitch, she rolled her eyes up into her head again saying in a annoyed tone "Hey kid, are you okay? Just to let ya know, I'm a super human too, super Strength and unbreakable skin." She smirks and uncrosses her arms and says "How cool is that?..."


Victor was nearly done his training session, the amount of sword swinging action made him all sweaty. He raises his energy sword in the air as if he's going to stab something on the ground or deliver the killing blow to a downed enemy. He puts all of his force into the sword bringing it to the ground at the speed of lighting... but unfortunately once the blade was nearly about to hit the floor to the abandoned deli it evaporates into thin air because he used up all of the kinetic energy in his body. He falls over letting out a loud yell and lands face first on to the ground.
He raises himself to his knees then he brushes off the collective dust and dirt off of his face and looks around. "Maybe it's time for ye break, Vik..." He gets up to his feet then slowly walks over to the deli stand. He brushes aside some broken pieces of glass and sits down ((in that spot in the deli where the food should be)) and sat down staring at the floor. It still had the tiles and everything.
In case no one came to check in on the smashed in front door, he could use this place as a training hall, it definitely beats the woods.

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 9:10 pm

The eerie noise continued within the deli. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. The drips became increasingly spread out, until only once a minute, irregularly, the noise echoed through the derelict building.


"Pretty cool...bet you could win a lot of bar bets. I mean, not many Hells Angels think they'll lose an arm wrestling contest to a teenage girl, hehe. And I mean I g-guess I could tell your future, although it's not always accurate."

Alex, as far as he knew, was fairly accurate. He sometimes didn't understand his own prophecies, but he felt they were always dead-on. Of course, it didn't matter if he was unable to decipher them, but Alex trusted his gift. It had failed to let him down before, save for when his own self-doubt and worry had gotten in the way, Alex's second sight was far better than normal sight, in his opinion. Of course, he sensed that this girl wasn't in the mood to beat the fuck out of him, so that also helped things.

Knowing that she had incredible strength...he had to tread lightly. He was fairly confident his glare would work against her, however, but he didn't want to engage in a fight against a powered person.
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The Illusive Badger
The Illusive Badger

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeThu 31 May 2012, 10:00 pm


Wally gave Erika a small kiss on the cheek.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow night, then. Toodles!"

And with that, he was up in the air again, flying again.

I have described numerous times the elation that Wally felt when in the air, and I must add that perhaps a bit of the giddyness was due to his own speed and height. It struck a bit of fear into him, which only made it more satisfying. He liked his flight like he liked the powered girls- the more dangerous, the better. Although it would not have been very conducive to take too many risks at that moment- there was too much to do.

Flying over a local park, Wally noticed yet another one of his ViPs, and an opportunity to make quite the entrance. He had been spotted by a few people, but again, they had seen this song and dance before.

It was... Lexy? Lexy, yes. He had no idea what that was short for, but Lexy was a cute enough name. Wally had heard something about perfect aim, and his enguttered brain wondered how far that statement went. Regardless, it was always a good opportunity to impress. He only regretted that he was going to be awfully cold for the rest of his flights.

He swooped down dramatically, dive bombing part of the way, and then swerving towards Lexy, heading straight for her at about... five, perhaps four, miles per hour, a grin on his face. No time to really react.

Then he skidded to a stop in midair, and straightened up, letting himself fall to the ground.

"Lexy! Hello, how are youuuuuuwhoa."

The motion sickness kicked in, and Wally took a seat next to her on the fountain.

"Beautiful day, wouldn't you say?" he mumbled woozily.
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Mr Allen J
Mr Allen J

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeFri 01 Jun 2012, 10:00 am

The noise... that damned noise. It was really getting to Victor now, first he thought it could have been a rat colony or some animal. As cowardly as Victor was, he wanted to know what it was. Ghosts or horrible Leech Abominations don't exist so he had nothing to truly fear. Getting up from the deli place or whatever he accidentally cuts his forearm on some glass he didn't move, it wasn't too bad but it was bleeding a little bit. He raises his arm to look at it, if only he didn't run out of kinetic energy. He could easily use it to heal the wound... but there's no use mulling over it.

He turns around and climbs over the Deli counter and slowly walks to the back door into the kitchen or whatever. The door was still intact fully so no need to knock it down. But once he grabs the knob the door falls off of it's hinges towards him and hits him right in the head hard and rests on top of him. Naturally he simply does nothing, not moving out of the way or trying to stop it. Why? Because he wanted to absorb the kinetic energy of the impact. He puts both hands on the door and pushes the brittle object off of him, making it fall into the kitchen.

Now wasn't the time to waste if he was going to find what ever was making that noise. In the kitchen or deli room, whatever. The Deli Slicers were left behind, despite everything else being gone. They were simply too cumbersome to take with who ever owns the place. The echoing was getting louder and clearly whatever was making the noise wasn't in this room, probably in the office or the freezer. But that didn't stop him from yelling into the abandoned building "Ye, anyone there? I ain't no git, thought I could'a get some practicin' done."


"Heh, I'm not even old enough to hit bars yet."
Lash stated as she folded her arms behind her head. She laughed a bit more and said "But hey, they probably would think so because I'm so big. If only you could see how short you are compared to me right now."

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeFri 01 Jun 2012, 3:24 pm

The noise stopped as soon as Victor screamed. In fact, in front of him, a good ten or twenty feet away, was a tiny puddle. Black liquid, reflceting the flickering lights of the abandoned deli. The puddle almost seemed....alive, in a way, and unnaturally, it slowly began to trickle off, like a spiderweb of black blood, it began to spread into seven or eight streams, slowly draining the puddle. The now dry floor seemed stained, even though the liquid had gone and the bizarre streams gone off into the other parts of the deli.

Then, a few feet behind Victor, there was an echo of a splash, as if the noise had started up again. But across the walls, the liquid began to crawl up the walls, etching out letters and words. It pooled together into a puddle, clinging to the wall, before it split into concrete words and letters.


The ink began to diffuse back into a crack in the wall, leaving it bone dry, but unnaturally dark, darker than before.


"Yeah, I've been told I'm kinda short." Alex sensed she was lightening up, although the laugh was obvious enough of an indication. Her aura was flickering, changing: she was a bit happier, and didn't seem quite as intent on, say, something violent. And he could perceive the nature of her power, now, the skin and the strength, it was flexing and flickering under her aura, swirling beneath the red and grey.

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Mr Allen J
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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeFri 01 Jun 2012, 6:27 pm

Something was clearly wrong in that damned Deli. Victor shot around as quickly as he could pointing his now pulsing hand at the blob or whatever. He had very little kinetic energy in his body so the best he could do is hope he hit something important and run. He couldn't follow every single one of the streams of the liquid so he focuses on one stream... following it to the wall. It was getting stranger by the second.
He jolts back as they words disappear, over come with much fear. Could it have been anything at this point. Victor certainly didn't want to find out what exactly made this. But out of curiosity instead of fear, he noticed that the wall was blacker. "Aye... I'm gonna be regrettin' this lata..." the thought ran through his head as he walked over to it and put his hand on it ignoring the fear inside of him.
He pulls his hand back and examines it. Some of the liquid was on the palm of his hand, making it darker.
Looking around the room some more, he looks at his hand some more, then his hand starts pulsing a bright green. "What eva is in here ain't gonna be no good for ye." quietly says to himself.

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Celo The Impossible
Celo The Impossible

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PostSubject: Re: Another Crack in the Sidewalk   Another Crack in the Sidewalk I_icon_minitimeSat 02 Jun 2012, 1:29 pm

Lexy smiled, seemingly unaffected by Wally being airborne.  

"I'm fine, and yah, it's a beautiful day today.". She paused before adding in, "how are you?"

Lexy stared at the sky, examining the way it was so empty and peaceful.  She closed her eyes, enjoying the outdoors.

"So you can fly, huh?" 

That was pretty cool.  She go stuck with a power you would need a knife for or something.  Lexy thought Wally's power seemed more fun.  Oh, well.  Better to not be jealous and just enjoy the sunny day.  Yep, that was a better alternative.  
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